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萨米尔·阿明 · 2013-07-07 · 来源:人文与社会




  穆斯林兄弟会政府执行着与穆巴拉克政府一样反动的政策,并愈加损害了各阶级人民的大多数。该政府明确表示不打算尊重民主治理原则,并发动、雇佣黑社会骚扰人民运动,一直在挥舞着"内战"的旗帜。穆尔西是个残暴的独裁者,他在国家机构所有的位置都安插了穆斯林兄弟会虔诚信仰者。灾难性的经济社会政策、对国家正常治理的轻蔑--两者混合,加速瓦解了社会相当部分民众早前的幻觉;穆斯林兄弟会露出了真面目。然而,西方势力继续支持所谓"当选总统",声称该政权正向民主前进。也许正像"卡塔尔民主共和国(the Democratic Republic of Qatar)"一样![人文与社会注:卡塔尔元首刚于今年6月24日将权力移交给亲西方的儿子] 6月30日发生的事情是可预见的。游行规模甚至超过2011年1月:据警方记录,1600万人上街。穆尔西的回应是再次挥动内战的大旗,但他能动员的不过是寥寥数十万收了钱的支持者。




  英文原文:An Important Victory for the Egyptian People

  http://newsclick.in/international/imp ... t-victory-egyptian-people

  Author / Source / Date:

  Samir Amin, July 4, 2013

  Yes, the fall of Morsi and of the rule of the Moslem Brothers is an important victory of the Egyptian people.

  It was expected by all Egyptians. 25 millions of citizens had signed a petition requiring the departure of Morsi, elected only thanks to a massive fraud; whose legitimacy was not recognized by the Egyptian judiciary body, but who was imposed by the decision of Washington. The body of "international observers of elections" had indeed failed to see the fraud!


  The government of the Moslem Brothers was pursuing the same reactionary policy as that of Mubarak, and even in a more destructive way for the majority of popular classes. It made clear that it did not intend to respect the rules of democracy; it mobilized criminal gangs paid to harass the popular movements, continuously waving the flag of a "civil war". Morsi acted as a brutal dictator, setting in all positions in the State of exclusively devoted Moslem Brothers. The combination of a disastrous economic and social policy and of the disrespect for normal management of the State led to an accelerated decline of earlier illusions of a good part of the society; the Moslem Brotherhood showed their real face. Yet the western powers continued to support the "elected President", claiming that the regime was progressing toward democracy. Probably just as the Democratic Republic of Qatar is! What happened on June 30 th was expected. Mass demonstrations, larger even than those of January 2011 : 16 million people on the streets, as recorded by the Police. Morsi responded by moving again the flag of the "civil war". But he was unable to mobilise more than a few hundred thousands of paid supporters.


  Western powers, Israel and the Gulf countries hate the perspective of a democratic, socially progressive, independent Egypt. They will manipulate criminal mercenaries, so called Jihadists, established with their complicity and support in Lybia and in the Egyptian province of Sina. The Egyptian nation and its army can defeat them.

「 支持!」



声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:匠人








  • 两日热点
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