【云南省玉溪市人民医院出生的女孩马宇歌,先后是北京市西城区宫门口三条13号托儿所小朋友、北京市西城区冰洁胡同铁路第一幼儿园小朋友、北京市西城区棉花胡同幼儿园小朋友、北京市西城区官园小学优秀学生干部、北京市西城区后广平小学大队委优秀毕业生、中国少年报小记者、北京人民广播电台小记者、中国中央电视台首席小主持人首席小记者、中国中央人民广播电台小记者、北京清华附中校团委委员“一条龙试验班”初中高中优秀毕业生、清华大学电视台学生负责人播音组组长兼主持人编导记者、2006年北京国际马拉松赛清华大学男女生3000人全程参赛总排名第六名获得者、北京清华大学文理科法学和工科双学士、印度总理任校长的尼赫鲁大学中国留学生会首任主席在校硕士研究生、印度全境中国留学生总负责人会暨首任中国驻印度留学生联合会主席、北京清华大学校友会印度次大陆总召集人、英国牛津大学硕士博士、北京清华大学校友会牛津大学会长、日本松下株式会社总部特约研究员、美国总统国策智库布鲁金斯学会特邀青年领袖中国访问学者(青年访问研究员)。2012现年24岁的马宇歌,她的父亲著名教育家马弘毅先生认为:“要从小锻炼孩子的体魄开阔孩子的眼界心胸比什么都重要。” 】
Ma Hongyi: Mainland China education should be re-examined, and emphasis the objective presentation of human civilization
(:北京 马弘毅)
Author: Ma Hongyi , Beijing
(中国教育部主管并公开发行的 《网络科技时代》 杂志第101期 《新课程实践》半月刊,发表特约大陆著名民主人士马弘毅先生写的一篇署名文章 《大国崛起的动力后劲来自教育革命――――中国著名家长马弘毅一谈教改》全文如下)
(The official magazine of Chinese Ministry of Education “Net Time” Series No. 101, No.3 in 2007, p17-19 published an article of famous democracy personage Mr. Ma Hongyi’s article “Potential of the Great Power is from Education---- famous educator Mr. Ma Hongyi.’s opinion on Curriculum Reformation” )
我们的教育课程改革,在目前非物质环境基本依旧的前提下,欲求能有大的突破,这是不可能的。2005年夏,中国中小学教育教学网的倪仲勋在采访我的时候,我就说过,造成中国大陆教育弊端频仍的根本原因 (或称 “关键原因” ) 不在教育界,各界人士过多指责处在低端的教育部门,确实有点冤枉★。但是,任由这种弊端蔓延泛滥,中华民族为之付出的历史代价太沉重了,已使我们从学校里培养出来的下一代,正在日益丧失独立思考判断能力,创造力减弱,他们长大成人对人类文明缺乏具有正面深刻影响的应有建树。一个民族、一个国家、甚至一个人类生命,存在于世,最值得夸耀之处,主要看其对全球文明发展进程贡献如何。我国要想马上全面挽回自己这种不利教育局面,可能耗时会比自己糟蹋自己曾经花费的时间还长。出于我们都是中国人,为了中国目前十多亿人的长久未来,不能只顾自己明哲保身,我们应在力所能及的允许范围,尽量有所作为。
It’s impossible to reform education without social reformation. I argued in an interview with Mr. Ni Zhongxun from primary education net. That the real reason for the disadvantages of Chinese education is not education itself, because education is a lower level section in the political system of China which has very little voice in policy making. However, this disadvantage of education has damaged the nation hugely by the failure of developing creativity and critical thinking of the next generation of China. Such young generation is lack of ability to contribute to global civilization positively, which is the main evaluation standard of one country’s achievement in the long term. To adverse the situation, it may take longer time than we thought. But it is the responsibility that everyone cannot avoid: we must try our best to reform education, in order to save the 1 billion people’s future.
一、 关于课程设置的综合平衡问题
1. The equilibrium of curriculum
Mainland China’s curriculum, especially the basic education, apart from the extra content, is relatively comprehensive.
希望教育主管部门,根据调查了解到的世界发达国家和地区的教育课程设置一般情况,找出我们与人家相比的共同科目及内容都有哪些。我们不妨称之为 “世界共同课” 。对这些与世界各国教育内容相通的课程,予以重点保护,规定严格的考试测评标准,不许学校或教师随意破坏。
The education authorities should re-examine the curriculum, comparing with the curriculum with advanced countries and find similarity between. We may call these common curriculums as Global Common Curriculum, and protect these curriculums from being violated by school or teacher.
For example, the physical education is ignored by primary and secondary school, and has led to serious health problem of children: till the last year of high school, 99% of students wear glasses, even in rural area. If students sacrificed their health for some useless knowledge, it is a waste for both individuals and the community.
我们应该尽早确立这样的指导思想,对 “世界共同课” 的讲授、考核,不分高下,同等重要。因为这些内容对任何国度的学生产生的人生影响,都很深远。不能够只顾语文、数学,要把属于 “世界共同课” 的所有课程一视同仁予以对待。以此求得课程设置上的综合平衡,尽量达到教育科学化。
We should establish the strict evaluative standard of the Global Common Curriculum, because those curriculums deeply influence the global community in a positive way throughout history. Only by doing so, we could balance current curriculum which mainly focus on Math, Chinese and English, and make the curriculum scientifically designed.
我坚持认为基础教育阶段,第一要追求教育课程设置的综合平衡,第二要把着眼点特别放在对 “世界共同课” 的重视与综合平衡上来。 “世界共同课” 应该成为今后中国内地教育的重点关注对象。
To sum up, the primary education should 1. Improve the equilibrium of curriculum and 2. Put emphasis on Global Common Curriculum.
2. Re-examine the long-term vision of education
世界发达国家和地区的教育,强调每一个受教育个体,都是潜在的领袖之材,对他们要有教无类。中国大陆的教育则强调的是,把一般人首先视为 “螺丝钉” ,只有极特殊的人群,才是群众的潜在领袖并且一旦塞进这个高人一等之列,终生不变。这样,事实上就和我国现在实行半个世纪的 “农业户口” 和 “非农业户口” 一样,把人从一出生就开始分为三六九等了,即不公平,也不符合人的客观成长规律和教育科学。
In many developed countries, education sees every student as a potential leader. In comparison, Mainland China’s education considers individual as a tool of the society, and only a certain special group of people can be educated to be leaders. This is not fair and unscientific, since it classifies people into different categories, just like the Hukou system classifies people into Rural Citizen and Urban Citizen by birth.
我认为没有必要为领袖人物担心:把人都往高端一个方向、一个层次去培养了,将来一般性的工作会再没有人干。社会发展对人才的选拔是水涨船高的。在社会整体水平偏低时,具有大学文凭的人,自会显得十分了不起; 一旦高等教育趋向普及后,大学毕业生在社会上的地位就会降到过去高中生的位置上来。
Some people worries about the situation that if everyone is educated to become leader, no one wants to do the ordinary works. I don’t agree with this, because the recognition of leaders will rise with the development of society: when higher education was not universal, college graduates are considered high; once higher education spreads, college degree is not enough.
如果我们的世界观不是这样的,出发点似乎存心要把来自普通家庭的人都往低层次去培养,那样一来就会产生什么后果呢? 会使我们的社会,发生与水涨船高相反的结果出现,致使中国内地人口素质不断地 “水落船低” ,最终如同大家过去司空见惯的现实。须知,群众无足轻重了,领导人的水准又能高到哪里去呢? 我经常看到一些自以为脱离了群众、高人一等的所谓领导,出口便是中国不适合什么什么……原因似乎都是他所谓的 “人民大众素质太低了” 等等。假使如其所言中国人素质低,可是领导就来自这群中国人,我就不明白:一个中国同类怎么可以太高出他所在的人群,和洋人一般齐了呢?
If we consider people from ordinary background can only get ordinary achievements, creativity and critical thinking will be suppressed, leading to the damage of social development. Without social development, the level of leadership cannot achieve high level. Some typical Chinese officials always say that the western institutions are not suited for China because the quality of Chinese people too low. If so, how could the leaders be high-level in the background of the population of ‘too poor quality’?
Developed countries and regions have already learned that, even if they are for their very selfish purposes, they won’t think little of their motherland and the people, nor educate their people to a lower and single-minded culture.
We should move on the education reform from the view of the worldview, reversing the previous goal of the education and re-grant it from the education policy review. Only in this way can China Mainland produce profound and valuable changes in the education, and therefore promote social harmony and truly reflects the scientific concept of development in the field of education.
教育的目的,如果是把人培养成谁的或为什么而打造的 “螺丝钉” ,人类的普遍文明,特别是那些最新取得成就的进步思想与尖端技术,还有必要对这些年轻的芸芸众生普及和传授吗? 这个软肋实际上就是我们的教育,长期以来缺少人文内容及人文教育一直不够的根本原因! 假如我们也和世界发达国家、地区一样,认为人人确实生而平等,都有成为领袖之材的平等权利与可能,中国内地的教育就会更加重视人文教育,重视把人普遍向高端培养的主观追求。教育界近来彷徨不知所终的低沉局面,也会得到相应改观的。
If the aim of the education is to train the people as a "screw" of some certain one or some certain thing, then is it still a need for the young people to heritage the universal human civilization, especially those latest achievements and cutting-edge technology advances? This weakness is actually what our education has long been facing: a lack of cultural content or a lack of enough cultural education. If we have the same opinion as the world's developed countries and regions, that everyone is born equal and everyone has the equal right and opportunity to become the leaders of this country, then the China Mainland will pay more attention to humane education and to a stronger desire to cultivate people in a generally higher culture. Thus, educationists’ anxious and agitated attitude to the current education situation will also expect to be faced with a change.
Indeed,the issue we probe into now is related to the future and destiny of 1.3 billion people. I sincerely hope leaders and governors who are responsible for china’s education will, for the sake of ourselves, be able to review the issue from a certain high level, and be able to lead our country to achieve the rise of great power with rejuvenation of Chinese Nation promoted by education.
3. Necessity of broadening the horizon and open-mindedness and relevant education methods
“世界共同课” 需要贯穿共同的先进教育理念指导实践。最近我从新华网上看到一篇文章,题目叫 “教育只有先进落后岂分东西方” 。教育的价值评定确实只有先进与落后之别,如果还分东西方,两相尖锐对立,我们的先哲当初纷纷留学西方去求哪门子 “真理” 呢? 大清国的黄袍马褂文化不就挺好嘛,何不拿来传授至今呢? 在中国还没衰落之时,外国又有什么必要,当初一个劲向我们这边派 “遣唐使” 和各种学者主动来华学习取经呢? 将人类文明借用东西方的地理概念,尤其是在教育问题上,两相严格割裂开来,是缺乏起码理据不足为凭的。教育不分东西方! 凡是先进的,不仅西方的,我们可用,包括南方、北方和东方咱们自己历史上的一切相对进步成份,都一样需要给以珍视。要打破历来的我国小农经济局限性造成的狭隘观念,使那种宽广的眼界和胸怀及其能动性,首先在授业解惑人的脑海里安营扎寨,渐把国人都能融入到人类文明的主流中去,让大家视全球的利益均为自己的利益,地球是美国的也是中国的。
"Global Common Curriculum" should guide the practice through commonly recognized education philosophy. I recently saw an article from Xinhua, called "there is only well-developed or low-quality education without the distinction between the East and West". Assessment of the education quality does only depend on whether it is advanced. If education were labeled East and West which conflict with each other, what kind of “truth” would many intellectuals in modern China have gone to the west to seek? Would the culture in Qing Dynasty, characterized by the yellow robe and jacket, have been XXXd enough to be taught until today? During the prosperous periods of China, why would a large number of diplomats and scholars have been sent to China from the west continually to study? Accordingly, it is highly invalid to arbitrarily distinguish the human civilization, especially in terms of education, by using the geographic concept “west” and “east”. Education by no means can be labeled west and east! Any advanced education, including that from the west, south, north and east is applicable in China and should be pay much attention to equally. It is important to break the conservative thinking caused by the limitations of small-scale peasant economy and equip the tutors with broad horizons and tolerance. Then people can gradually get involved into the mainstream of human civilization, can consider global interests as their own interests, and can recognize that the earth is not only China’s but the US’s as well.
Currently among our textbooks, there is a great lack of teaching materials with this kind of idea. To some common sense of human civilization, we even take a strange “ostrich tactic” - to withdraw the head and to avoid the problem intentionally. We tend to mislead our own children and let them hate us once they realize the truth, rather than to recognize the truth and inform them of the true knowledge.
中国内地的学生为什么互相嫉妒,不会发现别人身上的优点,首先想到应该怎样学习对方的制胜因素,少挑外界毛病,重在完善自己? 原因就和我们的教材不能客观表述一些国家和地区的文明成果,教会我们的孩子们明白见贤思齐的做人道理有关。这种状况,背离了中华民族重新崛起成为世界强盛大国的目标追求,是十分狭隘而有害的。
Why do students from mainland China tend to be jealous about one another rather than to find the merits of others and then improve themselves? One possible reason is that our textbooks cannot illustrate the achievements of some countries and regions objectively and cannot teach our children that one is supposed to catch up when finding the merits of others. This situation deviates from China’s goal to become an influential and prosperous country once again, and is very narrow and harmful.
我们要利用现在进行 “课改” 的机会,对 “世界共同课” 的内容有意开展国际性的接轨工作。比如对语文、历史,就要多选一些有利于中国下一代身心健康成长、有利于他们顺利步入世界主流社会的古今中外教育内容。选材的视角要宽,囊括全球。从小让孩子们对世界充满好奇和憧憬,特别是要教会他们正确对待自己和他人,懂得见贤思齐,尤为重要。
We should take advantage of the Curriculum Reformation to set up of the international standard of Global Common Curriculum. For example, we should add more history into the curriculum, in order to help the next generation to adapt into the mainstream of global society. The perspective of curriculum should be wide and international, in order to encourage the curiosity and hope of the future, especially educate the next generation to get to know themselves and learn from others.
China's development relies on the competition capability improvement of our generation and more importantly the next generation. Limited horizons and lack of open-mindedness cannot contribute to China’s comparative advantage among the world competition.
本来我还有几个问题准备拿出来借此与大家一起探讨的,限于篇幅就此打住。以上内容请教育界和关心我国教育事业的各位老师同学批评指正。 (★ 备注:马弘毅先生接受中国中小学教育教学网的访谈内容,目前可在人民网上查到全文,标题是《 访清华建筑学院05级特长生马宇歌儿时的伯乐 》, 见该网 2005年10月21日10:31时发的 “人民网>>时政>>综合报道”, 网址是 http://politics.people.com.cn/GB/1026/3789900.html 或看 http://cmy03856789.blog.163.com/blog/static/186169320201142410811890/ 及 http://edu.cyol.com/content/2011-06/21/content_4558171.htm 也行。到网上去搜 “马弘毅先生” 或 “马宇歌” 的新闻、网页、图片、视频、博客、论坛 等,可以看到数以万计有关这方面的报道和评论) ( 《马弘毅率先提出 “应重新审视中国大陆的教育方针并要客观表述人类文明” 》全文见中国教育部《网络科技时代》杂志第101期《大国崛起的动力后劲来自教育革命――――中国著名家长马弘毅一谈教改》)
The word limit does not allow me to discuss more of this topic. ( ★ You may refer to 【 http://politics.people.com.cn/GB/1026/3789900.html 】 to read my article on the primary education which was published by People’s Net on 21st Oct 2005, title: “the first teacher of Ma Yuge – talented college girl at Tsinghua University Architecture School 2005” . Or see 【 http://www.ce.cn/xwzx/gnsz/gdxw/200901/08/t20090108_17904387.shtml 】, or see 【 http://edu.cyol.com/content/2011-06/21/content_4558171.htm 】 are the same. ) (Above is the article published by The official magazine of Chinese Ministry of Education Net Time Series No. 101, No.3 in 2007, p17-19 written by famous democracy personage Mr. Ma Hongyi’s article “Potential of the Great Power is from Education---- famous educator Mr. Ma Hongyi.’s opinion on Curriculum Reformation”.)
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