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留美博士:朱学勤剽窃Blum 中英对照系列之四

留美博士 · 2010-09-24 · 来源:

留美博士:朱学勤剽窃Blum 中英对照系列之四




Carol Blum: Rousseau and the Republic of Virtue






  美德越位,恐怖越位,断头台也大大越位。卢梭的革命,开始大量吞食卢梭之子:处死者中属于原特权等级者逐步减少,6月只占16B 5%,7月更降到5%,其余均为资产阶级、下层群众、军人、官员,其中下层群众则高达40%以上!36



        广场上一片沉寂,洞穴内暗室四起。雅各宾派失尽人心,国民公会内种种反对派阴谋四处蔓延。有些议员自牧月令公布之日起,即不敢回家睡觉,害怕被捕 (1.Blum:260页倒数第7行至倒数第6行)。牧月24日(6月12日),布尔东和梅兰在议会发言,要求澄清牧月法令是否废纸了议员不受逮捕的豁免权(2.Blum:260页倒数第2行至261页第2行)。罗伯斯庇尔认为,这两个议员的发言是“企图把救国委员会从山岳党人分离开来” (3.Blum:261页第4行至第6行)。


        他说:“允许一些阴谋家分裂山岳党人,并且自封为党派领袖,就是对人民的残忍,对人民的谋杀。” (4.Blum:261页第13行至第14行)

        布尔东要求出示证据:“我决不想自封为一党领袖,我要求你拿出刚才那番指控的证据,我已经被说成一个邪恶者了”!” (5.Blum:261页第15行至第18行)

         罗伯斯庇尔:“我决不是指布尔东。谁要是对好入座,算他活该。我的职责迫使我描绘这样一幅肖像,如果他认出这便是他,我没有权力阻止他。是的,山岳当人是纯洁的,它是高尚的,而阴谋家绝不是山岳党成员。” (6.Blum:261页第19行至第23行)

        一个声音高叫着:“指出他的名字!” (7.Blum:261页第24行)

        罗伯斯庇尔:“到应该指出来的时候,我会指出他的名字!” 37(8.Blum:261页第25行)



         牧月27日(6月15日),瓦迪埃向国民公会报告卡特琳泰奥事件。被告泰奥是个民间巫婆,逮捕是在他的草垫下发现了一封给罗伯斯庇尔的信,信中把罗伯斯庇尔称为“神人”、“救世主” (11.Blum:265页第三段最后4行)。泰奥于5月28日被捕,即花月法令前,拖到此时来公布,显然是有反对派暗中活动,以此败坏罗伯斯庇尔花月令、牧月法令的道德声誉(12. Blum:265页第二段第5行至第8行)。罗伯斯庇尔闭门起草反击报告。他悲愤地写道:

     “这是为什么,我们总是要提及我们自己?…… (13.Blum:266页第6行至第7行)


     “他们为什么总是要把我们和公共利益绑在一起,以致我们如果不为自己辩解,就不能为政府,为国民公会的各项原则辩解?” ?38(15. Blum:266页第9行至第11行)

        罗伯斯庇尔已无可挽回地进入了卢梭晚年的悲剧处境,控诉者被控诉,连语言都极其相似:(16. Blum:265页倒数第6行至倒数第5行)。当他仰天悲问,“他们为什么总是要把我们和公共利益绑在一起?(pourquoi nous a-t-on lies a l'interet general?) ” 。:(17. Blum:266页第三段第3行至第5行,此处法语也完全照搬Blum,一词不多,一词不少)他已预设了一个前提:他为自己辩护,就是为人民辩护。“我就是人民”,在这里又一次出现。奇丽斯玛的外倾语式是“无限上纲”:不同政见者必是道德邪恶者,道德邪恶者必是道德罪恶者。:(18. Blum:266页第三段第1行至第3行)。奇丽斯玛的内倾语式是“预先联系”:把自己和人民、共和国连成一体,攻击他,就是攻击人民,共计共和国。前者为矛,后者为盾。(19. Blum:266页第三段第5行至第8行)“我——道德——人民”,成了奇丽斯玛怯魅入巫所陷入的最大语言巫区。(20. Blum:266页第三段第8行至第10行)




        所有拯救过共和国的法令中,最崇高的法令唯有这一项法令,它把共和国从腐败者的手中夺了回来,它使所有的人民从暴君手中释放了出来,这就是使得美德和城市成为生活秩序的法令,然而,那些只愿带着自由面具的人,却在美德法则的贯彻过程中投下了巨大的障碍。39(21. Blum:271页第二段全段)

        又过了一星期,离事变前10天,他再次把自己的困境归结为花月法令激起的抵抗,他们中的大多数人对美德这一词语的信念,仅限于家政和私人义务,决不愿将其理解为公共道德,理解为对人民事业的全部奉献,而后一点正是美德的英雄主义、共和国的唯一支柱、人类幸福的唯一保证。40(22. Blum:271页第三段第7行至第11行)

         罗伯斯庇尔似乎朦胧意识到,所有的问题就出在这个道德边界的认定?道德通常被人理解为私人事务,而他则坚持道德必须成为强制性的公共状态,必须成为国家、政治、乃至文明历史的唯一基础。(23. Blum:271页第三段第1行至第3行)

         7月26日,临事变前夜,他再国民公会演说,也是他生平最后一次演说。(24. Blum:272页第三段第1行至第2行)历史学家将其称为他的“政治遗嘱”。冥冥之中,他似乎预感到什么,急不可待地向历史交代,他此生信仰与这一场革命统一于美德这一基点:(25. Blum:274页第二段第1行至第2行)

         我只知道有两种人:正直的公民与邪恶的公民。(26. Blum:273页第三段第1行、第3行)爱国主义不是一个政治党派问题,而是心灵问题。(27. Blum:273页第三段第4行)谁能作出这种区别?良知和正义。(28. Blum:273页第三段第6行至第7行)


         我说的是什么?美德!(29. Blum:273页最后一第1行)没有美德,一场伟大的革命只不过是一种乱哄,是一种罪恶摧毁另一种罪恶。(30. Blum:274页第一段第3行至第4行)拿走我的良知,我就成了一个可怜的人。41(31. Blum:274页第一段最后一句)







38. 同上,P 507。

39. 同上,P519。

40. 同上,P531。

41. 同上,P554—556。

1. Blum. P. 260: He alluded to rumors: a number of deputies to the Convention no longer slept in their beds, fearing arrest in the middle of the night.

2. Blum. P. 260-261: On 24 prairial, Bourdon (delegate from l'Oise) and Merlin (from

Douai) demanded an amendment to the law of 22 prairial which would exclude the members of the Convention themselves from arrest, trial, and execution under its provisions.

3. Blum. P. 261: He stated that Bourdon was attempting to separate the Committee [of Public Safety] from the Mountain.

4. Blum. P. 261: Robespierre continued, "it would be assassinating the people to permit some schemers to drag off a portion of this Mountain and make themselves party leaders."

5. Blum. P. 261: Bourdon's reply was to deny the role Robespierre assigned him. "I never intended to make myself a party leader," he protested. "I demand that what was just claimed be proven; I have just been called a scoundrel—"

6. Blum. P. 261: "I did not name Bourdon," Robespierre replied. "Woe unto him who names himself. If he wishes to recognize himself in the general portrait that duty forces me to trace, I cannot stop him. Yes, the Mountain is untainted, it is sublime, and schemers are not part of the Mountain."

7. Blum. P. 261: A voice called out: "Name them."

8. Blum. P. 261: "I will name them when the time comes," Robespierre replied. [10:

492-94]朱文此处照搬此注解,注为: 第10卷, P. 492-494

9. Blum. P. 265: Robespierre's reaction demonstrated the parameters of self-generated virtue in the same way that Rousseau juge de Jeanjacques had done.

10. Blum. P. 265-266:Both Robespierre and Rousseau, after long, persistent, and successful efforts to center attention upon their revealed selves as incarnations of virtue, struggling with the evil of the world, uttered reactions of surprise and hurt when they suddenly experienced that attention as unfriendly.

11. Blum. P. 265: Vadier and Barere presented a report in the name of the committees of Public Safety and General Security, claiming that "the Mother of God" was addressing

Robespierre as her "first prophet, the son of the Supreme Being, the Redeemer, the Messiah.

12. Blum. P. 265: but the real accused was understood to be Robespierre himself, and the accusation was that of aspiring not to dictatorship but to divinity. The records of the trial of Theot suggest an atmosphere of farce.

13. Blum. P. 266: "Why is it," he asked, "that we always have to mention ourselves?"

14. Blum. P. 266: Why can we not defend the public good without defending ourselves?

15. Blum. P. 266: Why have they so bound us to the public interest, that we cannot speak

in favor of the government, of the principles of the National Convention, without seeming to speak of ourselves? [10: 507] 朱文此处照搬此注解,注为:同上, P.507

16. Blum. P. 265: Robespierre's reaction demonstrated the parameters of self-generated virtue in the same way that Rousseau juge de Jeanjacques had done.

17. Blum. P. 266: When Robespierre asked "Why have they bound us to the public interest? (pourquoi nous a-t-on lies a l'interet general?),"

18. Blum. P. 266: Robespierre, like Rousseau, was claiming the right to experience in a passive way as external evil the situation he had actively created, as internal good.

19. Blum. P. 266: the identity between himself and the people, upon which he had so intensely insisted, he now described as an alien and suspicious connection, one designed to make him seem contemptible.

20. Blum. P. 266: It was as if the heroic figure that he called himself were suddenly exposed in a different light, in which it took on a comic aspect.

21. Blum. P. 271: Of all the decrees which have saved the Republic, the most sublime, the only one that wrenched it from corruption's grasp and freed all the people from tyranny, is the one which made virtue and probity the order of the day [18 floreal]. If this decree had been executed, liberty would have been perfectly established and we would not need to make the grandstands ring with our voice; but the men who wear only the mask of virtue put the greatest obstacles into the execution of virtue's own laws. [10: 519] 朱文此处照搬此注解,注为:同上, P.519

22. Blum. P. 271: At most they understand by the word virtue a faithfulness to certain domestic and private obligations, but never the public virtues, never the generous devotion to the cause of the people which is the heroism of virtue and the only support of the Republic, the only pledge of the happiness of the human race. [10: 531] 朱文此处照搬此注解,注为:同上, P.531

23. Blum. P. 271: When virtue was solemnly made the order of the day, the enemies of

the Republic did not associate the idea of every man and every citizen's sacred and sublime duties toward the Fatherland and humanity with the word virtue.

24. Blum. P. 272: Robespierre's last speech, on 8 thermidor, took place before the Convention, where he had not appeared since 24 prairial.

25. Blum. P. 274: This impassioned discourse described, for the last time, Robespierre's

dynamic model of the French Revolution as a fusion in virtue.

26. Blum. P. 273: "I know of only two parties," he continued, "that of the good citizens and that of the bad citizens;

27. Blum. P. 273: patriotism is not a question of party but of the heart.

28. Blum. P. 273: Who will make this distinction? Good sense and justice."

29. Blum. P. 273: What am I saying, Virtue!


30. Blum. P. 274: without which a great revolution is but a dazzling crime which

destroys another crime.

31. Blum. P. 274: Take away my conscience and I am the most miserable of men. [10: 554-56] 朱文此处照搬此注解,注为:同上, P.554-556


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  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
  1. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  2. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  3. 这是一股妖风
  4. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
  5. 2001年就贪污23亿后出逃,如今被抓回国内,也叫认罪悔罪减刑?
  6. 吴铭|舆论斗争或进入新的历史阶段
  7. 李昌平:我的困惑(四)
  8. 你要反“极左”,就必须得弄清楚这几个基本问题
  9. 熬鹰
  10. 经济工作会议全解读(一)当前的困难有哪些?国家的判断释放了什么信号?
  1. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  2. 紫虬:从通钢、联想到华为,平等的颠覆与柳暗花明
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  5. 李昌平:县乡村最大的问题是:官越来越多,员越来越少!
  6. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  7. 这是一股妖风
  8. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  9. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  10. 朝鲜领导落泪
  1. 张勤德:坚决打好清算胡锡进们的反毛言行这一仗
  2. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  3. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  4. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  5. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  6. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  7. 这轮房价下跌的影响,也许远远超过你的想象
  8. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  9. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  10. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
  1. 在蒙受冤屈的八年中,毛泽东遭受了三次打击
  2. 大蒜威胁国家安全不重要,重点是他为什么会那样说
  3. 铁穆臻|今年,真正的共产主义者,要理直气壮纪念毛泽东!
  4. 《邓选》学习 (十一)发展速度
  5. 欧洲金靴|“一切标准向毛主席看齐!” | 欣闻柯庆施落像上海福寿园
  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!