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Statement on Solidarity with American Students' Struggle for Justice

China Yan'an Spirit Research · 2024-05-13 · source:  China Yan'an Spirit Research Association Shandong Group
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  Today, it is absolutely certain that colonialism, imperialism and all systems of exploitation are rotten, that rotten systems cannot exist and must be overthrown, and that it is not far from the time when all the oppressed nations and peoples of the world must be liberated.

  On April 18, 2024, the activities held by the students of Columbia University in the United States to protest against the war policy of the U.S. government and to support the just struggle of the Palestinian people against the genocide of Israel were brutally suppressed by the U.S. police in a bloody crackdown, and more than 100 students were arrested. The world was shocked by the news. Students from dozens of universities, including Harvard University, Yale University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, the University of California, Boston University, the University of North Carolina and others, responded by joining the protests against the war policies of the United States, in support of the Palestinian people's just struggle against genocide, and in solidarity with the arrested students at Columbia University, and were then followed by a large number of arrests of a large number of students.

  The American students, “independent and alone”, were brutally suppressed by the United States police when they expressed their protests in a peaceful manner because they were dissatisfied with the war policies of the United States Biden administration and the genocidal massacres being carried out by the Israeli Government against the Palestinian people. Such a cruel fact has profoundly educated the majority of students in the U.S., and will surely stir up a new storm of anti-violence among them, which is incomparable to the role and effect of education in other ways. The Biden government, which is at the tip of the storm, is evil and shaky, and is in a state of fear.

  The righteous struggle of the American students has demonstrated the powerful force of the American people in their pursuit of justice, and they will surely write their own splendid life and glorious history with their heroic, indomitable, tenacious and thorough struggle. This incident shows that the U.S. imperialists, who are strong on the outside and weak on the inside, are afraid of the American Negroes on the one hand and the American students on the other.

  This storm of student struggle is even more politically significant as it is taking place at the juncture of the current presidential election in full swing in the United States. The two old men, Biden and Trump, are fighting it out for the presidency. This has further aggravated the domestic conflicts in the United States, aggravated the already exceptionally serious political and economic crisis in the United States, and dealt a heavy blow to the Biden administration, which is stuck in a quagmire and cannot extricate itself.

  The Biden administration's war policy of supporting Israel's genocide against the Palestinian people is well known to the world. The war policy of the United States, which is derived from the colonialist and imperialist system, is extremely reactionary, corrupt and inhumane. Over the years, United States imperialism has been able to grow and maintain its huge empire by making a fortune from war. “The world's riches are plundered and plundered, but gold flowers bloom on Wall Street.”

  Students always have a sense of justice, gather endless strength and carry the hope of the nation. The corrupt and rotten colonialist and imperialist system of the United States has never been able to suppress the student movement, and will surely end with the awakening and struggle of the American people. The activities of American students protesting against the war policy of the U.S. government and supporting the just struggle of the Palestinian people against genocide are just struggles. The contradiction between the masses of American students and the American ruling clique is a class contradiction. This struggle of the American students is not only a struggle for justice, but also a new clarion call of the entire exploited and oppressed American people against the brutal rule of the monopolizing bourgeoisie. It is a great support and inspiration for the struggle of the people all over the world against U.S. imperialism, and for the struggle of the oppressed nations and oppressed people against U.S. imperialism.

  This American student struggle is gaining more and more sympathy and support from the American people and progressives. The U.S. student struggle will certainly combine with the U.S. workers' movement to finally put an end to the criminal rule of the U.S. monopoly bourgeoisie. Only by overthrowing the reactionary rule of the U.S. monopoly bourgeoisie and destroying the colonialist and imperialist system will the U.S. students be able to achieve complete victory and liberation.

  The American students, who are innocent of holding this just struggle, have been brutally suppressed in blood by the American police, the guilty American police. We express our firm support for the just struggle of the American students, our strong condemnation of the U.S. police who brutally suppressed the students, and our strong opposition to the war policy of the Biden administration.

  At present, the U.S. imperialists are brewing a new and bigger war for their own interests. American students are aware of “the changes in everything” and are keenly aware of the dangers of war. The struggle of the American students for justice is an integral part of the general struggle of the people of the world against United States imperialism, and an integral part of the contemporary world revolution.

  We call upon all the oppressed nations and peoples of the world to unite heroically and tenaciously, to act righteously, to “fight against lawlessness and injustice,” and to give strong solidarity to the just struggle of the American students! The people of the world should unite more closely to launch a sustained and fierce attack on our common enemy, U.S. imperialism and its accomplices, so as to put an end as soon as possible to the Israeli-Palestinian and Russian-Ukrainian wars instigated by the U.S. imperialists and to the hegemonic rule of U.S. imperialism at the earliest possible time!

  Today, it is absolutely certain that colonialism, imperialism and all systems of exploitation are rotten, that rotten systems cannot continue to exist and must be overthrown, and that all the oppressed peoples and oppressed people of the world must be turned over and liberated, which is not far away.

  --China Yan'an Spirit Research Association Shandong Group


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