【原编者按】2014年北京市民杨晓陆因要求农业部公开孟山都申请在中国“农药登记”时向中国政府提交的毒理学试验报告遭到拒绝而状告农业部,因考虑到孟山都是该案利益相关方,故今年四月初法院追加孟山都为当事人。由此,美国种业巨头孟山都公司首次在中国成为公众焦点,这一案件也引起了国际的关注。 与咱们家门口的官司相呼应,4月21日美国加州的民众在洛杉矶注册了对孟山都的集体诉讼。当越来越多的证据都指向孟山都生产的草甘膦除草剂(“农达”)高度致癌可能性的时候,国际消费者的维权意识也日渐高涨,孟山都在今年四月份接连涉及中美两起集体诉讼,或许这真的是“孟山都”王朝雪崩的开始。而就在前不久,联合国世界卫生组织下属的国际癌症研究所宣布,“有充足证据”表明,草甘膦在实验动物中是致癌物;另有“有限的证据”表明,草甘膦对人类可能致癌。
Exhibit #1 Glyphosate targets an enzyme found in plants but not in people or pets. -- Monsanto statement on 2013 glyphosate herbicide products.
证据#1:草甘膦瞄准植物体内的一种酶,而人类或动物体内则没有这种酶 -- 孟山都在2013年草甘膦除草剂产品上的宣告。
Today a class action lawsuit was filed in Los Angeles County, California against the Monsanto corporation. The suit alleges that Monsanto is guilty of false advertising by claiming that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, targets an enzyme only found in plants and not in humans or animals. Monsanto makes this claim to support the contention that glyphosate is harmless to humans.
In the lawsuit, the argument is made that the targeted enzyme, EPSP synthase, is found in the microbiota which reside in our intestines and therefore this enzyme is found in humans and animals. It is further stated in the lawsuit that there are many human and animal health problems associated with the disruption of our intestinal microbes.
“Because it kills-off our gut bacteria, glyphosate is linked to stomach and bowel problems, indigestion, ulcers, colitis, gluten intolerance, sleeplessness, lethargy, depression, Crohn's Disease, Celiac Disease, allergies, obesity, diabetes, infertility, liver disease, renal failure, autism, Alzheimer’s, endocrine disruption, and the W.H.O. recently announced glyphosate is 'probably carcinogenic'.”
“因为草甘膦杀死我们的肠道微生物,因此它关系到胃和肠道问题、消化不良、溃疡、结肠炎、麸质不耐受、失眠、嗜睡、抑郁、克罗恩氏病, 腹腔疾病, 过敏, 肥胖、糖尿病、不孕症、肝病、肾功能衰竭、自闭症、阿尔茨海默症(老年痴呆症)、内分泌干扰,世界卫生组织最近宣布草甘膦是‘可能的致癌物’。”
The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization (WHO), last month declared that glyphosate is Group 2A carcinogen. The American Cancer Society quickly followed suit, also listing glyphosate as a Group 2A carcinogen.
An Environmental Protection Agency memo dated October 30, 1991 states that the EPA classified glyphsate as a possible carcinogen in 1985. In this 1991 memo, without any justification, this classification was changed to Not Carcinogenic. Three scientists refused to sign, two of whom wrote beside their name: Do Not Concur.
This document contains data that clearly shows a statistically significant increase in tumors in laboratory animals treated with glyphosate. But because there weren't more tumors in the group of animals who received a higher dose of glyphosate than there were in the group that received a lower dose, Monsanto made the claim that the tumors could not be related to glyphosate.
Today's lawsuit may be the beginning of an avalanche.
Earlier this year, Beijing resident Yang Xiao-lu filed a lawsuit against the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture requesting information disclosure of the toxicology report submitted to the Chinese government for glyphosate pesticide registration in China. The case has been accepted and the collegiate panel of the court has informed the plaintiff that, considering that Monsanto is a stakeholder to the case, they have added Monsanto as an involved party to the case.
Chinese citizens had previously petitioned the Ministry of Agriculture for this toxicology report but were denied. The Ministry cited “trade secrets” as the reason for denial. It is difficult to comprehend how a toxicology report would contain trade secrets since trade secrets generally constitute ingredients or a recipe for a compound or manufacturing procedure.
In today's lawsuit, Monsanto is accused of deliberate falsification to conceal the fact that glyphosate is harmful to humans and animals. “Defendant intentionally misleads consumers by misrepresenting and concealing the true and correct facts concerning glyphosate...” Attorney T. Matthew Phillips says, “We are not trying to prove that Roundup is harmful or carcinogenic, we are merely pointing out that Monsanto is lying about the enzymes that Roundup targets. Roundup kills the weeds in your backyard and the weeds in your stomach.”
在今天这个诉讼中,孟山都被指责为故意弄虚作假、隐瞒草甘膦对人类和动物有害的事实。“被告通过歪曲和掩盖关于草甘膦的真实和正确的事实,故意误导消费者 ...”原告律师T·马修·菲利普斯说,“我们不是试图证实农达有害或致癌,我们仅是指出孟山都就草甘膦除草剂农达所作用的酶撒谎。农达杀死你后院的野草,同时杀死你肠胃中的‘野草’。”
Judgment is sought against Monsanto to prohibit the company from continuing to make the claim that glyphosate targets an enzyme not found in humans and for compensation to the plaintiffs, including attorney fees.
Residents of California can become members of the class in this action by contacting T. Matthew Phillips at [email protected]. Phillips has indicated that he hopes other attorneys in other states will follow suit.
通过邮箱[email protected] 与原告律师T·马修·菲利普斯联系,加利福尼亚州的居民都可以成为该项集体诉讼的成员。菲利普斯表明,他期望其他州的律师效仿提出同样的诉讼。
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