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佚名 · 2005-09-05 · 来源:国际在线
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另一方面,前尼泊尔政府人口和环境大臣,反对人民战争的主要议会党派之一尼泊尔共产党(联合马列)的领导人,已经投靠了毛主义者。这个消息是引自在尼泊尔主流新闻媒体上公布的其家人的描述。在8月28日,尼泊尔新闻网站(nepalnews.com)上,失踪已经几个月的Ambika Sanwa探望自己在东部地区的Khoklang村的家庭并告知家人他已经自愿加入了毛派。他的家人说他拒绝了向政府自首的乞求。









在印度,自从印度毛主义行动中心和印度共产党(马列)[人民战争]在去年9月份合并以来,反动的扩张主义统治阶级便发动了全国范围的“围剿”,野蛮镇压印度共产党(毛泽东主义)领导的人民战争。他们不断宣传从尼泊尔根据地绵延到Andhra Pradesh游击区的所谓“紧密革命区”,把这条长长的武装斗争的红色走廊视为“严重威胁”。他们大大提高了对纳萨尔派的镇压力量,聚集大量现代化装备的经过特殊训练的军队,必要的地方使用直升机,并伴以一系列所谓改革来抢夺毛主义者的群众。人民的民主声音被压制了,在武装斗争和民族运动影响下的广大地域,印度宪法所赋予人民的基本权利被践踏在脚下。统治阶级也加强了对各种形式的民主斗争和反帝运动的打击。



我们听到令人悲痛的消息——2005年6月16/17日,帝国主义的奴仆、土耳其法西斯政权,在土耳其Dersim区Mercan屠杀了17位毛主义革命者,其中包括毛泽东主义共产党[土耳其—北库尔德斯坦]的总书记Cafer Cang?z同志。我们谴责这一卑鄙的冷血的谋杀。人民的伟大领袖和战士为了土耳其新民主主义革命、社会主义和共产主义事业——这也是国际无产阶级革命的一部分——而献出了自己的生命。



普拉昌达 戛纳帕蒂
主席 总书记
中央委员会 中央委员会
尼泊尔共产党(毛泽东主义) 印度共产党(毛泽东主义)


In honour of comrade Cang?z and the other fallen heroes:
The fruits of their sacrifice will emerge from the seeds of proletarian revolution

The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement is grief-stricken and angered by the vicious killing of General Secretary Cafer Cang?z and 16 other comrades of the Maoist Communist Party [Turkey-North Kurdistan] (MKP) at the hands of the reactionary Turkish army.

Three attack helicopters and over a thousand soldiers participated in what was really just an airborne massacre completely disproportionate to the small guerrilla contingent defending the leading comrades. The helicopter gunships and bombs that struck down comrade Cang?z and the other comrades and other electronic devices used to locate them are among the most advanced weaponry in the world. This shows how low the ruling classes in Turkey are ready to go in dealing with the peoples of Turkey and their best daughters and sons. These brutal reactionaries and their imperialist masters have real fears because they know they are deeply hated by the workers, peasants, oppressed nationalities and revolutionary intellectuals and democratic forces throughout the country. Without the all-around support of world imperialism, especially the US and its military arsenal, the Turkish ruling class could not survive a single day.

General Secretary Cafer Cang?z and comrade Aydin Hanbayat, the Deputy General Secretary, along with the other comrades Okan Unsal, Ali Riza Sabur, Alattin Ates, Cemal Cakmak, Berna Sagili Unsal, Kenan Cakici, Okkes Karaoglu, Taylan Yildiz, Ibrahim Akdeniz, Binali Guler, Dursun Turgut, Gulnaz Yildiz, Cagdas Can, Ahmet Perktas and Ersin Kantar were on their way to the location where the second congress of the MKP was to be convened when they were encircled and attacked by the Turkish army from land and air.

Comrade Cang?z was well known to the enemy. He struggled for decades for the liberation of the peoples of Turkey as part of the world proletarian revolution. He spent more than ten years in the Turkish dungeons. In prison he was a daring and inspiring model of resistance and defiance and was loved by the imprisoned revolutionaries and hated by the prison authorities. Even while imprisoned, this comrade paid a great deal of attention to the problems of the communist movement in Turkey and internationally. After his release from prison in 2002 he played a key role in organising the founding congress of the MKP and in forging the political line adopted at that congress, an historic event which fought to consolidate a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist understanding in the party. Since the first congress, comrade Cang?z had been fighting to reorganise and strengthen the party and bring about a breakthrough in waging people's war.

Comrade Cang?z was a firm supporter of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Under his leadership the party strengthened its ties with the Movement even more and played a more vigorous role in the international movement.

The loss of comrade Cang?z and the other senior comrades and fighters is a tragic loss to the revolution in Turkey and worldwide. But they did not die in vain. The fruits of their sacrifice and struggle will emerge from the seeds of proletarian revolution, which have been sown widely and deeply among the masses of all nationalities in Turkey and live on in their hearts and minds.

The enemy hoped to crush the MKP but the party, surrounded by the masses supporting it wholeheartedly, has begun the hard task of transforming grief and anger into scientific revolutionary plan. The enemy hoped to strike fear into the masses in Turkey, but already thousands are defying them by honouring the fallen comrades, in Dersim, Istanbul, Ankara and other cities in Turkey and Europe.

We call on all of the proletarian revolutionaries in Turkey to rally around the MKP in this time of great grief and difficulty, rise to the new challenges, take on new responsibilities and carry forward the work that our fallen comrades had begun.

The comrades in Turkey played an important role in forging RIM as the embryonic centre of the world's Maoist forces. One of the tasks of this centre is to help strengthen the Maoist parties and organisations. The Committee of RIM pledges to stand shoulder to shoulder with the MKP as the party struggles to overcome this loss step by step and achieve as soon as possible the breakthroughs in revolutionary struggle that the masses in Turkey so desperately need.

As Mao Tsetung put it, "Fight, fail, fight again, fail again, fight again... till their victory; that is the logic of the people." No matter how great the enemy's military might, the strength of the tens of millions of the oppressed and exploited masses in Turkey, once they are fully unleashed and organised in revolutionary struggle, will prove to be stronger. The ugly, vicious ruling classes of Turkey and their imperialist masters will ultimately be swept away by people's war, opening the door to a beautiful future in Turkey and all over the world, the communist world that comrade Cafer Cang?z and the other fallen heroes gave their lives to bring about.

The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement
June 24, 2005


Statement from RCP,USA

On the Loss of Comrade Cafer Cang?z and 16 Other Comrades of the Maoist Communist Party [Turkey and North Kurdistan]
Revolution #008, July 17, 2005, posted at revcom.us

It is with great sadness that the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA learned of the killing of Comrade Cafer Cang?z and sixteen other comrades at the hands of the reactionary Turkish army. The revolutionary struggles in Turkey and the United States both face the common, oppressive force of imperialism and share the final goal of achieving communism throughout the world. Our two parties are both participants in the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. The RCP,USA joins with the thousands in Turkey and all over the world in denouncing this cowardly massacre and honoring the memory of the fallen comrades.

Communists live in different countries, but share a common revolutionary vision: the emancipation of all of humanity, by the masses themselves, everywhere, from exploitation, oppression and social inequality. When this revolutionary cause advances in any one country, comrades everywhere share in the joy. And when comrades give their lives in the struggle, we share in the bitterness.

Although the Turkish ruling class has a huge military, armed to the teeth by U.S. imperialism, terror and repression alone cannot forever stem the revolutionary aspirations of the masses in Turkey. Although the road is difficult and full of sacrifice and hardship, the people, with the leadership of their communist vanguard, can forge their way to final victory.

Comrade Cafer Cang?z led the First Congress of the MKP which opened the door in the communist movement in Turkey to a critical reexamination of the past weaknesses and a fresh approach to the problems of making revolution. The greatest way of honoring Comrade Cang?z’s memory is to carry forward the process which began under his leadership. We are confident that armed with the ever vibrant and constantly developing science of Marxism-Leninism- Maoism your party will overcome this bitter blow, turn grief into strength and advance the cause of the revolution.

Central Committee
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA


「 支持!」



声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:荷戟








  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
  1. 你搞一次个人崇拜试试,看看有多少人会崇拜你?看看你搞得出来吗?
  2. 为什么批评西方的他们都“意外死亡”了?
  3. 毛主席像事件:美策动,迫使中国放弃毛泽东思想!
  4. 侯立虹|谁在动摇“两个毫不动摇”?
  5. 以色列会亡国吗?
  6. 从两处战火看东方和西方思维方式
  7. 司马南:美国为什么没能把巴基斯坦彻底拉过去?
  8. 这才是最难打的战争,国安部门刚发出积极信号
  9. 郭松民 | 评普京年度记者会:“过度轻信”及其他
  10. 大陆认定台湾设置贸易壁垒,惠台政策即将终结
  1. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  2. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 这是一股妖风
  5. 你搞一次个人崇拜试试,看看有多少人会崇拜你?看看你搞得出来吗?
  6. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
  7. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  8. 亵渎中华民族历史,易某天新书下架!
  9. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  10. ​吴铭:为什么不从所有制角度分析问题呢
  1. 张勤德:坚决打好清算胡锡进们的反毛言行这一仗
  2. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  3. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  4. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  5. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  6. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  7. 这轮房价下跌的影响,也许远远超过你的想象
  8. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  9. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  10. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
  1. 在蒙受冤屈的八年中,毛泽东遭受了三次打击
  2. 痛心,反华润人丁一多因强奸被捕,哈哈!
  3. 铁穆臻|今年,真正的共产主义者,要理直气壮纪念毛泽东!
  4. 《邓选》学习 (十一)发展速度
  5. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!