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Rose · 2011-12-11 · 来源:rose的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/politicseconomy
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Interview with Andrés Carrasco – scientist who found glyphosate/Roundup herbicide causes birth defects
andrs carrasco
阿根廷科学家安德列斯.卡拉斯科(Andrés Carrasco )
Interview by Dario Aranda
采访:记者达里奥.阿兰达(Dario Aranda)
Andrés Carrasco is head of the Molecular Embryology Lab at University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and chief scientist at the National Council for Science and Technology (Conicet), Argentina’s highly recognized scientific center.
安德列斯.卡拉斯科是布宜诺斯艾利斯大学分子胚胎学(molecular embryology)实验室的领导人和阿根廷国家科学与技术研究委员会(CONICET)首席科学家,该委员会是阿根廷得到高度认可的科学中心。
In April 2009, Andres Carrasco made public a scientific investigation that revealed lethal effects of glyphosate in embryos of amphibians. This was the first time in Argentine history that this type of experiment had been conducted and made public. The scientific study stemmed from all the towns and villages that report and file complaints about the harmful effects of agro-chemicals. The mass media (which had partnered with the big agrochemicals companies) started a conspiracy and attempted to discredit Carrasco. Even the minister of Science, Lino Barañao, tried to have Carrasco sanctioned and suspended by the Conicet. The media’s greatest criticism was centered in the fact that the scientist had not published his findings in a scientific journal.
2009年4月1日,安德列斯.卡拉斯科公布了一份揭示两栖动物胚胎中草甘膦的致死效应(lethal effects )的科学调查。这是阿根廷历史上第一次进行这种实验并将结果公之于众。这份科学研究的资料来源于所有对农用化学品(agro-chemicals)进行举报投诉的城镇和村庄。(与大农药公司勾结的)大众传媒开始策划阴谋,试图诋毁卡拉斯科的名誉。甚至科学部长(即阿根廷科技和生产创新部部长)利诺.巴拉尼奥(Lino Barañao)也企图对卡拉斯科进行制裁,停止他在阿根廷国家科学与技术研究委员会的职务。媒体最大的批评集中于这样的事实,即这位科学家没有将他的调查结果发表在一份科学期刊上。
In August of 2010, the US scientific journal Chemical Research in Toxicology (American Chemical Society) published Carrasco’s study. The agro-business defenders (prime ministers, businessmen, among others) still questioned the scientist. For the people and farmers living and working in the towns and villages that were being sprayed, and for the environmental NGOs and concerned scientists, Carrasco’s investigation was what they needed to condemn the use of agrochemicals. “The findings in the lab are compatible with malformations observed in humans exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy,” warned Carrasco.
2010年8月1日,美国科学期刊《毒物学领域的化学研究》(Chemical Research in Toxicology ,由美国化学学会出版)发表了卡拉斯科的研究。农业综合企业的辩护士(其中有政府部长们和商人,prime ministers在原文中指政府部长)仍然质疑这位科学家。对于生活和工作在喷撒了草甘膦的城镇和村庄的人民和农民,对于环保非政府组织(environmental NGOs )和相关科学家,卡拉斯科的调查正是他们谴责使用农药所需要的。“实验室的结果和观察到的孕期接触草甘膦的人体上的畸形相符合,”卡拉斯科警告说。
“I didn’t discover anything new. I just confirmed what other scientists discovered. In spite of the evidence, they still tried to run down my 30-year reputation as a scientist. They are hypocrites, lackeys of the big corporations, but they are afraid. They know they can’t cover up the sun with one hand. There is scientific proof and, above all, there are hundreds of affected towns which are living proof of this public health emergency.
“我没有发现任何新的东西。我只是确认了其他的科学家曾经发现过的。尽管有证据,他们仍然试图诋毁我做为科学家的30年的声誉。他们是伪君子,是大公司的走狗,但是他们害怕。他们知道,他们无法一只手遮住太阳。有科学的证据,尤其是,有数百个受污染的城镇成为这种突发公共卫生事件(public health emergency)的活的证据。
“The origin of my work was in my contacts with communities who were victims of agrochemical abuse. They are the irrefutable proof of what I have researched with an experimental model during the past 30 years.  With this system I have confirmed that glyphosate is devastating for amphibian embryos, even at doses far below those used in agriculture. This chemical causes many and varied types of malformations. Vertebrate animal models now used in embryological research have an early embryonic development and gene regulation, which is common to humans.
“我最初的工作源于我和成为滥用农药的受害者的社区的接触。他们是我用实验模型完成调查所得结论的无可辩驳的证据,这个模型我用了30年。通过这种方法,我确认,即使在远远低于使用在农药中的剂量的情况下,草甘膦对于两栖动物的胚胎也是毁灭性的。这种化学物质引起多种多样的畸形。现在用于胚胎学的研究的脊椎动物的模型具有早期胚胎发育和基因调控(gene regulation ),这和人类是一样的。

Scientific findings should be considered extrapolated when an external shock alters them. The scientific world knows this and government officials also know it. There are very similar investigations in different parts of the world and they are also from very serious and reliable sources. At the same time, there is a huge hypocrisy, on the part of the mass media companies and their employed journalists. They discredit an investigation very lightly but do not take the time to hear the cascade of health issues clearly present in soybean crop areas. The provinces are full of victims of pesticides, but the newspapers do not want to reach out there to the communities, much less the responsible companies. I do not understand why my story is more important than that of the Mothers of Ituzaingo (suburb of the Cordoba province, which is an emblematic symbol of contamination with agrochemicals). Why? In no way, am I more important. Doctors in the different provinces have been denouncing this for years. Peasants and the people living in urban slums have done the same thing.
“In the northern part of Santa Fe, there are medical reports that confirm that the statistics of newborn babies with malformations are well above the world average, but everything is silenced. It is an evidence of reality and it is indisputable. It can’t be refuted. I was inspired by that reality and the results are known. The agro-businesses, the media, the scientific world and government officials are basically hypocrites with regards to the harmful side effects of pesticides.  They discredit and protest a simple scientific investigation but they are not able to observe medical evidence and countless claims in Santiago del Estero, Chaco, Entre Rios, Cordoba and Santa Fe.
“Bear in mind that Argentina is a unique case, with huge amounts of soybean acres – 19 million hectares – on more than half the cultivated area of the country, This is something rarely seen. So I say that, from the eco-toxicological point of view, what is happening in Argentina is a massive experiment."

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声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:利永贞








  • 两日热点
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  • 心情
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  8. 2001年就贪污23亿后出逃,如今被抓回国内,也叫认罪悔罪减刑?
  9. 否定了错误,并不代表问题不存在了
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  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!