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资料披露美国“非常规战”细节 马来西亚正上演

奈尔•鲍威 · 2012-12-08 · 来源:环球视野
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  《TC 18-01特种部队非常规战》(TC 18-01 SPECIAL FORCES UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE)发布在美国军队的官方网站上,只有美国政府的授权官员才能查看(目前已经可以获取泄露文件的副本)。[1]该文件意义重大,因为它给出了华盛顿“非常规战”及其策略实施的详细步骤。这份手册阐明了美国实施对外政策免受任何处罚,旨在非法干涉他国内政,目的是破坏政权稳定和建立新秩序,以进一步扩张美国的经济利益。克里斯托夫•莱曼博士(Dr。 Christof Lehmann)是这样描述这份手册的:





  “使用限制:只有在确保技术信息或行动计划不会通过国际交换项目或以其他途径自动散播的情况下,美国政府机构及其合约商才有权使用。该决定确立于2010年8月1日。如对该文件有其他请求,须咨询美国陆军约翰•肯尼迪特战中心与学校(USAJFKSWCS)的指挥官,联系人:AOJK-DTD-SF, 2175 Reilly Road, Stop A, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000。”


  在国外公开的限制(FD 6):该手册已通过开发人员的审核,以及美国陆军约翰•肯尼迪特种作战中心与学校(USAJFKSWCS)权威国外公开部门的审阅,只可根据个别具体情况向外国学生发行。


















  如第一阶段所述,“外国赞助商采取心理攻势以团结反对现任政府的群体”,可以断定的是,这第一步已经尝试过。净选盟领导人安碧嘉(Ambiga Sreenevasan)很早之前就已承认,净选盟接受了“外国赞助商”的资金赞助,这些赞助商是“美国全国国际事务民主学会”(NDI)和“纽约开放社会研究所”(OSI)。

  此外,美国国家民主基金会(NED)每年向政治新闻网站《当今大马》提供10万美元(马币317260令吉)的资金赞助。《当今大马》被认为是马来西亚最支持反对派的新闻网站。该网站的首席执行员詹德兰(Premesh Chandran),是开放社会基金会(OPF)的受赠人,并利用索罗斯资助的东南亚出版基金会(Soros-funded Southeast Asian Press Alliance, SEAPA)提供的10万美元发起成立了该网站。美国国家民主基金会则向大马人民之声提供了9万美元(马币285516令吉)的资助。[6]无论知情还是不知情,这些组织机构均因拥护备受争议的政治主张,而获得了来自美国大使馆的资金支持。当然,发表异见的权利绝不应该被剥夺,尽管纳吉布•拉扎克政府放松了言论控制,已开始抛弃马哈蒂尔的管理模式,但是很多人仍然觉得这还不够。


  国际共和研究所(IRI)的负责人是美国参议院约翰•麦凯恩,他是美国和以色列军国主义的狂热支持者。国际共和研究所每年从美国国家民主基金会(NED)获得802122美元(即2544670人民币)赞助从事马来西亚计划。麦凯恩领导的国际共和研究所赞助了几个美国支持下的民间组织(NGO),特别是寻求“曝光选举舞弊行为”的独立选举委员会GOLOS,通过赞助这些机构,该研究所在质疑俄罗斯2011年总统选举的有效性上起到了决定性作用。国际共和研究所的行为遭到了俄罗斯立法委员和观察员团体的多方批评。俄罗斯观察员协会(Russian Observer Association Civil Control)的行政长官乔杰•弗奥多罗夫(Georgy Fyodorov)指出:





  [2] The Blueprint for the War Libya? NSNBC, February 21, 2012

  [3] AU: Libya rebels killing black workers, CBS News, August 29, 2011

  [4] Rebel Arms Flow Is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria, The New York Times, October 14, 2012

  [5] Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs, Reuters, April 30, 2012

  [6] Pro-Israel groups rooting for the Opposition, The Mole, September 27, 2012

  [7] Russian Press - Behind the Headlines, November 18, Ria Novosti, November 18, 2012

  Nile Bowie is a Kuala Lumpur-based American writer and photographer for the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, Canada。 He explores issues of terrorism, economics and geopolitics。




  Malaysia: Victim of America`s “Irregular Warfare” Ops?

  By Nile Bowie

  Global Research, December 01, 2012

  Region: Asia

  Theme: Intelligence

  The issue of civil society groups receiving foreign funding has been a major point of discussion in Malaysia during recent times, causing controversy and drawing criticism from activists to members of Parliament alike。

  Some activists tend to view Putrajaya`s investigation into rights advocacy groups like SUARAM (a noted recipient of foreign funding) as a desperate attempt to stifle dissent and attack civil society。 Former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has repeatedly warned of a foreign-funded destabilization campaign aimed at regime change in Malaysia - a claim that has been generally dismissed by Bersih goers and the like。

  With the nation`s 13th General Election looming, some see talk of “foreign plots” as tired rhetoric, while others fail to grasp the deeper machinations of foreign influence and do little more than finger pointing at political opponents。 In this instance, the pages of a leaked US military document provide valuable insight into the nature of “foreign plots” potentially aimed against Malaysia。

  “TC 18-01 SPECIAL FORCES UNCONVENTIONAL WARFARE” is listed on the US Army`s official website and can only be accessed by authorized officials within the American government (a leaked copy has been made available and can be viewed by clicking here)。 [1] The document is significant because it provides a step-by-step definition of Washington`s “irregular warfare” and unconventional warfare tactics。 The manual illustrates the sheer impunity with which the United States conducts its foreign policy, aimed at illegally interfering into the political affairs of foreign nations with an aim to destabilize and reorder them to further American economic interests; Dr。 Christof Lehmann describes the manual as:

  “…a step by step guide of how to create, manipulate, co-opt and make use of a countries population, persons of special interest inside the country as well as expatriates, organizations inside as well as outside the country, towards a subversion。 Beginning with manipulating dissent into demonstrations, the polarization of a population, riots and armed insurgencies that require action by security forces, and psychological warfare by means of media, step by step, in logical sequence, towards a full scale war, based on humanitarian principles and the pretext of bringing democracy and freedom。” [2]

  The targets of the above mentioned irregular warfare operations are those states that have been unwilling to align themselves with American diplomatic and economic interests or semi-compliant states that are strategically located and abundant in natural resources。

  The manual describes meticulously orchestrated covert operations that are conducted in phases; beginning with psychologically influencing the target population through foreign-funded dissident news media organizations。 Subsequently, targeted nations are infiltrated to provide training and equipment to dissident groups, until a political transition is imposed, by force if necessary。

  The manual is classified “Restricted” with a “Destruction Notice”, and for obvious reasons - its pages lay bare the illegal and brutal nature of US foreign policy by means of supporting insurgent groups that would otherwise be called “terrorist organizations” (emphasis added):

  “DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Distribution authorized to U。S。 Government agencies and their contractors only to protect technical or operational information from automatic dissemination under the International Exchange Program or by other means。 This determination was made on 1 August 2010。 Other requests for this document must be referred to Commander, United States Army John F。 Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, ATTN: AOJK-DTD-SF, 2175 Reilly Road, Stop A, Fort Bragg, NC 28310-5000。

  DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document。

  FOREIGN DISCLOSURE RESTRICTION (FD 6): This publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the United States Army John F。 Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School foreign disclosure authority。 This product is releasable to students from foreign countries on a case-by-case basis only。

  The Commander, United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), defines [Unconventional Warfare] UW as activities conducted to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power by operating through or with an underground, auxiliary, and guerrilla force in a denied area。 The intent of U。S。 [Unconventional Warfare] UW efforts is to exploit a hostile power`s political, military, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities by developing and sustaining resistance forces to accomplish U。S。 strategic objectives。 For the foreseeable future, U。S。 forces will predominantly engage in irregular warfare (IW) operations。”

  The ongoing conflict in Syria and the unrest that overthrew Muammar Gaddafi in Libya in 2011 are examples of the model proposed by this document being successfully utilized。 In both countries, American organizations such as the National Endowment for Democracy and others both financially and rhetorically supported political opposition and activist groups。 When protests in those countries gained momentum, reports of violence surfaced, often in the form of sniper fire, targeting both security personnel and civilians。 In Libya, rebel groups were armed by Western nations despite confirmed reports of jihadist and extremist groups being the central component of the armed resistance。 As a result, these armed militants did indeed topple the Libyan government, and have since been involved in racially motivated mass killings and the recent murder of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and four other American personnel in Benghazi。 [3] The same tactics have been used in Syria, where jihadist groups have received weapons from US allies such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and have reportedly used terrorist tactics such as bomb making and extrajudicial assassinations。 [4] [5] The “Phases of Unconventional Warfare” are described in the manual and exactly match the US protocol undertaken in both Libya and Syria:

  PHASE I: Preparation

  Resistance and external sponsors conduct psychological preparation to unify population against established government or occupying power and prepare population to accept U。S。 support。

  PHASE II: Initial Contact

  USG [United States Government] agencies coordinate with allied government-in-exile or resistance leadership for desired U。S。 support。

  PHASE III: Infiltration

  SF [Special Forces] team infiltrates operational area, establishes communications with its base, and contacts resistance organization。

  PHASE IV: Organization

  SF [Special Forces] team organizes, trains, and equips resistance cadre。 Emphasis is on developing infrastructure。

  PHASE V: Buildup

  SF [Special Forces] team assist cadre with expansion into an effective resistance organization。 Limited combat operations may be conducted, but emphasis remains on development。

  PHASE VI: Employment

  UW [Unconventional Warfare] forces conduct combat operations until linkup with conventional forces or end hostilities。

  PHASE VII: Transition

  UW [Unconventional Warfare] forces revert to national control, shifting to regular forces or demobilizing。

  Malaysia is not Syria or Libya; the social and political systems of these countries and their resistance movements are highly dissimilar and only so much can be taken from comparisons of this nature。 Even so, it is essentially confirmed that the agitation Malaysia has experienced is not intended to promote a genuine democratic framework; its purpose is the gradual installation of a national government that is friendly to American interests by coaxing social unrest and shaping popular sentiment。

  Just as described in Phase 1, “external sponsors conduct psychological preparation to unify population against established government,” it can be gathered that this first step has already been attempted。 Bersih coalition leader Ambiga Sreenevasan has long admitted that her organization receives financial assistance from “external sponsors,” namely, the US-based National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Open Society Institute (OSI)。

  The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) also annually provides ¥100,000 (RM 317,260) to political news website Malaysiakini, widely considered to be the nation`s most pro-opposition news outlet。 Premesh Chandran, Malaysiakini CEO, is a grantee of the Open Society Foundations and launched the news organization with a ¥100,000 grant from the Soros-funded Southeast Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA)。 NED also provides ¥90,000 (RM 285,516) to SUARAM。 [6] Knowingly, or unknowingly, these organizations have received financial support from the US Embassy due to the controversial political discourse they espouse。 Of course, the expression of dissent should never be denied, and although the Najib Razak administration has begun to move away from Mahathir`s administrative model by relaxing controls on expression, many still feel more can be done。

  If the United States is pursuing the kind of policy described in the Unconventional Warfare manual, one can understand how foreign-funded rights advocacy groups may be perceived as threatening to Malaysian authorities, regardless of the politics and values they preach。 Ostensibly, Malaysian authorities are concerned about the violence and insurrectionary behavior that have accompanied foreign-funded political movements in other countries once momentum built around them。 Malaysia would not likely fall victim to an insurgency campaign anywhere near the scale seen in Syria。 However, it would be unwise to dismiss the possibility of seeing the kind of violence that took shape in Thailand during the political unrest of 2010 if foreign elements continue to pursue “irregular warfare。” The possibility of political instability coming to fruition during the general election period may factor into explaining why the current government has not yet declared them。

  The International Republican Institute (IRI) is chaired by US Senator John McCain, an ardent supporter of American and Israeli militarism, and annually receives ¥802,122 (RM 2,544,670) from the NED for its Malaysian projects。 McCain`s IRI played a crucial role in casting doubt on the validity of Russia`s 2011 presidential elections by funding several US-backed NGOs, particularly GOLOS, an independent electoral commission seeking to “expose voting irregularities。” The conduct of the organization has generated widespread criticism from Russian lawmakers and observer groups。 Georgy Fyodorov, chief executive of Russian Observer Association Civil Control stated:

  “They have a clear destabilizing tactic; they are carefully conditioning the public to hear some ‘breaking’ news of election fraud。 The media will have a field day taping the ensuing clashes between pro-Kremlin and nationalist youth being dispersed by special police。 This kind of footage would dilute any remaining trust in Russian elections。” [7]

  To dilute any remaining trust - that is the principle objective when one attempts to “conduct psychological preparation to unify population against established government。” Elections are seen as an opportunity to challenge the legitimacy of a political candidate or party, primarily by accusing the electoral system of being unfree or somehow outside of international norms。 In the Malaysian context, ruling authorities have acknowledged that more could be done to reduce voting irregularities and have begun to work toward such ends。 To accuse Malaysia`s electoral system of being illegitimate is a cinematic exaggeration, a myth pushed by foul Western endowments and foundations。 Intelligent discontent is the mainspring of civilization, it is irrefutably valuable and channeling it comes with individual responsibilities。 When foreign governments attempt to harness other people`s dissent for their own objectives, it is the greatest attack on dissent itself。



  [2] The Blueprint for the War Libya? NSNBC, February 21, 2012

  [3] AU: Libya rebels killing black workers, CBS News, August 29, 2011

  [4] Rebel Arms Flow Is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria, The New York Times, October 14, 2012

  [5] Outgunned Syria rebels make shift to bombs, Reuters, April 30, 2012

  [6] Pro-Israel groups rooting for the Opposition, The Mole, September 27, 2012

  [7] Russian Press - Behind the Headlines, November 18, Ria Novosti, November 18, 2012

  Nile Bowie is a Kuala Lumpur-based American writer and photographer for the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal, Canada. He explores issues of terrorism, economics and geopolitics。


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  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
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  • 心情
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  6. 菲律宾冲撞中国海警船,中国会打吗?
  7. 否定了错误,并不代表问题不存在了
  8. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
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  5. 李昌平:县乡村最大的问题是:官越来越多,员越来越少!
  6. 朝鲜领导落泪
  7. 读卫茂华文章:“联想柳传志事件”大讨论没有结果,不能划句号
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  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!