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维基解密 · 2011-09-11 · 来源:网络
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原文见:[nocheinparteibuch.wordpress.com] (More than 2000 world wide US-collaborators publicly exposed)

中山医科大学附属第二医院妇产科教授杨东梓who specializes in genetics and hereditary diseases, and Dr. Yang Dongzi (strictly protect), chief of obstetrics and–
中国改革开放论坛学者曹华银(音译) 3. (S) China Reform Forum scholar Cao Huayin (strictly protect)
国务院发展研究中心世界发展研究所安洪全(音译)Development Research Center’s Institute of World Development An Hongquan (strictly protect)
国际战略研究学者刘德熹(音译)International Strategic Studies scholar Liu Dexi
(strictly protect)
选举活动家、世界和中国研究所主任李凡2. (C) Elections activist Li Fan (strictly protect), a U.S. China. Elections activist and Director of the World and China Institute
中国改革开放论坛副主席丁奎松Vice Chairman of the China Reform Forum (CRF) DING Kuisong (strictly protect)

中国改革开放论坛朝鲜半岛和平研究中心主任于美华HU Jintao himself has been managing the DPRK problem, Ding stated. YU Meihuan (strictly protect), Director of CRF’s Reform Forum (CRF)
天安门抗议者、中国改革开放论坛工作人员戴丰宁(音译)Tiananmen Square protests. (Note: Cao’s CRF colleague, Dai Fengning (strictly protect), said he “fully agreed“ with

北京大学国际关系学院院长王缉思University’s School of International Studies Wang Jisi (strictly protect) blamed “communication failure“ within the

北京大学国际关系学院教授朱锋take time. President Hu Jintao was informed of the test in advance, Wang said. Professor Zhu Feng (strictly protect),
北京大学国际关系学院教授贾庆国Professor Jia Qingguo (strictly protect), Vice Dean
北大副教授胡泳individuals can together change the world, explained keynote
speaker Hu Yong (strictly protect), an associate professor at
贵州高地发展研究所创办人罗世鸿the Guizhou Institute of Highland Development (GIHD), founded in 2004 by Luo Shihong (strictly protect), a former participant in
毛刚强(贵州人,华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心博士毕业。)7. (C) Mao Gangqiang (strictly protect), Director of the Center
中央党校教授康绍邦和李云隆(音译)to Executive Deputy Director Kang Shaobang and Professor Li Yunlong (strictly protect both) of CPS’s Institute of
广东外语外贸大学法学教授王运祥和深圳综合开放研究院资深研究员李维宁(音译)Guangdong Foreign Studies University Law Professor Wang Yunxiang (strictly protect) and Shenzhen- based China Development Institute senior research fellow Li Weining (strictly protect) told Congenoff that some local

中山大学教授艾晓明information on the Guangxi riots. Zhongshan University
Professor Ai Xiaoming (strictly protect), an advocate for
四川省经济发展研究院院长王小刚ranks only tenth in terms of economic development, according to Wang Xiaogang (strictly protect), Deputy Director of the Sichuan
北京中国人民大学著名学者金灿荣policy, according to well-known Beijing academic Jin Canrong (strictly protect). Last year’s “unprecedented“ Foreign

特约记者、清华大学新闻传播学院周庆安教授politically sensitive subjects. According to Zhou Qingan (strictly protect), free lance journalist and Professor at

中国国际战略研究基金会研究部主任张沱生3. (C) Part of the debate, FISS Research Director Zhang Tuosheng (strictly protect) explained, is that the referendum
人民大学毛寿龙differed significantly from the majority of sources above.
Professor Mao Shoulong (strictly protect) of Renmin
南京大学教授顾肃over the edge, Hu said. During a September 28 discussion,
Nanjing University Professor Gu Su (strictly protect) echoed

上海市人大调研员周梅燕7. (S) Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress researcher Zhou Meiyan (strictly protect) was also present at the September 17
中央党校教授秦治来was publicly announced (Ref cool smiley. For example, Central Party
School (CPS) Professor Qin Zhilai (strictly protect) on

美国大使馆长期联络人、中国社科院研究生院副院长董礼胜Hu’s “weakness.“ Longtime Embassy contact Dong Lisheng (strictly protect), reformist professor at the Chinese of leadership discussions on Tibet
前卫学者刘军宁kept his allies on the PBSC while also elevating new ones.
Liu Junning (strictly protect), a pro-democracy scholar at

重庆西南大学地理学副教授蒋勇军3. (C) Chongqing Southwestern University Assistant Professor of Geology Jiang Yongjun (strictly protect) told us Chinese

烟台大学东亚研究所李春旺和孙敬泉(音译)China, though it is largely concentrated there. Poloff met October 30 with LI Chunwang (STRICTLY PROTECT), Vice
Director of Yantai University’s East Asia Research Institute, and SUN Jingquan (STRICTLY PROTECT), a
吉林省社会科学院学者周伟鹏once again with the Jilin Academy of Social Sciences’ ZHOU Weiping (PLEASE STRICTLY PROTECT), a leading PRC researcher
government have been paying attention. ZHOU Weiping (STRICTLY PROTECT) of the Jilin Academy of Social Sciences
延边大学北朝鲜专家高静珠(音译)early 2008 would be limited. Yanbian University DPRK expert GAO Jingzhu (strictly protect), however, said the

中国社会科学院台湾研究所副所长周志怀和经济研究室主任孙升亮2. (C) Zhou Zhihuai (strictly protect), Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Taiwan Studies, and Sun Shengliang (strictly protect), Director of

辽宁省社会科学院朝鲜问题专家吕超events in August, the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences’ LU Chao (STRICTLY PROTECT), a DPRK“expert who researches
辽宁省社科院研究员吴建华specialists engaged in research border-crossing, including

徐飞彪(中国现代国际关系研究院反恐研究中心副研究员)Ningxia, Gansu and Qinghai to revive religious fervor, said Fang. Fang and her colleague, Xu Feibiao (strictly protect)
时殷弘4. (C) Shi Yinhong (strictly protect), an international
宁夏大学回族穆斯林学者任军in Ningxia. According to a Yinchuan City-based imam surnamed Luo (strictly protect) and two Hui Muslim scholars of Ningxia University, Zhou Chuanbin (strictly protect) and Ren Jun (strictly protect), Ningxia currently has over 4,000 mosques

宁夏大学伊斯兰教教法专家、回族教授周传斌(现任教于兰州大学)(ref A). Ningxia University Sharia law expert Professor Zhou Chuanbin (strictly protect), an ethnic Hui who is bluntly

杨文炯教授(兰州大学西北少数民族研究中心)10. (C) NOTE: Professor Yang Wenjiong (strictly protect), a

吉林省社会科学院研究员陈龙山和张玉山Academy of Social Sciences (JASS), CHEN Longshan (STRICTLY PROTECT) and ZHANG Yushan (STRICTLY PROTECT), acknowledged

西南交通大学教授高世廉2. (C) During a recent meeting with Congenoff, Xinnan Jiaotong University Professor Gao Shilian (strictly protect), a
中国社科院新疆问题专家厉声(中国边疆史地研究中心主任、研究员)Region (XUAR). Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Xinjiang expert Li Sheng (strictly protect) told PolOffs July
宗教研究专家马平燕(回族研究)5. (C) Ma Pinyan (strictly protect) an expert on religious

中国人民外交学会中国国际问题研究所中东问题研究中心主任李国富Studies at the Foreign Ministry-affiliated China Institute of International Studies (CIIS), Li Guofu (strictly protect)

社科院农村发展研究所于建嵘10. (C) In a January 6 meeting with Econoff, CASS Rural Development Institute’s Yu Jianrong (strictly protect), an

清华大学社会学系系主任、北京市政府顾问李强Sciences Dean and advisor to the Beijing Municipal Government Li Qiang (strictly protect) told PolOff on July 29 he had not
清华大学教授楚树龙professors Chu Shulong (Tsinghua University), Zhu Feng (Peking
University), and Jin Canrong (Renmin University) (strictly protect
中东问题专家,社科院西亚非洲研究所的研究员殷罡5. (C) Yin Gang (strictly protect), a Middle East expert at
藏族教授多拉(西北民族大学)9. (S) Duola (strictly protect), a professor of Tibetan

北京大学阿拉伯语系教授、伊斯兰研究专家吴冰冰4. (C) Peking University Professor of Islamic Studies Wu Bingbing (strictly protect) told PolOff that the Iranian side
首都师大历史系教授杨生民 (新疆历史专家) academics and Beijing-based Uighurs. Well-known Xinjiang scholar Yang Shengmin (strictly protect) of Beijing’s Central
四川省社科院政治学研究所所长、研究员郭丹2. (C) Guo Dan (strictly protect), Director of the Institute
四川省社科院新闻与传播研究所研究员阮志孝1. (C) Summary: Ruan Zhixiao (strictly protect), a researcher
同济大学经济管理教授彭云鄂(查网页不见其名,只在留学生部教书同时在某外企任职,大概属于兼职教授)2. (C) During discussion at a reception on August 17, Tongji University Professor Frank Peng (strictly protect) said he had

北京某研究所智囊团of the Beijing-based Transition Institute think tank
(strictly protect), told PolOff that Party officials across

美国Marietta学院亚洲项目主任易晓熊教授Politburo member Liu Yunshan. (Note: Chinese-American Professor Yi Xiaoxiong (strictly protect) of Marietta

美国农村发展研究所(rural development institute)学者李平navigate China,s modern market economy to find jobs and make a living. Li Ping (strictly protect), a rural land expert at

李南央(李锐之女)prominent media figure Du Daozheng as the journal’s director (shezhang). Li Nanyang (strictly protect), daughter of

记者陈杰人(访问项目受助人)6. (S) Well-connected journalist and International Visitor Program grantee Chen Jieren (strictly protect)
前南方周末记者方进玉more rapid political reform, according to Fang Jinyu
(strictly protect), veteran bureau chief for the Guangdong
《法制日报》国际部主任张慎思5. (C) Zhang Shensi (strictly protect), International
横跨纸媒和电视的节目制作人士田伟(音译)practice between the television and the print media. TIAN Wei (strictly protect), Deputy Programming Director for
高级记者张鲜堂personnel appointments. Nevertheless, Zhang Xiantang
(strictly protect), a senior journalist at the State–

前人民日报编辑马立诚Separately, Ma Licheng (strictly protect), former senior
新华社高级编辑、前外事局长虞家复(2009年因泄密被判刑)this group. Former Xinhua Senior Editor and Director General of Foreign Affairs Yu Jiafu (strictly protect) said Hu Jintao
大使馆长期联络人、《农民日报》前总编张广友which can “only be good“ for China. Former Chief Editor of the Farmer’s Daily 2. (C) Former Premier Li Peng has recently suffered a stroke, longtime Embassy contact Zhang Guangyou (strictly protect)
著名的博客作家和媒体评论员赵静(笔名安替)77,“ well-known liberal blogger and media commentator Zhao Jin (aka “Michael Anti,“ strictly protect)
长平Chang Ping, strictly protect), a celebrated blogger and former
中共中央党校学习时报社副编审邓聿文10. (C) Similarly, Deng Yuwen (strictly protect), senior
《环球时报》编辑王文security forces to discharge their weapons. Wang Wen
(strictly protect), editor at the People’s Daily-affiliated
《经济观察报》主编仲伟志publish stories countering Western news reports on Tibetan unrest. Zhong Weizhi (strictly protect), the editor-in-chief–
金玉米(南非人,在中国长期居住,单位网创始人)9. (C) Jeremy Goldkorn (strictly protect), a longtime Chinese
高级编辑常绍延(音译)3. (C) Chang Shaoyan (strictly protect), Senior Edior at
某报社国际版编辑黄山(音译)disagreement among the top leadership. For example, Huang Shan (strictly protect), Deputy International Editor at
驻北京的道琼斯记者6. (C) Beijing-based Dow Jones reporter David Winning
(strictly protect) also stated that the three consortium

民政部前司长王振耀1. (C) Ministry of Civil Affairs (MOCA) Director
General Wang Zhenyao (strictly protect) has helped
外交部杨涛国际司杨涛参赞4. (S/NF) Poloff subsequently spoke with MFA IO Department UN Affairs Division Director Yang Tao (strictly protect), whose

中国国际战略研究基金会秘书长陈知涯(军事科学院外军研部研究员、少将)2. (C) In a July 4 meeting with visiting EAP DAS Thomas Christensen(前美国国务院东亚司副司长、普林斯顿大学教授), Chairman Chen Zhiya (strictly protect) of the
吉林省白山市市委书记苗春秀3. (C) In a dinner with Poloff on May 10, Changbai County Communist Party Secretary MIAO Chunxiu (strictly protect)

吉林长白海关刘副主任specifics. In a separate meeting on May 10, Deputy
Director Liu of Changbai Customs (strictly protect)–who

辽宁省委党校副书记王鸿声(音译)Tianshifu explosion, for instance, Liaoning Party School Deputy Party Secretary WANG Hongsheng (strictly protect)

官员陈涛(音译)Taiwan to constitute crossing one of Beijing’s “red lines.“
Separately, Chen Tao (strictly protect), an official at the
浙江省温岭市宣传部长陈一鸣(音译)met on September 12-13 with Zhejiang Province-based Chen Yiming (strictly protect), Head of the Wenling Municipal Propa
吉林省图们市政府外事办公室主任崔正龙Poloff on January 8 met with Tumen Foreign Affairs Office Director CUI Zhenglong (strictly protect), who was
吉林省图们市副市长阎志宏completely in the weeks to come. Farther north in Tumen,
Vice Mayor Yan Zhihong (STRICTLY PROTECT) acknowledged
勇仁忠(辽宁省丹东市对外贸易经济合作局调研员,曾任丹东市口岸办公室副主任、丹东港务局副局长)through which the majority of PRC-DPRK trade passes, YONG Renzhong (STRICTLY PROTECT), Director of Dandong’s Port of


安全部门官员梅刚(音译)2. (C) Mei Gang (strictly protect), a security officer
牟广丰(国家环境保护部环境影响评价司巡视员)2. (C) Mou Guangfeng (strictly protect), Director
国家文物局政策法规司副司长、北京文化遗产保护中心创始人何戍中property previously housed North Korea’s first Embassy to the PRC. He Shuzhong (strictly protect), founder
辽宁省对外贸易经济合作厅机关党委书记陈德平currently comprise of Liaoning’s exports to the DPRK. CHEN Deping (STRICTLY PROTECT), Director of the Liaoning

成都西南民族学院一位藏族高级管理人员a high-ranking Tibetan administrator of Chengdu’s Southwest Minorities University (strictly protect) and a well-known Han
副市长马海峰(音译,不知是哪个城市)responsible for the city’s civil-affairs portfolio, were unsuccessful. MA Haifeng (STRICTLY PROTECT), Vice Mayor
党代会(此处好玩,难道大家都是合?)argued strongly that Hu, Wen, Zeng and Wu Bangguo will remain following the Party Congress (strictly protect all)


活动家、律师李建强3. (C) Activist lawyer Li Jianqiang (strictly protect) told
重庆劳工维权律师周立太4. (C) Contacted by telephone, Chongqing labor rights attorney Zhou Litai (strictly protect) said that he had heard of the
吴革律师Wu Ge (Strictly Protect)
莫少平律师Mo Shaoping (Strictly Protect)
王振宇律师Wang Zhenyu (Strictly Protect)
北京律师刘晓原Internet“ such as commercialization. Beijing-based lawyer
and social activist blogger Liu Shaoyuan (strictly protect)

滕彪Firewall would be the greatest achievement of this century.
Likewise, Teng Biao (strictly protect), a Beijing human rights

藏族诗人唯色和她的汉族丈夫、异议作家王力雄2. (C) PolOff spoke April 14 with Tibetan poet Wei Se (strictly protect) (also known as “Oser“) and her ethnic Han husband, dissident writer Wang Lixiong (strictly protect). Wei Se told PolOff that her

上海市政协常委杜惠恺(郑裕彤女婿)Political Consultative Conference Executive Committee William Doo (strictly protect) said that Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng,
西安飞机工业公司技术负责人田卫materials. An XAC official, TIAN Wei, Director of Technology
麦克•吴(波音公司驻西飞工作人员)however, Michael Wu (STRICTLY PROTECT), a Boeing employee stationed at XAC later

菲利普斯中国有限公司(Phillips China Inc.) 总裁赖仁思President Roy Lyons (strictly protect throughout) on April 11

中国石油天然气公司美国分公司副总张金陵和公司的国际律师张海涛2. (C) Petroleum Attache (Petatt) met with CNPC America Vice President Ms. Jinling Zhang (strictly protect throughout) and CNPC International attorney Haitao Zhang (strictly protect)

卡雷集团中国代表罗毅(音译)2. (S) During a June 20 discussion with Poloff, Carlyle’s Chief China representative Luo Yi (strictly protect) said that the
退伍军人翟志海(河北精英教育集团董事长)their prerogatives, including political reform. Separately, Zhai Zhihai (strictly protect), retired PLA military officer
吉林粮食集团进出口公司总经理王海生Province’s largest grain producers. WANG Haisheng (STRICTLY PROTECT) of the Jilin Grain Group Export and

辽宁省盘锦市某进出口公司经理刘锋(音译)Export Corporation, according to Panjin Asia-Pacific’s manager, LIU Feng (strictly protect), who organized the
辽宁省丹东市商人刘辰生Sinuiju, across the Yalu River from Dandong, Liaoning
Province. LIU Chensheng (strictly protect), a trade

世界公园市场和公关部主任刘惠湘(音译)three parks. World Park Marketing and Publicity Director Liu Huixiang (strictly protect) informed PolOff on August 5 that

徐光勋(前纳斯达克亚洲区董事总经理)1. (C) Summary: Xu Guangxun (strictly protect), the Chief
山西省永济富平小额贷款公司的董事、副总经理郑冰女士7. (C) Ms. Zheng Bing (strictly protect), the founder and
搜房网宁波分公司总经理游洋彬Soufun.com website, Soufun Ningbo Company General Manager You Yangbin (please strictly protect) told Econoff in a meeting on

剑桥能源咨询公司的阿瑟•严(严克风?)5. (C) Arthur Yan (strictly protect) of Cambridge Energy
澳门美国商会主席谢思训to suit Beijing, both AmCham Macau Chairman Paul Tse
(strictly protect throughout) and sometime-democratic–
领事馆长期联络人,美国公民James Liu (某公司副总裁,可能是台湾集成电路设计公司立錡科技)1. (S) The IAEA Department of Safeguards recently circulated
a confidential internal memo (strictly protect) outlining
香港民主党立法会议员涂谨申1. (S) Summary: Democratic Party (DP) legislator James To (strictly protect), who is chair of the Hong Kong Legislative
香港民主党议员Jimmy Wong和该党公关顾问Raymond Luk 5. (S//NF) Hong Kong District Councilor and Democratic Party (DP) member Jimmy Wong (strictly protect) and the party’s public relations consultant Raymond Luk (strictly protect)
韩东方1. (C) On May 7, Han Dongfang (strictly protect) and Robin
Munro (strictly protect) of the Hong Kong-based China Labour
Bulletin (CLB, strictly protect) discussed ways to strengthen
鲍朴(赵紫阳秘书鲍彤之子)1. (C) Summary and comment: Bao Pu (son of the late Zhao Ziyang’s secretary Bao Tong; strictly protect throughout)


南京程序员、博客朱华志(音译)programmer and occasional blogger from Nanjing Zhu Huazhi (strictly protect), who told PolOff that the “Great

博客和菜头(笔名)Chinese Internet. Yunnan-based blogger He Caitou
(pseudonym, strictly protect) complained that when viewing–
张世和(网名:老虎庙)2. (C) “The Internet situation in China is worsening,“ said
Zhang Shihe (aka Lao Hu Miao, strictly protect), who was part

多产的博客杨恒均trend will be permanent. Prolific blogger Yang Hengjun
(strictly protect), another panelist, expressed similar

温云超(笔名:北风)和另一位组织者毛向辉(也就是Isaac Mao) 4. (C) Conference organizers Wen Yunchao (aka Bei Feng, strictly protect) and Mao Xianghui (aka Isaac Mao, strictly
3. (C) Another organizer, Mao Xianghui (aka Isaac Mao, strictly protect), also commented to ConGenOff that many

冯琰(大使馆讨论会的长期参与者,推特用户)force that can be generated through the Internet. David Feng (strictly protect), a longtime conference participant, also people want to understand China, they can use Twitter,“ said David Feng (strictly protect), a self-proclaimed avid Twitter
张乐(音译,参与两次座谈)whom ConGenOff spoke made similar statements. Zhang Le (strictly protect), a second-time conference participant,–

醉葫芦(笔名)9. (C) Twitter was again widely discussed during two other
sessions. Zui Hulu (pseudonym, strictly protect) led a
郭宝锋(也就是Amoiist,该英文名有道词典翻译成郭宝锋,必应词典翻译不出,说明网易胜过微软)session, Twitter was hailed as the tool that helped free Guo
Baofeng (aka Amoiist, strictly protect), who was detained in

周曙光(也叫佐拉)Firewall and access blocked sites like Twitter. Led by Zhou
Shuguang (aka Zuola, strictly protect), the presentation

爱白成都网站合伙创办人江华organization. Also attending were Aibai Chengdu co-founder Jiang Hua (strictly protect), who had invited Congenoff to the–
昆明飞虎队协会联系人(推荐访问)Tigers personnel) were “inconvenient.“ (Note: Kunming Flying Tigers Association contacts – strictly protect — recommended

世界银行中国乡村部门协调员6. (C) World Bank Rural Sector Coordinator for China Sari Soderstrom (strictly protect) told Econoff on February 6 that

“常青树”的太原地区主管安德鲁•凯撒5. (C) Evergreen’s Taiyuan Regional Director Andrew Kaiser (strictly protect), however, was more generous in his

欧盟中国传教团政治事务顾问Alexander McLachlan 8. (C) EU China Mission Counselor for Political Affairs Alexander McLachlan (strictly protect) November 1 told
神学院学生刘贤俊(音译)3. (C) Liu Xianjun (strictly protect), a young seminarian at
梁某(涉及宗教事务)Guangzhou RAB officials have clamped down on any expansion, according to Alfred Leong (strictly protect), board member of the Guangzhou

在广州的尼日利亚商人Fidelis Ogwu amount of pressure from Guangzhou authorities, according to Fidelis Ogwu (strictly protect), a Nigerian GICF member and salesman for a
流亡者教会领袖黄某6. (C) Expatriate house church leader Newman Huang (strictly protect)
韦恩•黄(与前者无亲属关系)7. (C) Wayne Huang (no relation, strictly protect), a member of
基督教人士云某、韩某(可能是广州地下教会成员)south China are “optimistic, patriotic, but naive,“ according to Brother Yun (strictly protect), a parent and member of Guangzhou’s Li Jiang Christian Fellowship. Ruth Han (strictly protect), an elder in

助教杨柳that their parents had a much better awareness of how the government
worked. Willow Yang (strictly protect), an assistant lecturer at

英语教师云某(可能就是上面的Brother Yun,属于未注册的广州基督教青年会)unregistered Guangzhou Young Persons’ Christian Association, and Evy Yun (strictly protect), an English teacher, both acknowledged that

某次会面受雇的纪录者(RELEX) took a no-nonsense approach with Jalili. According
to a Commission note taker (strictly protect) in the meeting,
北京国际基督教教会工作人员Rob Eberz (美国公民)Christian Fellowship (BICF), a church for foreign residents of Beijing; and Rob Eberz (strictly protect), an American

中国公民乐庚(音译,在此类主题的报告中不得使用他的公司名字)PolOff not use his company’s name in any reports on this subject.) Le Geng (strictly protect), a PRC citizen and

北京大学毕业生、基督教文学翟洁佳(音译)living titles and testimonies of Chinese Christian authors. Zhai Jiexia (strictly protect), a Peking University graduate

教堂自愿者王某(Nigel Wang) version, to RMB 80 (USD 11.76) for a hardcover edition. Church volunteer Nigel Wang (strictly protect) told PolOff
受过美国培训的家庭教会牧师杨阿姨(未透露名字)authorities, according to Pastor “Auntie Yang“ (first name not disclosed — strictly protect), a U.S.-trained house church pastor

老年福音传教士冯牧师(未提供名字)those in the urban core. Pastor Feng (first name not provided – strictly protect), an elderly evangelist and pastor working and

黄天华(译音,涉及家庭教会问题)registered church leaders are even supportive of house church movements on campuses. Rev. Huang Tianhua (strictly protect),
陈钦(音译)7. (C) Similarly, Chen Qin (strictly protect)

青海西宁人王志祥(又名尤瑟夫•本•阿里)9. (C) On February 25 in the Qinghai Province capital of Xining, Wang Zhixiang (aka: Yousef bin Ali — strictly protect
一位姓杜的回族穆斯林6. (C) A Muslim Hui surnamed Du (strictly protect)

韩慕沙(译音,青海西宁的穆斯林)applicants wait about three years before getting a
seat for a Hajj journey. Han Musa (strictly protect),

韩从弟哥(名字怪异,可能有误)religious piety, others questioned the motives of
these donors. Han Congdige (strictly protect), a

韩文克(韩慕沙父亲,在西宁闹市区开了一家酒店穆斯林大厦)Muslim Mansion, a bustling hotel in downtown Xining run by Han Wenke (strictly protect), Han Musa’s father
龙武庙的慈萨和尚prayer halls at both these sites. A monk at Longwu,
who gave his name as Chisa (strictly protect), said

杭州的一个和尚叫拉西(音译)several monks in the town of Huangzhong. One monk,
named Laxi (strictly protect), confirmed that monks

青海人马锦华(音译)capital, Xining, EmbOff had an extended conversation
with Ma Jinhua (strictly protect), a Qinghai
宁夏银川市罗姓阿訇in Ningxia. According to a Yinchuan City-based imam surnamed Luo (strictly protect)
宁夏伊斯兰协会杨雪(音译)government-affiliated Ningxia Islamic Association, Yang Xue (strictly protect), also described the difficulty in

陕西西安的阿訇马明宝(音译)very little social work in the community. (NOTE: Ma Mingbao (strictly protect) an Ikhwan imam of Xi’an, Shaanxi


在新疆经商的一位外国商人businessman, warden and long-time Xinjiang resident Steve Brannon (strictly protect) discussed reports of increased

霍尔果斯口岸的维吾尔族货币交易商4. (C) In a separate conversation on July 23, Abdul Rayim (strictly protect), a Uighur currency trader at the Horgos

和田的维族联络人Brannon and a Uighur contact from Hotan, Abdul Raheem
(strictly protect), told Poloff that aside from saving money,
新疆师范大学的一名维族女学生6. (C) A Uighur student at Xinjiang Normal University in Urumqi (strictly protect) told Poloff that a friend in her

一名维族导游alleged practice applied “only to Uighurs,“ not to other
ethnic groups. A Uighur tour guide (strictly protect) who

吉尔吉斯族人Adil Zhumaturdu 3. (C) Adil Zhumaturdu (strictly protect) an ethnic Kyrgyz
哈萨克人穆拉提•黑尼亚提4. (C) Mulati Heiniyati (strictly protect), an ethnic Kazakh
喀什当地的维族人帕尔哈提8. (C) Parhat (strictly protect), a Uighur native of Kashgar

维族大学毕业生哈桑searching for a job in medicine. Separately, a young Uighur
named Hasan (strictly protect), a recent graduate from

在喀什的一个维族人和他在巴楚的一位维族朋友10. (C) A Uighur-speaking AmCit (strictly protect) on a research fellowship in Kashgar told PolOff that a Uighur
friend (strictly protect) of his in Bachu (Mandarin name)


延吉平安教堂金牧师relatively few new North Korean arrivals. Father Jin
(STRICTLY PROTECT) of the Ping’an Church in Yanji, which

连长元牧师according to Father LIAN Changyuan (STRICTLY PROTECT).

孙苏(音译,和北朝鲜问题有关)to all countries and do not specifically target North
Korea. SUN Su (STRICTLY PROTECT), Deputy Director of the

青海 瞿昙寺的喇嘛索巴托杰9. (C) At Qutan monastery, which we reached in the
late afternoon, monk Souba Tuojie (strictly protect)

塔尔寺僧人丹增洛桑坚赞10. (S) Tenzin Lopsang Gyaltsen (aka “Jensen,“
strictly protect), a monk at Ta’er (Kumbum)
青海玉树僧人索南扎西Obama’s decision to meet with the Dalai Lama.
Suoang Zhaxi (strictly protect), a monk from Yushu
Gebchak Wangdrak仁波切(青海囊谦县的一个尼姑庵住持)7. (S) Gebchak Wangdrak Rinpoche (strictly protect)
青海贵南鲁仓寺院的活佛洛桑慈城彭措2. (S) PolOff met May 15 in Beijing with Luosang Cicheng Pengcuo (strictly protect), a living Buddha at Lucang
在西宁某旅馆工作的藏族人7. (C) EmbOffs spoke March 18 with Tsering Wencheng
(strictly protect), a Tibetan hotel worker in Xining.

青海玉树居民扎西Province August 21-24. Yushu resident Tashi Dhondup
(strictly protect), who goes by the English name

退休干部索南卓玛Buddhism after work hours without restriction.
Suonan Zhuoma (strictly protect), a retired cadre,–
德清旺姆noting that many Chinese were unaware that the talks were
even being held. Deqing Wangmu (strictly protect), an ethnic
几位从小出家的西藏喇嘛(注意:全方位保护)several Tibetan monasteries to ask their opinion (Note: our FSN- strictly protect — grew up in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in
在林芝的一位联合国粮农组织干部8. (C) One Linzhi FAO cadre (strictly protect), an ethnic
西藏扶贫基金会工作人员staff members of a U.S. NGO, “The Tibet Poverty
Alleviation Fund“ (strictly protect), who were
藏族导游 reported he enjoyed a high level of freedom during the
trip. The ethnic Tibetan guide (strictly protect)


蒋乾亮(音译)(ECO) and Commercial Specialist (CS) met with JIANG Qianliang (STRICTLY PROTECT),

王聪article, which PolOffs interpreted as a sign that the pieces
are not terribly significant. Wang Chong (strictly protect),
北京居民陈光富(音译)one of Chen’s brothers. Another brother of Chen’s,
Chen Guangfu (strictly protect), was also in Beijing

黄晓宇(音译)and Association for Youth Development Education, directed by
Huang Xiaoyu (strictly protect), are taking a more
谢松如(音译,可能是某地维权人士)of these community organizations in rights protection at the local level. Xie Songru (strictly protect) is a retired
杨健(音译)2. (C) During a March 18 meeting, Yang Jian (strictly protect)

在国企工作的一位北京当地人attention to particular ethnic minority groups. A Beijing
native (strictly protect) who works at a state-owned company

为美国一家公关公司工作的26岁的李姓蒙古族人9. (C) A 26-year-old ethnic Mongolian surnamed Li who works at an American-run public relations firm (strictly protect)

李志英(音译)7. (C) Li Zhiying (strictly protect) from the Empowerment and

马啸6. (C) The case of Ma Xiao (strictly protect), who met with–
丛林(?没有姓CHONG的)remains a relatively conservative corner of the country in
terms of media freedom. CHONG Lin (strictly protect), a

北京市的卫星电视安装工人韩小龙(音译)to illegal satellite television. Beijing-based satellite installer Han Xiaolong (strictly protect)

北京海淀区曾杰(音译)appointments, thereby strengthening his position. Zeng Jie
(strictly protect), former head of the Beijing Haidian

高宏伟(音译)4. (C) According to Gao Hongwei (strictly protect), a

「 支持!」



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  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
  1. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  2. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  3. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  4. 亵渎中华民族历史,易某天新书下架!
  5. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
  6. 2001年就贪污23亿后出逃,如今被抓回国内,也叫认罪悔罪减刑?
  7. 菲律宾冲撞中国海警船,中国会打吗?
  8. 吴铭|舆论斗争或进入新的历史阶段
  9. 这是一股妖风
  10. 李昌平:我的困惑(四)
  1. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  2. 送完一万亿,再送一万亿?
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 紫虬:从通钢、联想到华为,平等的颠覆与柳暗花明
  5. 李昌平:县乡村最大的问题是:官越来越多,员越来越少!
  6. 朝鲜领导落泪
  7. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  8. 读卫茂华文章:“联想柳传志事件”大讨论没有结果,不能划句号
  9. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  10. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  1. 张勤德:坚决打好清算胡锡进们的反毛言行这一仗
  2. 郝贵生|如何科学认识毛主席的晚年实践活动? ——纪念130周年
  3. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  4. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  5. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  6. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  7. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  8. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  9. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
  10. 这轮房价下跌的影响,也许远远超过你的想象
  1. 77年前,2583名英雄儿女踏上北撤之路
  2. 大蒜威胁国家安全不重要,重点是他为什么会那样说
  3. 相约12月26日,共赴韶山!
  4. 关于推出纸质阅读资料的公告
  5. 欧洲金靴|“一切标准向毛主席看齐!” | 欣闻柯庆施落像上海福寿园
  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!