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新民学生 · 2009-04-19 · 来源:
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【1】       原文为”terror”,可能主要指的是斯大林的大清洗运动给人民带来的恐惧。

【2】       原文为”The Great Projects”,应该是特指,由于本人对苏联历史不熟,只好按字面翻译为“大项目”。





     I am glad to welcome you to this modest site. I have tried to assemble here a small legacy of songs left from the Soviet era. All of them were at once widely known and popular in the cities and towns of our glorious Motherland.
     Some of these songs, even now, are known to practically everyone who has been born and raised in the   USSR   and other socialistic countries. Others, on the contrary, have been long forgotten, during the course of time.


     These songs are a monument to our not too distant past, during which   USSR   tried to build a new socialist society. It was an interesting time, a time not only of terror and the Gulags, but of "The Great Projects", enthusiasm, victories, and faith in a "bright future for all of humanity." Even regardless of the fact that in the present day, a few of these songs are able to at least bring a smile to one's face, I am convinced that we should not deny that which is a part of our history and culture.  


A few words to the foreign visitor: 

     You are browsing a resource which is devoted first of all to the history and culture of the  Soviet Union , the country which the West for a long time usually named as "The Empire of Evil", the country to which some people in the West perceive as "something big and snowy".
     I offer you to try to look outside the frames of usual stereotypes, to try to understand life of a unique country, with its interesting history, beautiful culture and miraculous relations between people.
     The music submitted on this site - is an evident sample of a totally new culture, which completely differs from all that, with what   Hollywood   and MTV supply us so much. This culture, being free from the cult of money , platitude, violence and sex, was urged to not indulge low bents of a human soul but to help the person to become culturally enriched and to grow above himself.
     Cheerful and optimistically by its nature, the Soviet music was spreading a cult of friendship, collectivism, mutual assistance and respect to the working people. Not all songs appeared to be praiseworthy; also some unsuccessful things came alone. But nevertheless it is possible to tell with confidence, that the purposes, which were set upon the Soviet culture, namely spiritual education of the new, Soviet person, were achieved in much ways.


     I would like to appeal individually to those young russian people who were raised and educated during the course of the last ten years by completely different values than those of their fathers.   

     The contents of this web page may seem to you to be, as they say "old rubbish" or else simply nonsense. Please don't be hasty to abuse this site with harsh words and then go off to a favourite porn site. No one attempts to bind you with his/her views or persuasions. This site only serves as a reminder of a past epoch, of a country, which independently and heroically attempted to build a "bright future". This site reminds us, as well, of its people.
     Please listen to the music, read deeply into the song lyrics and try to understand, what people lived with during that time: what did they breathe, and what did they strive for?   






「 支持!」



声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:heji








  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
  1. 欧洲金靴|教育之乱,祸起萧墙
  2. 星话大白|越南
  3. 李昌平:我的困惑(五)
  4. 是右就必须反,必须批
  5. 邓论学习 (十二) 是四人帮搞的“血统论”吗?
  6. 胡锡进为什么总改不了阴阳怪气的老毛病
  7. 谭吉坷德|决战,或许正在悄然开始
  8. 对菲律宾斗争的关键是,让它的挑衅得不偿失
  9. 戴雨潇:疑似国家公务人员雇水军散布假信息操纵舆论
  10. 到底是谁在夸《新闻女王》?
  1. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  2. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  5. 这是一股妖风
  6. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  7. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  8. 亵渎中华民族历史,易某天新书下架!
  9. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
  10. 天眸|人民正在期待 ——“第一主人公”毛主席的影视
  1. 张勤德:坚决打好清算胡锡进们的反毛言行这一仗
  2. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  3. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  4. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  5. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  6. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  7. 这轮房价下跌的影响,也许远远超过你的想象
  8. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  9. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  10. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
  1. 在蒙受冤屈的八年中,毛泽东遭受了三次打击
  2. 大快人心,知名“电子宠物”在美落网
  3. 铁穆臻|今年,真正的共产主义者,要理直气壮纪念毛泽东!
  4. 《邓选》学习 (十一)发展速度
  5. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!