A letter to American people
English version:
“抗议者”成为2011年时代周刊年度人物, 而不是民主党或共和党的领袖, 这说明了什么? 说明了美国财团可以操纵美国联邦储蓄局, 影响美国政府与政党, 但无法在美国媒体上一手遮天, 误导全美国人民.
在一个普通百姓持枪自由是宪法所规定的合法权利的国家, 发生占领华尔街运动的大规模抗议, 却没有并发大规模的警民暴力冲突与枪战, 这说明了美国财团在过度贪婪地侵犯了美国人民的生存权与发展权的时候, 美国人民及时觉悟起来, 正在以行动捍卫宪法赋予人民的合法的权利, 更进一步说明了美国军人与警察具有高度的觉悟水平, 反对被美国财团利用而沦落为暴力维稳工具, 以至于践踏宪法尊严并且侮辱国家形象.
两百多年前起草了著名的美国独立宣言的杰弗逊给自由概念赋予了一个经典定义 , 即“ 正当的自由为,在其他人据相同权利划定之范围内,依我等之意愿畅行无碍。在此 , 我并未加述'合法范围内',因律法通常不过是专制独裁者之意图,而律法的确就是这样侵犯个人权利 ” , 今天操纵美国联邦储蓄局与华尔街金融运作的财团, 任由金融衍生品过度泛滥, 又借战争之名推高石油价格, 掠夺了美国人民乃至全世界人民的财富. 正是这种美其名曰金融创新而实际带有掠夺性质的过度泛滥的金融游戏规则 -- 部分可能已被财团列入金融法规, 已过度侵犯了美国人民乃至全世界人民的生存权与发展权. 这些邪恶的金融游戏规则, 被一些头脑发热的精英人士堂而皇之地冠名为”新自由主义”, 已严重背离了杰弗逊式的永恒经典的自由传统理念.
这些过度泛滥的金融游戏规则, 包含供金融财团投机炒作的众多衍生品. 诱发08年金融危机的带有杠杠性质将金融风险级别放大的所谓次级贷款抵押证券, 只是其中的一种. 但单凭一个次级贷款抵押证券的危机就足以让成千上万人无家可归的同时, 却让一小部分深谙游戏规则的金融大鳄迅速地暴发横财. 这就是问题的核心.
因此, 下一届执政党, 无论是民主党还是共和党, 无论是奥巴马, 希拉里或其他人, 真正要推进改革, 就必须以实际行动制止金融财团滥发货币, 滥发贷款, 滥用一系列游戏规则过度侵犯人民权利; 以实际行动作表率, 恢复人民对杰弗逊的公正透明的自由理念的积极信仰. 只有做到这一步, 过度泛滥的金融工具所带来的对信息技术的文明进程的扭曲才能得到良性的调整与纠正.
同时, 要看清形势. 在未来的前进途中, 可能还会有各种各样的新名词, 新主义出现. 无论是新的次级贷款抵押证券的创新, 还是新自由主义, 新共产主义, 新人权主义, 只有在实际行动中能够践行杰弗逊的自由公正理念的作法, 才符合时代改革的要求. 更要保持信心, 因为在世界很多国家掀起运动浪潮的时候, 一些国家不可避免地陷入了利益集团与人民激烈冲突的大面积动荡中, 而持枪自由的美国能够避免大规模的枪战, 因为美国军人与美国警察深知宪法决不可被践踏, 这本身也预示着即使在世界动荡的格局中, 美国人民的觉悟水平仍然最高, 将进一步引领世界潮流, 推动时代进步.
-- Occupy-the-Wall-Street is itself progress of civilization
Date: 2012/1/10
To the great people of America,
TIME magazine's 2011 Person of the Year was The Protester instead of either the leader of Democratic party or the Republican party. What does this show? It discloses the fact that the U.S. consortium may be able to manipulate the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, influence the U.S. government and political parties, but can not hoodwink all the media in the United States, misleading the whole American people.
In a country where the liberty for ordinary people to hold guns is part of constitutional rights of freedom, the large-scale protest movement of Occupy-the-Wall-Street occurred, but was not accompanied with large-scale violence of gunshots between police and people. This not only shows the high level of American’s political consciousness, which helps American people awaken up timely of the danger while the excessive greed of the U.S. consortium, through a series of over-manipulation on financial game, have gone too far in violation of the American people’s right of subsistence and development that is of similar importance as right of freedom endowed by the U.S. constitution; it also further illustrates the high degree of political consciousness owned by the U.S. soldiers and police who refuse to be manipulated by the U.S. consortium as a tool of law to contain the protester’s movement, as that kind of indulgence in violence can do nothing but trample the Constitution and insult the dignity of the whole nation.
Two hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson, a man famous for drafting the Declaration of Independence for the United States, also makes a breakthrough in the concept of freedom, giving it a classic definition, that is "rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add ‘within the limits of the law’, because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual".
Today, the large consortium of financial tycoons over-manipulate the the U.S. Federal Reserve Board and the financial system at Wall Street, let the excessive proliferation of financial derivatives go unrestrained, and push up the oil price to high level by waging war in the name of creating democracy for the world, thus rob the wealth away from both the ordinary people in America and the whole world. And the ridiculous paradox is that many of these financial games have been honored as financial innovations of service industry for too long, even with some rules being set as regulations of law, while the main intention (which may be implicit, so it’d better be said as “the main result”) of those game rules is to rob wealth away from ordinary people, and endanger their rights of subsistence and development. Such kind of evil practice, some of which may be fine labeled as part of “Neoliberalism” by the highly-skilled and sophisticated group of elite, has seriously betrayed Jefferson’s principle of freedom, since Jefferson’s concept of freedom should be an eternally-honored definition suitable for all mankind.
The excessive proliferation of those financial games includes many types of financial derivatives that can only intensify the intensity of market speculation by conjuring up large-scale range of fluctuation, through which those so-called elite of consortium rob away wealth from ordinary people, with the process legitimized by making relevant game rules legitimate. The subprime mortgage securities, with the over-leveraged nature of enlarging risks for innocent people, is just one of the derivatives that caused the crisis of 2008. But the fact that a crisis in subprime mortgage securities, is enough to make hundreds of thousands of people become homeless, and at the same time, allow a small portion of the so-called group of elite to accumulate up drillions of wealth in a short time, as they are the predators in the jungle of financial market who are much more familiar with the game rules, as some of them set the game rules. Besides, if the whole market fails with some of corporations named as “too large to go bankrupt”, only larger amount of tax-payers’ revenue is to be used to keep their system running. This is the core of all the problems.
Therefore, for the next ruling party, whether it is to be Democrat or Republican, whether it is Obama, Clinton or anyone else. Any one who really wants to promote reform, should take concrete actions to contain the excessive amount of currency, stop excessive stimulation that only intensifies speculation, and stop the abuse of a series of game rules that can only enlarge the gap between rich and poor, which may further intensify the conflicts in society.
Practical action should be taken to restore people's belief in Jefferson's principle of freedom which is clear and fair, and suitable for all people. Only with these efforts done, the over-manipulation of various financial instruments that has caused too heavy distortion on the process of civilization through the means of various advanced information technology innovations, can get sound corrections and justifications.
Meanwhile, keep clear mind on the change of situations. On the road ahead, there may emerge various new terms, doctrines and innovations. Whether it’d be a new type of financial instrument similar to subprime mortgage securities, or new term to convey Neolibralism, communism, or humanitarianism, only those practices that can carry out Jefferson's principle of freedom and justice can meet the requirements of time, and can stand up the test of time.
Keep the confidence in moving ahead as well. Because at a time of turbulent world with many countries involved in movements by masses, some countries inevitably fall into large-scale violent conflicts between the soldiers and the people, while the United States, with the liberty of holding guns as part of the constitutional freedom, can avoid the serious conflicts in civil war level. This fact itself shows that the level of political consciousness of American people is the highest in the turbulent world, and so should be able to lead the world trend, and facilitate the progress of the times.
May God bless the American people and all peoples of the world!
Allan Yang/David Ling
(Translated by David Ling)
Remarks to be read by people who do censorship in Chinese websites:
This letter has no intention to incite the Chinese people to do anything, but just wants to remind people at the current turbulent time that we should not forget the fine traditions conveyed by Jeffersonian idea of freedom. And in composing such kind of letter, we still don’t dare to forget making clarification in this aspect, such fact itself shows the fact that the significance of Jefferson’s principle on freedom is not only important for American people, but for peoples of all the world.
1) 此信只是想提醒人们在动荡的时代不要忘记了杰弗逊式的传统经典之自由理念, 将有利于文明进程的积极调整.
2) 此信也更不想提倡崇洋媚外的恶习, 因为数千年前的中国之孔子就说过: 己所不欲,勿施于人. 孔子的理念与杰弗逊式的自由理念, 本身是相通的, 只是杰弗逊的理念更透彻地阐明了自由, 法律与民主文明的矛盾统一规律. 对于大多数不怎么读古文的国人而言, 杰弗逊的理念比孔子的古话更好理解.
3) 细细回顾历史, 就容易明白: 袁世凯之败, 不只是在于称帝的意图邪恶, 更在于卖国求荣以图帝制的卑鄙恶劣; 蒋介石之败, 不在于孙中山的三民主义之理念不好, 而在于”攘外必先安内”的无耻恶劣. 毛泽东虽然有晚年陷于文革泥潭的失误, 但仍能深得人民的尊敬, 因为他毕生都以国家尊严为重. 而蒋经国必将世世代代为海峡两岸的中华人民所景仰, 因为蒋经国不仅具有古中国文明高尚的仁政思想, 更兼有民胞物与的宽广胸怀, 廉洁自律的高度觉悟与执政为民的务实作风.
4) 假如一百年前的蔡锷将军重现于当今世界, 即使没有100%地认同杰弗逊式的传统经典之自由理念, 也不致于采取顽固的反对或打压的态度.
5) 因此, 有觉悟的人们都应明白: 无论是煽动人民, 还是煽动警察, 误导军人践踏宪法而侮辱国家尊严的做法, 最终都将被人民唾弃!
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