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红石译 · 2006-09-04 · 来源:国际尼泊尔团结网站
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问:People supported the 12-point understanding of November 2005,between the Maoists and the Seven Party Alliance (SPA), and came on to the streets demanding the abolition of monarchy. It is felt that the agreement of April 25 is incomplete. However, you have come overground and talks are now on. How are things proceeding?


答:At the time we forged the understanding with the SPA in November 2005,we had foreseen the sequence of events. That is why we strongly opposed the demand for the restoration of Parliament as a slogan in the movement. We tried to convince the SPA to move directly towards an interim government and elections for the Constitutional Assembly (CA). The Nepali Congress, specifically Girija Prasad Koirala, disagreed. We already guessed at that time that this slogan of reinstatement of the House of Representatives (HoR) might leave a loophole for the king to take advantage. And this reinstated HoR may be the tool for the leaders of the political parties to reach an agreement with the king. We suspected then that such possibilities would dilute the achievements of the movement. Because of our suspicions of these dangers and our observations, we did not accept the slogans of the SPA when we agreed to enter into an understanding. Our party was well aware that the politics in Nepal was like a frozen pond that needed to be destroyed in order to open the way for a new political environment.If it develops accordingly, then further understanding may develop for the election of the CA and the institutionalisation of Loktantrik Ganatantra (democratic republic). If things don’t happen according to our thinking, then this understanding will create a greater people’s movement. If one or another party betrays the movement, they would be left exposed to the masses politically, paving the way for the third phase of the movement to come into play. So, that was our firm belief. Observing and analysing this situation, we reached the understanding. Now, we are at the crossroads.



问:On the eight-point agreement of May 16, 2006 between the Maoists and the SPA, some newspapers commented on this as the formation of a new front, but it was opposed by the leaders of the political parties from the very next day itself.The present situation appears pretty much the same as on May 16. What are the contradictions and hurdles that created such circumstances?


答:Of course, the eight-point agreement of Baluwatar was a very important

understanding. The Baluwatar Agreement untied the knot of Nepali politics which was an obstacle since the 1950s. For the first time, the eight point

agreement had created a political arrangement for realising the right of the people in its true sense. It could be said that Parliament was the venue for foreign powers to play their role. The next place is the palace. When the political role of the palace and Parliament remains constant, then people never get their rights. We fought every time, but power remained in the same place. The Baluwatar Agreement clearly demonstrated the power beyond Parliament. It indicated the decisiveness of the State power in the hands of revolutionary people. The seven parties and we signed this agreement.

We understood it as a great event in the process of historical resolution.

When this agreement was made public, and when I appealed to the people through the press conference that we are moving towards a new experiment, then influential power centres, especially the United States, suddenly felt great pain. The very next day I heard that the US has been making provocative statements, saying that the entire country had followed the Maoists’ agenda. Second, Delhi went cold with fear. That was because during the Delhi visit of Koirala he had reached an understanding for not dissolving Parliament. Ten days later, we reached an agreement on the dissolution of Parliament. When Delhi asked them, “What did you do?” then the leaders of the parties, who are actually more dependent on foreigners, started crying the next morning. This is the real cause. Their mouths have opened here, but the reality is that only after Delhi and Washington started speaking the real problem commenced.


问:There are differences between your party and the SPA. How will your party and SPA protect the past understandings? How are you proceeding?


答:When dissenting voices began to emerge against the agreement, a distorted agenda emerged from new quarters. We reflected that this might have happened because of the lack of homework and the hurriedness of the process. We then came back and talked intensively to the parties. We talked informally with the CPN (UML) and the NC in the Godavari resort and similarly with other parties. We tried to streamline all procedures which had gone astray. We talked with seven-eight senior leaders of the NC and UML leadership, where talks on every issue went smoothly. To avoid differences, we agreed to return the property of concerned persons by accepting a mechanism.But the major issue of politics was never resolved. While all this was going on, the Congress parliamentary party passed the resolution against the eight-point agreement. We have observed that the problem will not be resolved by talking, because the key to the problem lies somewhere else. As we said earlier at the time of Sher Bahadur Deuba, that “nothing will be resolved by talking to the servant, we need to talk to the real master”. Things are looking similar even today. We think the parties and leaders are like servants, while the masters are living abroad. That is why I announced on July 28, 2006


问:You earlier talked about an October revolution, now you are appealing to the people to prepare for a peaceful movement. What message will go after this contradictory appeal?


答:What did the two of you understand from our appeal? In our understanding, when people ask us that Maoists are at the negotiation table while simultaneously preparing for a peaceful uprising, we don’t have an appropriate answer. The fact is that in its essence, it is both. We came here thinking that we will succeed in the agenda of creating a democratic republic through peaceful means and should try for this. It is not as though we came to the negotiating table with an uprising as the prime agenda. We are in the committee for the Interim Constitution and the talks committee. Our headquarters is also involved here in the political interactions for over a month-and-ahalf. On the basis of ten years of people’s war (PW), it is possible to go into peaceful transformation. The PW influenced the 12-point understanding and we can proceed to the October revolution in a peaceful way. If the parties had waited for two more days and not stalled the movement by accepting the April 24- 25, (11 Baisakh) announcement, the October revolution might have happened right then. Everyone knows that accepting the 11 Baisakh announcement was the result of a clandestine agreement between the SPA, the king and India. If the acceptance was deferred by two days, millions of people were advancing towards the Narayanhiti Palace. That momentum was there. Everyone knows that. If that process was not thwarted, the October revolution might have been heralded. It is possible to advance that process even through the people’s referendum and CA elections. We are focusing our attention on political transformation through peaceful means. However, in the end I have to say that if this government engages in a conspiracy against the people’s aspirations and if it plots with the high command of the old army, if they get intimidated by its generals, and if they want to advance and survive by being the brokers of the generals, then the Nepali people will revolt. We will be in favour of such a revolt.


问:You accuse the seven parties, their government and the outside powers

of obstructing political transformation. They say that you and the arms

of the Maoists are the obstruction. Don’t you think you have to assure

people and other parties by agreeing to the management of your arms?


答:At this moment this is being raised as the most important question. How

Nepali politics will advance, depends on this question. We do not want to put any obstacles in the path of weapons’ management. We have said, both in the 12-point understanding and the eight-point agreement, that both the armies and their arms have to be immobilised under the monitoring and cooperation of the UN. Then, keeping the mandate and spirit of the outcome of the CA

elections, we have to reorganise the armies to make one national army. We are committed to this. However, now the seven parties have moved back a little bit from this understanding, and are raising the issue of our arms as the only obstacle to the process of political transformation. Foreign powers, such as the US and its envoy James Moriarty, are presenting it as though our arms are the only problem. The central issue of whether Nepali people have reached the point of real democracy or not rests here. From 1950 to now, which was the army that on each and every occasion suppressed the people’s movement? And which was the army that played a crucial role in breaking Gyanendra’s authoritarianism and bringing the movement to this stage? If the People’s Army was not a people’s army, then the 12-point understanding would not have been possible. Showing the February municipal elections to be a sham to the world was also the work of the People’s Army. Later, the People’s Army played a critical role in ensuring the mass general strike. The People’s Army is responsible for the reinstatement of the present HoR. Or is it that the Royal Army reinstated the HoR? Despite this fact, despite our remaining flexible, despite our saying that make arrangements for the two armies, and even after the agreement reached in Baluwatar, the parties are still going back. If we decommission and disarm, and the Royal Army remains in the same position, then what will happen? What is our thinking? That only if the People’s Army exists, will the people’s movement remain secure and protected? The Royal Army, even if it tries, cannot quell the nationwide presence and stronghold of the People’s Liberation Army, with its seven divisions.


问:The fear of the parties is that how will the competition in elections between an arms-bearing party and unarmed parties be equal and fair?


答:We are saying that our weapons will be under observation of the UN.

After that, we will also not have weapons, is it not? It is not like we will seek votes bearing weapons; we will go like the other parties go. Our PLA will be in the barracks and camps under observation of the UN.


问:There are allegations against you of violating the 25-point code during

ceasefire. There are allegations of not returning houses and property that your party seized, of beating, abduction and continuing the collection of donation.


答:Whatever the parties are alleging on this is only pretence. If journalists and human rights activists raise this, it is might be valid. There have been some mistakes on our part, but, equally, we are working to correct these. Why I say that the parties, claims are a deception is because the parties cannot even agree to a common mechanism to solve such issues. If they had agreed to immediately move towards an interim Constitution and interim government, then automatically the people’s courts and people’s government would have been dissolved. After that if any incident took place, we would have investigated and conducted disciplinary proceedings. Whatever the parties are saying, it’s pretence. It appears that they are merely following the orders of Washington.



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声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:青木








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