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Commemorating the 206th anniversary of Marx's birth

Gabriel Martinez · 2024-05-10 · source: 投稿
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  Today holds profound significance as we commemorate the birthday of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism and a pivotal leader in the international communist movement.

  Marx's critical analyses of traditional German philosophy, English political economy, and French utopian socialism provided the first scientific explanation of capitalism's contradictions. He established the principles of dialectical and historical materialism, explained the law of surplus value, and scientifically demonstrated how capitalist society will inevitably be replaced by socialist and communist societies. Marx transformed socialism from a utopian dream into a science.

  The establishment of Marxist ideology marked a pivotal development in the revolutionary proletariat's struggle, offering them a revolutionary and scientific ideology to guide their fight for liberation.

  Marxism emerged amid intense ideological battles, and Marx had to contend with various misguided thoughts and ideologies to affirm it as the revolutionary ideology of the proletariat.

  Following Marx, his work was advanced by other great leaders of the revolutionary proletariat. Lenin, building on Marx’s worldview, formulated new theories that led to the establishment of the Soviet Union—the first socialist state in history. The success of the Soviet Union and subsequent socialist states, including the People's Republic of China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, demonstrated the validity of Marx's ideas. Notably, leaders such as Mao Zedong played crucial roles in the development of scientific socialism, especially after Josef Stalin's death.

  These leaders and the significant international movement they spearheaded have fundamentally challenged the foundations of the traditional world and capitalism, all initiated by Karl Marx. To this day, Marx remains the undisputed leader of the international proletariat.

  Currently, we live in a period marked by the intensifying contradictions of imperialism. In the central capitalist countries, conflicts between the monopolistic bourgeoisie and the working masses are growing; in countries oppressed by imperialism, the contradictions between the nation and imperialism are also intensifying, paving the way for a resurgence of popular struggles. The unilateral dominance of American imperialism is increasingly questioned globally, and new generations are emerging with a keen interest in studying and applying Marxist theory.

  Despite significant setbacks, notably the dissolution of the Soviet Union due to revisionist leadership within its Communist Party, Marxist intellectuals are regrouping and developing new analyses to guide future revolutionary struggles.

  Furthermore, in future socialist endeavors, the legacy of Karl Marx will continue to illuminate the proletariat's path toward building a society free from the exploitation of man by man.


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