首届世界民族饮食文化与食品安全国际研讨会在云南财经大学召开 http://t.cn/zQb1Ek9
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中国转基因食品监管法规一开始还是很严格的。2002年7月1日生效的《转基因食品卫生管理办法》明确规定:未经卫生部批准的转基因食品不得生产或进口,也不得用作食品或食品原料。但是,这个5年零5个月内从未得到执行的《办法》于2007年12月 1日被突然废止。
2002年美国小布什总统两次访华,要求中国取消对进口转基因大豆的 270日安全评价期,理由是会“给孟山都公司带来巨大损失”。他成功了。2002年3月中国农业部发布了《转基因农产品安全管理临时措施》,规定当年境外公司可持本国机构出具的安全评价文件向中国农业部申请,不需要中国政府进行安全评价验证,就可获得向中国出口转基因农产品“临时证明”,并且两次将这个“临时措施”的有效期延长到2004年4月20日。
与此同时,卫生部的《转基因食品卫生管理办法》生效后仅 4个月就被迫停摆。此后卫生部就不再对进口转基因大豆等“转基因食品原料”进行安全评价验证和审批了。结果是,只要农业部批准海关即可放行转基因大豆进口。而根据当时有效的《食品卫生法》和《转基因食品卫生管理办法》,农业部根本没有单独批准“转基因食品”进口的权限。国务院让卫生部出局的操作完全非法。
更严重的非法操作是农业部联手中国疾控中心,在进口转基因大豆安全评价上造假。2004年 2月农业部批准孟山都公司的转基因大豆“GTS40-3-2”进口依据的是中国疾控中心“营养与食品安全所”出具的《食用安全评价报告》。而据顾秀林教授等人查证,该报告介绍的 6个动物实验并非“营养与食品安全研究所”自己独立所做,全部来自孟山都公司1996年的一篇“营养学”论文《抗草甘膦除草剂大豆喂养大鼠、鸡、鲶鱼和奶牛的饲用价值(The feeding value of soybeans fed to rats, chicken, catfish and dairy cattle is not altered by genetic incorporation of glyphosate tolerance)》。
也就是说,农业部颁发的第一个进口转基因大豆安全证书,就是通过伪造安全评价报告的犯罪手段炮制的。再加上排除了卫生部的食用安全评价验证,中国政府批准孟山都的转基因大豆“GTS40-3-2 ”进口,实属“双重违法”操作。
由此可见,农业部副部长陈晓华在今年两会新闻发布会上所说的中国政府对转基因食品的监管“处于世界领先地位”, 从监管之初起就是个天大的谎言。
截至 2012年农业部总共颁发了1100份转基因生物安全证书,其中除了转基因棉花和进口转基因食品加工原料,究竟有多少是转基因蔬菜和水果,农业部从未公布过。农业部2003年公布的“第一批实施标识管理的农业转基因生物目录”包括棉花种子、大豆、玉米、油菜和番茄五类17种。至今10年过去了,农业部再也没公布过“第二批目录”。而据媒体报道,农业部至少还批准了转基因甜椒和木瓜的种植和销售,都没有依法标识。
更严重的灾难是转基因玉米的大规模非法种植。2012年,国家转基因玉米专项负责人戴景瑞院士说,中国转基因玉米种植面积已达6000多万亩。据玉米专家佟屏亚说,其中大部分是美国杜邦先锋公司假冒杂交品种的转基因玉米“先玉 335”。早在2010年9月,媒体就报道了先玉335玉米是转基因品种和大规模种植先玉335造成山西、吉林两省田鼠大规模灭绝的生态和畜牧业灾难。但农业部极力掩盖真相,没有采取任何救灾措施,公然庇护美国公司的非法行为,完全不顾本国利益。
先玉 335转基因玉米大多用作禽畜饲料,但也难保不以“玉米粉”形式流入食品生产链条。因此,包括非法转基因大米流入食品销售链条在内,卫生部没有行使对转基因“食品”的法定监管权,实属渎职。而卫生部、农业部和国务院食品安全委员会的上述渎职犯罪行为,从未受到查处和法律追究。
〔2〕俄文论文 http://t.cn/zWfJdtP 有图论文PDF http://t.cn/zWfJdtv
An Investigation into illegal operation of GMO Food Supervision
I have been a playwright with many well received works including TV series published. However since September 2010, I became a food safety campaigner, the very reason is a report I read under the title “Rats are disappearing”. DuPont Company promoted a GMO corn species under the guide of cross-breeding to China, sowed to millions of hectors and wiped out rats in many places, and it is turn out to be good for abortion!
I stopped my playwright work and devoted into the anti-GMO campaign. This is my vow: fight until the GMO is driven out of China!
I focused on the government supervision regulations on GMO and the implementation of the measures. To my surprise, I found all safety proofs issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) to GMO soy bean imports are false and illegal; it is no doubt the biggest scandal in the whole business.
I.The related regulations and their implementation
The 2002-7-1 “Hygiene Regulation Codes on GMO Food" states: nothing of GMO could be produced, imported or processed as food without an official approval by the MOH. However it had never been implemented within the 5 years and 5 months before it was repealed suddenly on 1st December, 2007. .
A New measure, enacted on 1st June 2009, called “Food Safety Law”, ordered that “new source food materials” which includes the GMO, must acquire permit from MOH beforehand. Another regulation, “Health Related Product Hygiene Regulation Procedure” enacted from 1st June 2006 indicated that, new source food must marketed with a permit code as the medicines do. However, the MOH has never issued any permit since.
In another words, none of the GMO foods, no matter marketed in what magnitude, all were illegal.
II.Investigation of illegal operations of GMO supervition
Without an official permit from MOH, the GMO soy beans have been imported in a scale of dozens of million tons per year, and Chinese people are consuming all kinds of domestically developed GMO vegetables and fruits, such as papaya. The Ministry of Agriculture, MOA, has taken over the MOH’s role to decide safety for food, completely exceeded its authority.
1.The MOA issue permit to GMO soy and corn for “processing”
The State Department of China issued “Safety Regulations on Agricultural GMOs” in May 2001, put a 270-day appraisal time duration on GMO. Then in July 2002 the MOH “Hygiene Regulation Codes on GMO Food" was enacted. The US Government was annoyed and pressed Chinese government through public relation tricks.
In 2002 President Bush jr. visited China, required cancelation of the 270-day appraisal period under the excuse that Monsanto Company might suffer economic loss. Right after in March 2002, the MOA issued “Affiche of Temporary Measures on GMO Agricultural Goods”, allowing foreign companies a privilege to export GMO to China with their own safety documents, no need to apply for permit nor safety check. This temporary measure was extended to April 2004.
As a matter of fact, the MOH “Hygiene Regulation Codes on GMO Food" had lost its effectiveness only 4 months after been issued. From then on, the MOH has never again been involved with the safety issues of GMO, giving the MOA the exclusive authority to approve GMO import. According to “Law of Food Hygiene” and “Hygiene Regulation Codes on GMO Food", MOA has no such authority on food safety issues, apart from supervising environmental safety of GMO plants.
The State Department illegally pushed the MOH out of the game.
A worse case is the false safety evaluation on GMO soy beans from Monsanto Company, an approval was issued in Feb. 2004 based on an appraisal by Chinese CDC’s Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, which copied all evidence from a Monsanto’s 1996 report: The feeding value of soybeans fed to rats, chicken, catfish and dairy cattle is not altered by genetic incorporation of glyphosate tolerance。
In a word, the MOA’s first safety license was issued based on a totally false condition, and without MOH’s food safety check, importation of Monsanto’s GMO soy bean of GTS40-3-2 trait to China actually violated many laws and was against many related regulations.
Since then, all the granted license to GMO soy bean import to process for human food in China are illegal, which covered every batch of GMO import. All marketed cooking oil in China is in exactly same situation.
MOA has made China the biggest GMO market, and saved the once falling GMO industry in the USA. Monsanto Company has been unexpected rescued from a desperate situation, thanks to the Chinese Government.
2.MOA illegally issued safety license to vegetables and fruits to grow and sell in China
More than 1100 safety licenses have been issued by MOA, by 2012. MOA refuses to release the list of approved items.
Labeling on GMO food stuff is required by law. However only in 2003 the MOA for once released the license of 17 GMO crops, i.e., cotton, soy bean, corn, rapeseed and tomato; and never upgraded it.
An official openly said that it is no need to label anything except the 2003 licensed GMO items. This misconduct has never been addressed.
3.MOA covers up illegal growing of unapproved GMO species and pseudo hybrid crops
A turning point was the 2009 GMO rice and corn safety licenses issued to Chinese GMO developers. The general public started to protest, however GMO rice and corn have been illegally grown and consumed before the year, and was even discovered from exported food items. No actions has been taken on this side, while the EU has been announcing that illegal GMO was found in rice products from China.
Worst is the wide spread illegal GMO maize/corn. According to the leader of GMO corn national project,4 million hectares of DuPont corn species (and some others) have been grown for years, ecological abnormity are shown in the extinction of field rats, and so on. But the MOA has done nothing but cover-up.
The DuPont GMO corn is mostly but not exclusively used as animal feed. No guarantee for human food not get contaminated by it.
The MOH gave up its authority in guarding food safety for Chinese people.
Misconduct of MOA, MOH, and State Department have not been investigated and dealt with by legal means.
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