【原文题目】Who Rules America?
【来 源】http://www.economist.com/node/21549935
【原文】National Vanguard Books
【译 者】大头李
【校 对】Howard
【声 明】译文为原创,转载务必注明译者及出处“独家网dooo.cc”。
【摘 要】时至今日,在美国没有什么能比操纵公共意见的力量更为强大。你已经知道美国的新闻和娱乐每天都是带着偏见的。现在告诉你:他们为什么会带着偏见,犹太人对美国社会的影响究竟又有多大?
【译 文】
——National Vanguard Books研究人员
沃尔特迪斯尼公司是全球最大的媒体集团,年收入接近390亿美元。2005年,身为犹太人的CEO Michael Eisner经过公司股东不信任投票后辞职。沃尔特迪斯尼的侄子罗伊·迪斯尼指责Eisner把迪斯尼公司变成了一个“贪婪的、没有灵魂”的公司。但是,Eisner的犹太人助手Robert Iger在同一年控制了公司。Iger是极端的犹太复国主义组织Aish HaTorah委员会的委员,该组织支持以色列的巴勒斯坦政策,推进犹太身份认同,并且“致力于推行犹太教义”以按
ESPN体育网,ABC的有线电视子公司,主席和CEO是George W. Bodenheimer,犹太人。公司还拥有迪斯尼有线、迪斯尼第二有线电视网(迪斯尼XD)、A&E、生命电视、肥皂剧网络和历史频道,每一个都拥有8千6百万到8千8百万的订户。ABC家庭电视网的目标观众是年龄较长的青少年、年轻的成年人和年轻的家庭,拥有8千4百万订户,除了播放娱乐节目(有些节目远不适合家庭频道播出),还播放基督教锡安主义的电视传教士Pat Robertson的节目。
Iger接管迪斯尼后,迪斯尼开始推行一系列的儿童节目和电影鼓励跨种族的爱情和性爱年轻化,包括公主和青蛙和美国青少年的隐秘生活。批评家们批评16岁的迪斯尼《汉娜·蒙塔纳》明星Miley Cyrus在儿童票选颁奖典礼上表演的露骨的钢管舞之后,迪斯尼的发言人断然拒绝了这些批评并强调说所有迪斯尼的内容都“与我们一直的价值观一致”。 虽然是一家电讯公司,ABC/迪斯尼却在出版行业赚取超过10亿美元,他们拥有沃尔特迪斯尼出版公司、Hyperion出版公司和米拉麦克斯出版公司。它还拥有6份报纸和20多份杂志。迪斯尼环球出版公司是世界最大的儿童书籍和杂志出版商,出版超过400份儿童杂志,每年销售超过1亿2千万本儿童读物。该公司主席是Russel Hampton二世以及犹太裔的副主席Andrew Sugerman。
在互联网行业,迪尼斯运营着博维网络集团、ABC网络集团、ABC.com、ABCNEWS.com、Oscar.com、Mr. Showbiz、迪斯尼在线、迪斯尼每日冲击波、Disney.com、Family.com、ESPN网络集团、ESPN.sportzone.com、Soccernet.com、NFL.com、NBA.com、Infoseek以及迪斯尼互动。
鲁伯特·默多克的新闻集团是目前全球第二大的媒体巨人,年营业额超过300亿美元。新闻集团拥有众多的电影、电视、有线电视、卫星电视、报纸和出版公司。它最大的电影公司是20世纪福克斯公司。它的电视和有线电视包括福克斯电视网、福克斯新闻、FX频道、福克斯体育、MYNETWORKTV、ESPN星空体育和DirectTV等等。新闻集团的出版部分包括新闻有线公司、新闻国际、Harper Collins并且出版了纽约邮报和华尔街日报。在2005年,新闻集团通过旗下的福克斯互动媒体收购了流行的社交网络MySpace。
它旗下的福克斯新闻频道尽管被称为美国最保守的频道,确实其推行犹太新保守主义的重要阵地,并隐藏在伊拉克和阿富汗战争背后。它的节目主持人无一例外的拥抱吹捧激进犹太复国主义和多种族主义。主持人例如Bill O’Reilly、Sean Hannity、Greta Van Susteren和Glen Beck在所有的主要电视节目中灌输亲以色列、亲犹太人思想。
默多克名义上是非犹太裔,但是关于他的血统有一些不确定的地方,并且他一生都在明确的支持犹太复国主义和其他犹太主张。历史学家David Irving出版了一些从据称是媒体高层得到的消息,称默多克的母亲Elisabeth Joy Greene是犹太人,但并不确定。
2009年默多克将其犹太裔的副手Peter Chernin替换为非犹太裔的Chase Carey。但是犹太人仍然控制着公司很多关键位置:管理新闻集团数字媒体(原福克斯互动媒体)的Peter Levinsohn,和福克斯新闻的CEO,狂热犹太复国主义者Roger Ailes。Ailes是里根总统和老布什总统的顾问,因帮助他们成功竞选而知名。Alies针对他对以色列的支持发声说:“我捍卫美国、以色列和宪法”——但并没有引起福克斯新闻管理层的注意。David Hirshey是Harper Collins的执行编辑。Thomas Rothman是福克斯电影娱乐公司的主席。William Kristol是新闻集团发行的最流行的新保守主义杂志旗帜周刊的编辑。Kristol是犹太新保守主义的主要喉舌和智囊。Kristol是新闻集团CEO默多克在伊拉克战争和2006年以色列对黎巴嫩战争态度的拥护者,Kristol把这以黎战争称为“也是我们的战争”。他是麦凯恩竞选总统时的外交政策顾问,并一直在不遗余力的支持针对伊拉克的军事行动以保卫以色列。
美国第三大媒体巨头,是2008年营业收入超过140亿的维亚康姆集团。维亚康姆的一把手Sumner Redstone是犹太人。而Melvin A. Karmazin,另一个犹太人,直到2004年一直是维亚康姆的二把手,主席和首席运营官。Karmazin仍然是维亚康姆的大股东,2004年之后转到Sirius卫星广播公司任CEO,并开始支持犹太人的主持人Howard Stern。取代Karmazin联合主席和联合首席运营官的是犹太裔的Leslie Moonves和很有可能也是犹太裔的Tom Freston。Moonves是一个坚定的犹太复国主义者,也是以色列的第一任总理David Ben-Gurion的大侄子。他还是北美Aish HaTorah的主席。他一直都是维亚康姆最大的子公司CBS的CEO。他更是直接将在广播节目中对Rutgers女子篮球队态度不恭敬的Don Imus炒了鱿鱼。
维亚康姆在美国拥有众多的有线、无线电视台和电影公司包括CBS、MTV、VH1、Nickelodeon、BET、Comedy Central、派拉蒙营业、梦工厂、Spike和许多其他的。维亚康姆为三个最大的电视网制作和放送电视节目,直接控制39家电视台并有在其全资拥有的CBS电视网下有200个分支机构,旗下的无限广播集团有185家电台,CBS广播网络有超过1500家分支电台。维亚康姆最大的电影公司是梦工厂的所有人派拉蒙影业,其CEO是Brad Grey,犹太人。
在Redstone的统治下,MTV和VH1不断地将一系列的跨种族和同性恋约会秀推向极限,包括由重罪犯和吸毒的说唱歌手(William Jonathan Drayton, Jr.)参加的“奇怪的爱”和“爱的滋味”,还有Tila Tequila参加的由男性和女性参赛者一起竞争一个双性恋明星感情的“爱的机会”。MTV占据着12到24岁年龄段的电视收视市场,它将种族混搭的摇滚和说唱录像放送到140个国家的3亿4千2百万家庭,并且对全球的白人青少年在文化上影响力巨大。
维亚康姆还拥有乡村音乐电视有线频道,该频道可以让Redstone通过MTV和VH1的节目向传统的白人基督教观众灌输犹太价值观。过去5年他已经将频道的重点从乡村音乐转向流行音乐。他还制作了一系列真人秀节目,如我的大型乡巴佬婚礼,主持人是犹太裔明星Tom Arnold,还有乡巴佬的梦想,将白人基督教农民描绘成有种族主义的乡巴佬。该频道明显和性有关的内容也在不断增加,如达拉斯的牛仔和拉拉队长:组成团队,草原狼终极搜索。
作为BET的老板,Redstone还向黑人观众灌输黑帮说唱、嘻哈音乐和性喜剧节目。尽管在2005年任命了黑人女CEO Debra L. Lee,但大多数黑人都不知道的是,BET是完全由犹太人运营的网络,仅仅有少数几个黑人在管理层,和少数几个黑人主持人而已。
维亚康姆的影响力也延伸到了广告和出版业。它是美国最大的户外广告商。维亚康姆的出版机构包括Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The Free Press, Fireside, 和 Archway Paperbacks。它通过旗下超过8000家Blockbuster商店销售录影带。它还参与卫星广播、主体公园和游戏行业。
Nickelodeon有超过8千7百万订户,拥有美国最多的4-11岁观众,并且正快速扩张至欧洲。虽然它的大多数节目并不像MTV那样公然的宣扬堕落文化,但Redstone却潜移默化的通过诸如True Jackson VP和其他节目像它的儿童观众推销和MTV一样的垃圾文化(毒药)。
它的子公司包括CNN、HBO、动画网络、DC Comics、华纳兄弟游戏、Boomerang、Kid’s WB、新干线影院、城堡石娱乐、时代集团、CW电视网、美国在线、华纳兄弟娱乐、CW4Kids、成人游泳、汉娜-芭芭拉、Ruby-Spears制造和电视制作()。时代华纳有许多最知名的的媒体品牌包括哈利波特和指环王系列以及人物杂志。
经过几年亏损后,犹太裔CEO Gerald Levin被黑人CEO Richard Parsons取代,尽管他是娴熟的谈判专家,但并不能让时代华纳在网络服务上占据先机。
他在2009年被非犹太裔的德国后裔Jeffrey L. Bewkes所取代。Bewkes在HBO曾将欲望都市和Oz这样的电视剧搬向银幕。虽然是非犹太裔,但Bewkes确实犹太复国主义的坚定支持者。2001年Bewkes被美国犹太人委员会授予Sherrill C. Corwin人类关系奖,并且还是犹太理事会负责外交关系的董事会成员。Bewkes领导的犹太人为主的董事会成员包括前世界银行总裁Jessica Einhorn,以及Reuben Mark、和Ken Novack。董事会成员、前媒体巨头Axel Springer AG CEO德国人Mathias Dopfner还保有美国犹太人委员会荣誉席位,他自诩为“非犹太人的犹太复国主义者”。
时代华纳的子公司也主要被犹太裔高管控制着。DC动画被犹太人主席Paul Levits控制。华纳兄弟娱乐公司的CEO是犹太人Barry M. Meyer。而他的副手Jeff Robinov也是犹太人。华纳兄弟电视集团的主席Bruce Rosenblum也是犹太人。Meyer则直接监督着新干线影院,新干线制作了“哈罗德卡玛逃离关塔那摩湾”和“德州电锯杀人狂”系列。新干线影院由犹太人组成的管理层营运着,包括CEO Robert Shaye、CFO Stephen Abramson、新干线家庭影院主席Stephen Einhorn、新干线电视主席Jim Rosenthal、商务和法律事务高级执行副主席Ben Zinkin以及其他人。犹太人也负责CNN在美国的运行。2010年9月Ken Jautz取代Jonathan Klein为犹太人Scot Safron掌管头条新闻网铺平了道路。
时代华纳让4Kids娱乐的犹太裔CEO Alfred Kahn与CBS合作推出CWKids周六早间动画版块。这个版块包括忍者神龟、游戏王和其他节目等。Kahn一直由于在儿童节目中增加太多暴力内容而受到诟病。父母电视理事会认为华纳兄弟的儿童节目有“最多的攻击性语言、污言秽语、性内容和攻击/下流的语言。”
随着利润下降,时代华纳的管理层投票决定摆脱掉AOL。在非犹太裔CEO Tim Armstrong的指挥下,曾经在美国领先的互联网服务提供商AOL将准备回收在互联网和多媒体市场上的份额。
2005年,犹太裔主编Norman Pearlstine离开时代集团,成为犹太人拥有的新的媒体公司彭博社的首席内容官。他在时代的位置由John Huey取代。Huey的犹太血缘还没有完全确认。
CNN环球的犹太裔执行副主席Scot Safron管理着头条新闻网集团。CEO Ann Moore任命IPC媒体总裁,犹太人Sylvia Auten女士为执行副主席。Auten女士是1938年移民从德国移民过来的奥地利犹太人的女儿。IPC媒体是英国最大的杂志发行商。三分之二的英国女性和几乎一半的男性读过她出版的杂志。
2007年1月,时代杂志将旗下18分杂志出售给Bonnier杂志集团,包括户外生活、流行科学、田园和小溪以及养育杂志。Bonnier集团在收购了MTV芬兰后,被芬兰记者Markko Juutinen形容为“犹太复国主义者Bonnier家族王朝的政治上、意识形态上和严密的组织机构,并且与统治北美大众媒体的力量同宗同源。”
时代集团互动公司运营着公司网站和相关数字业务。非犹太裔Ned Desmond领导这一部门。前任时代集团互动公司执行官Jodi Kahn和Meg Siesfeld都是犹太人,已经离开公司尝试其他投资机会了。Kahn现在是有着一系列针对年轻男女网站的媒体公司iVillage网络的执行副主席。
2004年时代华纳将旗下的音乐部门华纳音乐集团(WMG)卖给犹太富翁Edgar Bronfman Jr.。Bronfman的父亲是世界犹太人大会的前主席,该组织在全球每年花费数百万美元用于给“反犹太大屠杀”定罪方面是全球最大的犹太人组织。收购WMG之后,Edgar Bronfman立刻任命以色列军队将军的孙子Lyor Cohen为CEO。Cohen是谋杀唱片公司的创始人,是推广“帮匪说唱”和嘻哈音乐的先锋,而这种音乐的歌词公然的鼓动年轻黑人男性对白人、警察和妇女施加暴力。在Cohen的领导下,WMG签下了如Jay Z, Marilyn Manson, Seal, Kid Rock, Missy Elliott, Sean “P-Diddy” Combs, gangsta-rappers Boyz n da Hood等歌手。
【原 文】
You already know that the news and
entertainment media are biased. Now you
will find out why they are biased.
Who Rules America?
by the research staff of National Vanguard Books
THERE IS NO GREATER POWER in the world today than that wielded by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely approaching that of the few dozen men who control America’s mass media of news and entertainment.
Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. Their influence begins in early childhood and continues throughout our lives. It is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen, young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated!
In a modern democracy the people with the ability to mold public opinion are the ones who hold the real power. The mass media form our image of the world and then tell us, both explicitly and implicitly, what to think and how to vote. In our busy world, everything we know—or think we know—about events and people outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television. The mass media has particular influence on how we view our politicians and other world leaders. The universally positive media coverage of the Obama presidential campaign and simultaneous near media blackout of Ron Paul’s campaign is just one example of blatant media bias. Similarly, world leaders who fail to comply with U.S. demands are portrayed as dangerous psychopaths or religious fanatics, paving the way for public acceptance of military intervention
It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagandizing of history-distorting TV “docudramas” that characterizes the opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of the news and the entertainment that they present to us.
The way in which the news is covered, which items are emphasized and which are played down, the reporter’s choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions, the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations—all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear.
On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from our minds as to just what we are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our thought and opinion so that we can be in tune with the “in” crowd, the “beautiful people,” the “smart money.” They let us know exactly what our attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way.
Molding American Minds
For example, there are countless films and television shows where a racially mixed couple will be respected, liked, and socially sought after by other characters. Black characters are nearly universally characterized as “take charge” individuals-judges, successful businessmen, scientists and even the President. Homosexuals are characterized as talented and sensitive victims of discrimination.
Illegal aliens are portrayed as hard workers, pursuing “the American Dream.” At the same time their vastly disproportional contribution to our nation’s crime problem and the social problems they create are virtually ignored. On the other hand, a White person
who has pride in his or her heritage, looks down on illegal immigration, miscegenation, big government or the rapidly darkening racial situation in America is portrayed, at best, as a despicable bigot who is reviled by the other characters, or, at worst, as a dangerous psychopath who is fascinated by firearms and is a menace to all law-abiding citizens. The White racist “gun nut,” in fact, has become a familiar stereotype on TV shows. The media coverage of the so-called “Tea Party” tax
protestors, who are almost universally White, is often portrayed not as protests against high taxes or big government, but as an expression of White racism against a Black president and his administration.
To the average American, who watches approximately 153 hours of TV every month, distinguishing between these fictional portrayals and reality becomes increasingly difficult. For young people making this distinction can be nearly impossible. Many people respond to the televised actions, statements, and attitudes of TV actors much as he does to his own peers in real life. For all too many Americans the real world has been replaced by the false reality of the TV environment, and it is to this false reality that his urge to conform
responds. Thus, when a TV scriptwriter expresses approval of some ideas and actions through the TV characters for which he is writing, and disapproval of others, he exerts powerful pressure on millions of viewers toward conformity with his own views.
And as it is with TV entertainment, so it is also with the news, whether televised or printed. The insidious thing about this form of thought control is that even when we realize that entertainment or news is biased, the media masters still are able to manipulate most of us. This is because they not only slant what they present, but also they establish tacit boundaries and ground rules for the permissible spectrum of opinion. Television viewers are presented with the illusion of diversity of opinion among the major news networks, when in reality, for all the issues that really matter, the news networks all speak with one voice. For example, networks like CNN or MSNBC are considered more “liberal,” while “conservatives” prefer the FOX News network. Yet these networks, and others, all tow the media party line when it comes to the major issues facing our nation and our people.
For example, consider the media treatment of Middle East news. Some editors or commentators are slavishly pro-Israel in their every utterance, while others seem nearly neutral. No one, however, dares suggest that the U.S. government is backing the wrong side in the Arab-Jewish conflict, or that 9-11 was a result of that support. Nor does anyone dare suggest that it served Jewish interests, rather than American interests, to send U.S. forces to cripple Iraq, Israel’s principal rival in the Middle East. The coverage of Iran’s nuclear program is another example. All the networks, to some degree or another, portray Iran and its leader as a danger to the world, rather than a barrier to Israeli supremacy over the entire Middle East.
Similarly, the networks vary somewhat in their coverage of illegal immigration and the eventual displacement of White Americans into minority status. Some networks embrace the browning of America as a positive change while others focus on the fight to limit illegal immigration, yet they are virtually silent on the massive crime wave, drain on social services, and cultural change brought by Third World immigration. Similarly, there is universal condemnation of U.S. immigration policy before 1965, which favored European immigrants over those from the Third World
Another example is the media treatment of racial issues in the United States. Some commentators seem almost dispassionate in reporting news of racial strife, while others are emotionally partisan—with the partisanship always on the non-White side. All of the media spokesmen without exception, however, take the position that “multiculturalism” and “diversity” are not only here to stay but that they are good things. The mantra “Diversity is our Strength” is echoed over and over not only in our media, but in our schools and government institutions. No mainstream media outlet is willing to comment on the balkanization, lack of social cohesion, crime, and displacement brought about by multiculturalism. Thus, a spectrum of permissible opinion on these issues and others is established.
Opinions falling outside this spectrum are labeled as “extreme” or even “racist.” Every point on the permissible spectrum of public opinion is acceptable to the media masters—and no impermissible fact or viewpoint is allowed any exposure at all, if they can prevent it.
Because there are differences in degree, however, most Americans fail to realize that they are being manipulated. Even the citizen who complains about “managed news” falls into the trap of thinking that because he is presented with an apparent spectrum of opinion he can escape the thought controllers’ influence by believing the editor or commentator of his choice. It’s a “heads I win, tails you lose” situation. By providing a “controlled opposition” for discontent citizens, they are able to steer them clear of Politically Incorrect opinions and keep their views within acceptable boundaries.
The control of the opinion-molding media is nearly monolithic. All of the controlled media—television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, motion pictures—speak with a single voice, each reinforcing the other. Despite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the great mass of people that might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media masters. They are presented with a single view of the world—a world in which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature of the Jewish “Holocaust” tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the flood of illegal aliens pouring across our borders, the danger of permitting citizens to keep and bear arms, the moral equivalence of all sexual orientations, and the desirability of a “pluralistic,” cosmopolitan society rather than a homogeneous, White one. It is a view of the world designed by the media masters to suit their own ends, and the pressure to conform to that view is overwhelming. People adapt their opinions to it, vote in accord with it, and shape their lives to fit it.
And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? As we shall see, to a very large extent they are Jews. It isn’t simply a matter of the media being controlled by profit-hungry capitalists, some of whom happen to be Jews. If that were the case, the ethnicity of the media masters would reflect, at least approximately, the ratio of rich Gentiles to rich Jews. However, despite a few prominent exceptions, the preponderance of Jews in the media is so overwhelming that we are obliged to assume that it is due to more than mere happenstance.
Electronic News and Entertainment Media
Continuing government deregulation of the telecommunications industry has resulted, not in the touted increase of competition, but rather in an accelerating wave of corporate mergers and acquisitions that have produced a handful of multi-billion-dollar media conglomerates.
The largest of these conglomerates are rapidly growing even bigger by consuming their competition, almost tripling in size during the 1990s. This has placed virtually all of the American media in the hands of a very small number of mostly Jewish businessmen. Whenever you watch television, whether from a small local broadcasting station or via cable or a satellite dish; whenever you see a feature film in a theater or at home; whenever you listen to the radio or to recorded music; whenever you read a newspaper, book, or magazine—it is very likely that the information or entertainment you receive was produced and/or distributed by one of these four mega-media companies:
The Walt Disney Company is the world’s largest media conglomerate with annual revenue approaching $39 billion. In 2005 its Jewish CEO Michael Eisner resigned from Disney after a no-confidence vote by Disney shareholders. Eisner had been accused by Roy Disney, Walt Disney’s nephew, of turning the Walt Disney Company into a “rapacious, soul-less” company. In his place, however, Eisner’s Jewish assistant
Robert Iger assumed control of the company in 2005. Iger is a committee member of Aish HaTorah, an orthodox, Zionist group that encourages Israeli settlement in Palestinian territories, promotes Jewish identity, and which is “committed to promoting universal Jewish precepts, foremost among them, perfecting the world” in accord with Jewish values.
Directly under Iger’s control are several television production companies (Walt Disney Television, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television) and cable networks with more than 100 million subscribers altogether. As for feature films, the Walt Disney Motion Pictures Group includes Walt Disney Pictures, Touchstone Pictures, Pixar, Hollywood Pictures, and Caravan Pictures. Disney also owns Miramax Films, founded by the Jewish Weinstein brothers, Bob and Harvey, who have produced such ultra-raunchy movies as The Crying Game, Priest, and Kids. The Weinstein brothers left Miramax in 2005 to form their own company known simply as The Weinstein Company. Since then they have produced films like Inglorious Basterds, which glorifies the torture and mutilation of German prisoners by Jewish soldiers during
When the Disney Company was run by the Gentile Disney family prior to its Jewish takeover by Eisner in 1984, it epitomized wholesome family entertainment. While it still holds the rights to Snow White, the company under Eisner and now Iger has expanded into the production of a great deal of so- called “adult” material.
Disney acquired Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. in 1985, which owns the ABC television network, which in turn owns ten TV stations outright in such big markets as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Houston. In addition, in the United States ABC has 225 affiliated TV stations.
Sports network ESPN, an ABC cable subsidiary, is headed by president and CEO George W. Bodenheimer, who is a Jew. The corporation also controls the Disney Channel, Toon Disney (now Disney XD), A&E, Lifetime Television, SOAPnet, and the History Channel, with between 86 and 88 million subscribers each. The ABC Family television network, which targets older teens, young adults, and young families has 84 million subscribers and, in addition to broadcasting entertainment (some of it quite raunchy for a family channel), is also the network outlet for Christian Zionist TV evangelist Pat Robertson.
Since Iger’s takeover of Disney, the company has pushed a number of children’s programs and movies encouraging interracial relationships and teen sexuality including The Princess and the Frog, and The Secret Life of the American Teenager. After critics complained about a raunchy pole dancing performance by 16-year-old Disney Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus at the Kid’s Choice Awards, for example, Disney spokesmen rebuffed their criticism and commented that all Disney content is “...consistent with what our brand values are."Although primarily a telecommunications company, ABC/Disney earns over $1 billion in publishing, owning Walt Disney Company Book Publishing, Hyperion Books, and Miramax Books. It also owns six daily newspapers and publishes over 20 magazines. Disney Publishing Worldwide, the world's largest publisher of children’s books and magazines, publishes over 400 children's magazines and sells over 120 million children's books each year. Disney Publishing Worldwide is headed by president Russell Hampton, Jr, and Jewish senior vice-president Andrew Sugerman.
On the Internet, Disney runs Buena Vista Internet Group, ABC Internet Group, ABC.com,
ABCNEWS.com, Oscar.com, Mr. Showbiz, Disney Online, Disney’s Daily Blast, Disney.com, Family.com, ESPN Internet Group, ESPN.sportzone.com, Soccernet.com, NFL.com, NBA.com, Infoseek (partial ownership), and Disney Interactive.
News Corporation
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation is currently the world’s second largest media conglomerate with annual revenue exceeding $30 billion.
News Corporation owns a number of film, television, cable, satellite TV, newspaper, and publishing companies. Its largest film studio is Twentieth Century Fox. Its television and cable companies include Fox Television Network, Fox News, the FX Channel, Fox Sports, MyNetworkTV, ESPN Star Sports, and DirectTV among others. News Corporations publishing arm includes News Limited, News International, Harper Collins, and publishes the New York Post and the Wall Street Journal. In 2005 News Corporation, through its Fox Interactive Media subsidiary, acquired the popular social networking site MySpace.
Its Fox News Channel, despite its reputation for America-first conservatism, has been a key outlet pushing the Jewish neo-conservative agenda that lies behind wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Its program hosts almost universally embrace and endorse aggressive Zionism and multiracialism. Hosts such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, and Glen Beck have all pushed the slavishly pro-Israel, pro-Jewish agenda required of all major television personalities.
Murdoch is nominally a Gentile, but there is some uncertainty about his ancestry and he has vigorously supported Zionism and other Jewish causes throughout his life. Historian David Irving has published information from a claimed high-level media source who says that Murdoch’s mother, Elisabeth Joy Greene, was Jewish, but this has not been confirmed.
In 2009 Murdoch replaced his Jewish second in command, Peter Chernin, with a Gentile Chase Carey. Under Carey, however, Jews hold key positions in the company: News Corporation Digital Media (formerly Fox Interactive Media) is run by Peter Levinsohn, and the CEO of Fox News is ardent Zionist Roger Ailes. Ailes was a former advisor to Ronald Reagan and George Bush, Sr. and is widely credited for their successful campaigns. Ailes has been vocal in his support for Israel saying,“I defend the United States, Israel and the Constitution”—a fact not lost on Fox News executives. David Hirshey is the executive editor of Harper Collins. Thomas Rothman is chairman of Fox Filmed Entertainment. William Kristol is the editor of one of the most popular neo-conservative journals, The Weekly Standard, published by News
Corporation. Kristol is a leading Jewish neocon spokesman and “intellectual.” Kristol has been a News corporation CEO Rupert Murdochvery vocal advocate of the Iraq War as well as Israel’s 2006 war in Lebanon which he referred to as “our war too.” He served as John McCain’s foreign policy advisor during his failed presidential campaign and continues to vigorously push for military action against Iran in defense of Israel.
The nation’s third largest media conglomerate, with 2008 revenues of just over $14 billion, is Viacom, Inc. Viacom is headed by Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein), a Jew. Melvin A. Karmazin, another Jew, was number two at Viacom until June 2004, holding the office of president and chief operating officer. Karmazin remains a large Viacom shareholder but has since moved on to become CEO of Sirius Satellite Radio where he has been a vocal supporter of Jewish shock jock Howard Stern. Replacing Karmazin as co-presidents and co-COOs are a Jew, Leslie Moonves, and Tom Freston, a possible Jew. Moonves is a staunch Zionist and is the great-nephew of David Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel. Moonves is also North American Chairman of Aish HaTorah. He continues to be president and CEO of CBS, one of Viacom’s largest subsidiaries. Moonves was directly responsible for the firing of Don Imus after the radio host made unflattering comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team.
Viacom owns many of the cable, television, and film companies in the United States including CBS, MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, BET, Comedy Central, Paramount Pictures, Dreamworks, Spike, and many others. Viacom produces and distributes TV programs for the three largest networks, owns 39 television stations outright with another 200 affiliates in its wholly-owned CBS Television Network, owns 185 radio stations in its Infinity radio group, and has over 1,500 affiliated stations through its CBS Radio Network. Viacom’s largest film studio is Paramount pictures, owner of Dreamworks, which is headed by Jewish CEO Brad Grey.
Under Redstone’s ownership MTV and VH1 have continued to push the limits of degeneracy with the airing of a number of new reality interracial and homosexual dating shows including Strange Love and Flavor of Love, featuring convicted felon and former drug addict rapper Flavor Flav (William Jonathan Drayton, Jr.) as well as A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila in which both male and female contestants compete for the affections of the bisexual star. MTV dominates the television market for viewers between the ages of 12 and 24 and pumps MTV’s racially- mixed rock and rap videos into 342 million homes in 140 countries and is a dominant cultural influence on White teenagers around the world.
Viacom also owns the Country Music Television cable channel which has allowed Redstone to ply a traditionally White, Christian audience with the same Jewish values he has displayed on MTV and VH1. Over the past five years he has shifted the channel’s focus to pop music and away from traditional country music. He has also introduced a number of reality shows, such as My Big Redneck Wedding hosted by Jewish star Tom Arnold, and Redneck Dreams that reinforce stereotypes of rural White Christians as racist rednecks. The overtly sexual content of the channel has increased as well with shows such as Dallas Viacom CEO Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein) Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team, The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search, and others.
As owner of BET, Redstone has also pushed a steady diet of gangsta rap, hip-hop, and sexual comedy programing onto Black audiences as well. Despite the appointment of Black female CEO Debra L. Lee in 2005, and unbeknownst to most Blacks, BET is a thoroughly Jewish-run network with only a token number of high profile Black executives and show hosts.
Viacom’s influence also extends into the advertising and publishing business. It is the largest outdoor advertising (billboards, etc.) entity in the U.S. Viacom’s publishing division includes Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The Free Press, Fireside, and Archway Paperbacks.
It distributes videos through its over 8,000 Blockbuster stores. It is also involved in satellite broadcasting, theme parks, and video games.
Nickelodeon, with over 87 million subscribers, has by far the largest share of the four-to-eleven year-old TV audience in America and is expanding rapidly into Europe. Most of its shows do not yet display the blatant degeneracy that is MTV’s trademark, but Redstone is gradually nudging the fare presented to his kiddie viewers toward the same poison purveyed by MTV with shows like True Jackson VP and others.
Time Warner
Despite shakeups in its top level management over the past five years, Time Warner, formerly known as AOL-Time Warner, remains the fourth largest media conglomerate in the world with an average annual revenue approaching 47 billion dollars. Time Warner runs major operations in film, television, Internet services, book publishing, and telecommunications. Warner was founded by the Jewish Warner Brothers in the early part of the last century and rapidly became part of the Jewish power base in Hollywood, a fact so well-known that it is openly admitted by Jewish authors.
Among its subsidiaries are CNN, HBO, Cartoon Network, DC Comics, Warner Bros. Games, Boomerang, Kid’s WB, New Line Cinema, Castle Rock Entertainment, Time, Inc., CW Television Network, AOL, Warner Bros. Entertainment, The CW4Kids, Adult Swim, Hanna-Barbera, Ruby-Spears Productions, and Telepictures (the producers of The Ellen Degeneres Show and The Rosie O'Donnell CEO of Warner Bros. Entertainment Barry M. Meyer Sylivia Auten CEO of IPC and Time, Inc executive vice president Show). Time Warner owns many of the best known brands in media including the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings series as well as People magazine.
After several years of falling profits, Jewish CEO Gerald Levin was replaced with Black CEO Richard Parsons. Parsons, despite his reputation as a skillful negotiator, was unable to boost Time Warner’s standing particularly in the field of Internet services. He was replaced in January 2009 by a Gentile of Dutch descent, Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Bewkes, while at HBO, was responsible for bringing shows such as Sex and the City and Oz to millions of television viewers. Despite being a Gentile, Bewkes has been a strong supporter of Zionist
interests. In 2001 he was awarded the Sherrill C. Corwin Human Relations Award from the American Jewish Committee and sits on the Board of Directors of the heavily Jewish Council on Foreign Relations. Bewkes heads a heavily Jewish board of directors including Jessica Einhorn, former managing director of the World Bank, Reuben Mark, and Ken Novack. Board member Mathias Dopfner, the German CEO of media giant Axel Springer AG, holds an honorary seat on the American Jewish Committee and he describes himself as a “non-Jewish Zionist.”
Time Warner’s subsidiaries also remain heavily dominated by Jewish executives. DC Comics is headed by Jewish president Paul Levitz.
Warner Bros. Entertainment is headed by Jewish CEO Barry M. Meyer. His executive vice president Jeff Robinov is also Jewish as is the president of Warner Bros. Television Group, Bruce Rosenblum. Mr. Meyer has direct oversight over New Line Cinema, which has produced films such as Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. New Line Cinema is run by a host of Jewish executives including CEO Robert Shaye, chief financial officer Stephen Abramson, Stephen Einhorn, president of New Line Home Video, Jim Rosenthal, president of New Line Television, Ben Zinkin, senior executive vice-president of business and legal affairs, and many others. The Jewish head of CNN’s U.S. operations, Jonathan Klein was replaced in September 2010 with Ken Jautz. This paved the way for Jewish executive Scot Safron to assume management of the Headline News network.
Time Warner teamed with Jewish CEO of 4Kids Entertainment Alfred Kahn and CBS to produce the CWKids Saturday morning cartoon block. This block includes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yu-Gi-Oh! and others. Kahn has been criticized for popularizing increasingly violent children’s cartoons. The Parent’s Television Council has commented that children’s programming from Warner Bros. has “the highest levels of offensive language, verbal abuse, sexual content and offensive/excretory references.”
With its profits declining, executives at Time Warner elected to spin off AOL into its own company in 2009. Under the guidance of gentile CEO Tim Armstrong, AOL, formerly the leading Internet service provider in the U.S., will try to reclaim its share of the Internet and multimedia market.
Time, Inc. is the largest magazine publisher in the U.S. and one of the leading publishers in Europe. Time controls several successful subsidiaries that extend its reach into television, cable video on demand, satellite radio, and mobile devices. Half of all Americans read magazines owned by Time, Inc., including People, which is read by over 40 million people monthly, and Sports Illustrated, Life, Time, Fortune, and over one hundred others.
In 2005 Jewish editor-in-chief Norman Pearlstine left Time, Inc. to become chief content officer at another Jewish-owned news media company, Bloomberg. He has since been replaced by John Huey. Huey’s Jewish roots have not been confirmed. Time, Jewish executive vice president for CNN Worldwide Scot Safron manages the Headline News network.Inc. CEO Ann Moore appointed a Jewess, Sylvia Auten, the chief executive of IPC Media, to the position of executive vice president. Ms. Auton is the daughter of Austrian Jews who emigrated from Germany in 1938. IPC Media is the largest magazine publisher in Great Britain. Its magazines are read by more than two-thirds of England’s women and almost half of its men.
In January 2007, Time-Magazine sold 18 magazines to the Jewish-owned Bonnier Magazine Group including Outdoor Life, Popular Science, Field & Stream, and Parenting Magazine. The Bonnier Group, after its acquisition of MTV Finland, was described by Finnish journalist Markko Juutinen as “...a political, ideological and immensely secretive organizational branch of the Zionist Bonnier family dynasty, who are the same force of kindred spirits which own and rule the mass media in North America.”
Time, Inc. Interactive runs the companies Web sites and related digital efforts. Ned Desmond, a Gentile, heads this division. Former Time, Inc. Interactive executives Jodi Kahn and Meg Siesfeld both Jews, have left the company to pursue other ventures. Kahn is now the Executive Vice President of iVillage Networks, a media company owning a variety of Web sites targeting young girls and women.
In 2004 Time Warner sold its music division, Warner Music Group (WMG), to Jewish multimillionaire Edgar Bronfman Jr. Bronfman’s father is former president of the World Jewish Congress, the world’s largest Jewish organization which has spent millions of dollars worldwide to criminalize “Holocaust denial.” Upon acquiring WMG, Edgar Bronfman immediately hired fellow Jew Lyor Cohen, the grandson of an Israeli army general, as CEO of Warner Music Group. Cohen, the founder of Murder, Inc. Records, is best known as a pioneer in the promotion of “gansta-rap” and hip-hop music, a genre of music whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge young Black males to commit acts of violence against Whites, police officers, and women. Under Cohen’s leadership WMG has signed artists such as Jay Z, Marilyn Manson, Seal, Kid Rock, Missy Elliott, Sean “P-Diddy” Combs, gangsta-rappers Boyz n da Hood, and many others.
Bronfman has aggressively pushed for a greater share of the Internet music market in the past few years. Angered over the fact that users of YouTube, Jewish executives Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Lyor Cohen are two of the largest producers and distributors of hip-hop and gangsta-rap music.where uploading content featuring WMG music without paying royalties, Bronfman required YouTube to block or remove all WMG copyrighted content. In late 2009 YouTube relented to Bronfman’s demands. In exchange for allowing its music back on YouTube, WMG will have the right to sell ads on user generated content and create its own YouTube channel consisting of “premium” content, a move that has further alienated many of YouTubes regular users. Similarly, Bronfman has complained that the new generation of music video games like “Rock Band” is not paying him enough for using WMG-owned music. "The amount being paid to the music industry, even though [these] games are entirely dependent on the content we own and control, is far too small," and he concluded that, "we will not license to those games."
With three of the top four media conglomerates in the hands of Jews (Disney, Viacom, and News Corporation), and with Jews filling a large proportion of the top executive jobs at Time Warner, Jewish domination of the nation’s most powerful media giants is nearly complete.
With such rampant Jewish hegemony, it is unlikely that such an overwhelming degree of control came about by mere chance. If there were not a cohesive group strategy and ethnocentric drive among Jews to promote each other and exclude non-Jews, then one would expect their numbers in the media industry to reflect those found in the general population. Instead what we find is a near total monopoly of the
major media outlets in the United States.Other media companies
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