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[独家译文] 美网友怒斥西方企图干涉叙利亚,赞中俄好样的

独家网 · 2012-02-07 · 来源:独家网
【来       源】赫芬顿邮报
【译       者】寒姿
【校       对】車幹
【声       明】译文为原创,转载务必注明译者及出处“独家网dooo.cc”。
【摘      要】中俄对安理会叙利亚决议说NO,引发西方政要及媒体一片哗然,骂声、威胁声不绝于耳。然而,外国网友对西方操纵联合国、对别国实施入侵的伎俩早已司空见惯,对中俄投反对票热情赞扬,对西媒的污蔑报道一片斥责。以下是美国赫芬顿邮报网友对该报两篇相关报道的评论。
【译      文】




       ●grizzly bear55(顶231次)



       ●Y2KCockroach (顶339次)







       ●Neil Tall Eagle(顶81次)




       ●Paperless Tiger(顶794次)

       ●Pauline Jaing(顶285次)


【原       文】


Russia, China Veto Of Syria UN Resolution Sparks Outrage  

1043 Fans
This is how the USA operates. They arm thugs inside a country. They promise them power inside that country and great wealth. They then sit back as riots and violence occur and condemn the Government for causing them . They then implore the world in joining them to bring peace and security.
This formula has been followed over and over again.
●grizzly bear55
231 Fans
Central and South America are the example on how the US right wing operates.
They are now using the same tactics to make sure not a single country in the middle east can be a threat to israel.
Unfortunat¬ely it did not work in South and central America, and it will backfire in the middle east.
285 Fans
Its hard to believe that the americans are stupid enough to constantly fall for the lies that the government spews,Do the american people honestly believe that the president of Syria would watch u.s paid criminals murder Gaddafi & say to himself,He¬y i think ill brutalise my own people so the americans can send there paid murderers to do that to me & my family? Funny how this is going on at the exact same time as the u.s is having problems financiall¬y,Thank God for Russia & China.
323 Fans
Safe rule: If Clinton is for it, be suspicious¬.
339 Fans
Well Hillary, the U.N. isn't going to rubber stamp the West's attempts at regime change in Syria, so in the alternativ¬e the U.S. and its political allies might just have to build a stack of lies upon which to justify an invasion.
Now I know that the U.S. has not ever done that before, but.......¬... oh wait......
167 Fans
Al the Hypocrites has come together in their fake outrage.
1051 Fans
I believe most Americans agree with you Bo Yu. We are tired of the wars and the conflict. But, until we can dump the Military Industrial and Financial Cartel that controls America the conflicts and wars will never end. More and more Americans are realizing that they have lost their Democracy to a Corporatoc¬ratic Oligarchy, and their freedoms to the Patriot Act and companion laws.
If the truth were to be uncovered, America is just as "Controlle¬d" as China. Protests are put down with violent police response. People are jailed without charges. Monitoring of all phones and email 24/7. Americans can now even be assassinat¬ed by their government on a president'¬s whim.
However, unlike the Chinese, Americans will only take so much, and the tide is rising against the Corporatio¬ns and their bought politician¬s. We will prevail, one way or the other.
1051 Fans
For a little enlightenm¬ent on some real reasons things are happening the way they are.
"...it is the Tartus base that is arguably one of the most critical locations for the US military vis-a-vis developmen¬ts in the middle east. And here is why Russia will block any attempt by the west to impose its own will in Syria."

West Dares Russia to Block Syria Action at UN - Moscow Does Just That.

●Neil Tall Eagle
81 Fans
So when are people going to realize that Russia, China, and perhaps even India... are fed up with fifty years of western hedgemony built on the US petrodolla¬r, and are damned well strong enough now to switch to another currency, or perhaps even gold...!
364 Fans
This ever-incre¬asing drumbeat for war is very concerning¬, and should be for any student of history.
Given that our wars (and much else) is funded by borrowing from foreign countries, like China, what happens if we decide to go to war with somebody China doesn't want us to go to war with? What happens if we decide to go to war with somebody Russia doesn't want us to go to war with? Is that the reason for the new Marine base in northern Australia, and the missile defenses being moved into Europe?
1384 Fans
You can't expect every country to vote how you want.
1597 Fans
"U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice said she was "disgusted¬" by the vetoes that "prop up desperate dictators.¬"""
Setting aside the world class hypocrisy of this statement for a moment.
Syria is complex as it has more than a few ethnic and sectarian factions. The Sunnis are roughly 70% the remaining 30% are Shia, Druze, Kurds and Christains¬.
Assad (Shia) is in the minority, however, he has a well equipped army and the support of the 30% minority. The minority quickly sided with Assad as soon as protesters including Sunni army deserters took up arms. They genuinely fear the prospect of Sunni rule. Whether their fears are real or imagined matters not at this point as they have clearly sided with Assad, for protection if nothing else.
Syria is in the beginning of a civil war and from a practical perspectiv¬e, UN sanctions regarding Assad stepping down can not be enforced. The Arab world has a lot of alliances and interests that transcend national borders which further muddies the waters. For example, the house of Saud (Sunni) fear the influence of the Shia, (Iran, Syria) after all they do not want to lose their rule by divine right to something so silly as democracy.
The protesters lost the strategic advantage of non-violen¬ce and are now faced with a bloody conflict split along age old sectarian and ethnic lines. Even with the numerical advantage they cannot hope to prevail without external help.
●Paperless Tiger
794 Fans
The Syrian government is fighting against terrorism. The attack in Homs was a terrorist attack. Most of the victims were Alawites, shot at close range by terrorists¬. Government troops were shelling the terrorists¬. The press lied.
●Pauline Jaing
285 Fans
How many dead and maimed in Libya, Afghanista¬n, Pakistan, Iraq etc. did it take for you Washington lunatics to get out?
The level of your rhetoric is cause for great concern.
I take it you are preparing for war with Russia and China, because I do not recall them speaking this way when you vetoed the applicatio¬n of the Palestinia¬n Authority for UNESCO?
How does one step back from this level of rhetoric, or are you all Neocon CHILDREN who think you can speak this way and get away with it?
181 Fans
The Russians are fed up and I don't blame them. They watched their ally Serbia bombed by NATO in the 1990's and they endured US meddling in the affairs of Georgia, their very backyard not too long ago. They will not allow another resolution to be used in a way that justifes a Libya-styl¬e interventi¬on in Syria.

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声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:wuhe








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