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陈一文 · 2012-05-02 · 来源:博客
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“该项发现强调了有关农药的一项重要事实,农药对作物生产与人类健康很重要,但是可能对原本并非农药目标 的物种造成非故意的恶果”,利莱伊教授说。“除草剂没有设计来影响动物,但是我们正在了解它们通过改变动物体内激素如何作用而造成广泛范围令人惊讶的影 响。这很重要,因为两栖动物不仅是生态系统健康状况的晴雨表,也是食品链中对其他物种潜在危险的指标物,包括对于人类的危险。”(美国)科学日报( 2012-04-02-- 《生态应用》杂志最近发表的研究表明,世界上最为普遍的除草剂,草甘膦除草剂农达,能够造成脊椎动物改变形态。美国匹兹堡大学生物科学系利莱伊教授,演示了亚致死量与环境中存在浓度的草甘膦除草剂农达造成两种脊椎动物改变它们的形态。根据利莱伊教授,这是表明一种除草剂可以诱发脊椎动物形态改变的头一项研究该项科学研究发现再次证明,方舟子“草甘膦对人体健康没有任何危险”,不仅是彻头彻尾的谬论,而且事实上是犯罪故意推动邪恶!

    ScienceDaily (Apr. 2, 2012) — The world's most popular weed killer, Roundup®, can cause amphibians to change shape, according to research recently published in Ecological Applications. Prof. Rick Relyea, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, demonstrated that sublethal and environmentally relevant concentrations of Roundup® caused two species of amphibians to alter their morphology. According to Relyea, this is the first study to show that a herbicide can induce morphological changes in a vertebrate animal. "This discovery highlights the fact that pesticides, which are important for crop production and human health, can have unintended consequences for species that are not the pesticide's target," says Relyea. "Herbicides are not designed to affect animals, but we are learning that they can have a wide range of surprising effects by altering how hormones work in the bodies of animals. This is important because amphibians not only serve as a barometer of the ecosystem's health, but also as an indicator of potential dangers to other species in the food chain, including humans." This scientific research finding again proves, “glyphosate … has no danger to human health” advocated by Fang Zhou-zi, not only is a out-and-out fallacy, and in-fact is to promote deliberate crime evil!
    Roundup Herbicide Can Induce Morphological Changes in Vertebrate Animals: Tadpoles Change Shape
--  禁止抗草甘膦转基因作物原料进口、开发、种植、销售理由之230
-- The 229th reason to forbid import, development, growing and selling of RR soybeans
译者:陈一文([email protected]
Translated by Chen I-wan
“GM Technology & Mankind Safety” researcher
ScienceDaily (Apr. 2, 2012) — The world's most popular weed killer, Roundup®, can cause amphibians to change shape, according to research recently published in Ecological Applications. [1]
(美国)科学日报(2012-04-02-- 《生态应用》杂志最近发表的研究表明,世界上最为普遍的除草剂,草甘膦除草剂农达,能够造成脊椎动物改变形态。[1]
Rick A. Relyea. New effects of Roundup on amphibians: Predators reduce herbicide mortality; herbicides induce antipredator morphology. Ecological Applications, 2012; 22 (2): 634 DOI: 10.1890/11-0189.1
Rick A. Relyea。草甘膦除草剂对于脊椎动物新的作用:食肉动物减少除草剂死亡率;除草剂诱发抗食肉动物形态。生态应用,2012; 22 (2): 634 DOI: 10.1890/11-0189.1
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 USA
    Rick Relyea, University of Pittsburgh professor of biological sciences in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and director of Pitt's Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology, demonstrated that sublethal and environmentally relevant concentrations of Roundup® caused two species of amphibians to alter their morphology. According to Relyea, this is the first study to show that a herbicide can induce morphological changes in a vertebrate animal.
    瑞克·利莱伊,匹兹堡大学Kenneth P. Dietrich文学与科学学院生物科学教授,匹兹堡生态谐调实验室主任,演示了亚致死量与环境中存在浓度的草甘膦除草剂农达造成两种脊椎动物改变它们的形态。根据利莱伊教授,这是表明一种除草剂可以诱发脊椎动物形态改变的头一项研究。
    Relyea set up large outdoor water tanks that contained many of the components of natural wetlands. Some tanks contained caged predators, which emit chemicals that naturally induce changes in tadpole morphology (such as larger tails to better escape predators). After adding tadpoles to each tank, he exposed them to a range of Roundup® concentrations. After 3 weeks, the tadpoles were removed from the tanks.
    "It was not surprising to see that the smell of predators in the water induced larger tadpole tails," says Relyea. "That is a normal, adaptive response. What shocked us was that the Roundup® induced the same changes. Moreover, the combination of predators and Roundup® caused the tail changes to be twice as large." Because tadpoles alter their body shape to match their environment, having a body shape that does not fit the environment can put the animals at a distinct disadvantage.
    “水中食肉动物的味道(天然化学物译 注)诱发蝌蚪有更大的微博并不令人惊奇”,利莱伊教授说。“这是自然的,适应性的反应。令我们震惊的是,草甘膦除草剂诱发了同样的改变。此外,食肉动物与 草甘膦除草剂结合在一起使蝌蚪的尾巴改变两倍大。”因为蝌蚪改变自己身体的形状以适应环境,具有不适应环境的身体形状对动物明显不利。
    Predators cause tadpoles to change shape by altering the stress hormones of tadpoles, says Relyea. The similar shape changes when exposed to Roundup® suggest that Roundup® may interfere with the hormones of tadpoles and potentially many other animals.
    食肉动物(的味道,天然化学物 译注)通过改变蝌蚪的应激激素改变它们的形状,利莱伊教授说。蝌蚪暴露于草甘膦除草剂浓度发生类似的性状改变提议草甘膦除草剂可能对蝌蚪以及许多其他动物的激素造成干扰。
    "This discovery highlights the fact that pesticides, which are important for crop production and human health, can have unintended consequences for species that are not the pesticide's target," says Relyea. "Herbicides are not designed to affect animals, but we are learning that they can have a wide range of surprising effects by altering how hormones work in the bodies of animals. This is important because amphibians not only serve as a barometer of the ecosystem's health, but also as an indicator of potential dangers to other species in the food chain, including humans."

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