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Independent Science  · 2011-03-08 · 来源:
转基因主粮 收藏( 评论() 字体: / /

[按语: 中国古人形容欺骗人的成语有一大堆的: 沽名钓誉 、故弄玄虚、粉饰太平、佛口蛇心、欺下瞒上、掩耳盗铃、瞒天过海,用这些词语来形容“转基因推手”,都远远不够。他们说:“反对转基因的人,都是人文学者,他们不懂科学啊!”真是这样吗?
       感谢恩道尔,他写了一本揭露转基因内幕的书《粮食危机》,这本书为我们提供了大量的转基因毒害的事实和科学研究结果,更重要的是他披露了有哪些研究转基因的科学家在揭露“转基因”,最重要的科学家有英国的普兹泰(Arpad Pusztai )博士、华裔科学家侯美婉(Mae-Wan Ho)博士,还有非常重要的“第三世界网络(Third World Network)”组织、“独立科研小组(Independent Science Panel )”等等,今年2月刚刚被中国邀请的美国人史密斯就是重量级的专家,那么侯美婉这个科班出身的研究转基因的科学家称得上是生物科学领域的爱因斯坦(最早反对原子科学应用于生产核武器的科学家之一),她早在2000年就写了一本《Genetic engineering: dream or nightmare? 基因工程,美梦还是噩梦 ? 》的书,湖南科学技术出版社2001年1月1日出版了中文版,书中对转基因科学应用于战争表达了深深的忧郁,给人类发出严重的警告。如果我们说1936年日本侵略中国时,因为有高士其这样的细菌科学家的科普(见反细菌战巨著《抗战与防疫》),使中华民族免于被731部队的细菌武器所灭绝,那么21世纪有侯美婉这样的科学家和我们一起奋斗,胜利一定属于中国人民!
        下面这篇报告是侯美婉(Mae-Wan Ho)博士带头,普兹泰博士参与的独立科研小组(Independent Science Panel )的研究转基因的科学报告之一,2003年出版,这篇报告汇集了该领域的众多研究成果,特别是转基因对人类对生物界的危害方面,有非常重要的披露。


The Case For

A GM-Free Sustainable World


Independent Science Panel


The Case For

A GM-Free Sustainable World

Independent Science Panel

Drafted by

Mae-Wan Ho and Lim Li Ching
with contributions from
Joe Cummins, Malcolm Hooper, Miguel Altieri,
Peter Rosset, Arpad Pusztai(阿帕德·普兹泰), Stanley Ewen,
Michel Pimbert, Peter Saunders, Edward Goldsmith,
David Quist, Eva Novotny, Vyvyan Howard, Brian John

and others on the Panel

15 June 2003

The Case For
A GM-Free Sustainable World

Published by
Institute of Science in Society
PO Box 32097
London NW1 0XR, UK
Third World Network
121-S Jalan Utama
10450 Penang, Malaysia

. Institute of Science in Society & Third World Network 2003

Printed by Jutaprint
2 Solok Sungei Pinang 3, Sg. Pinang
11600 Penang, Malaysia

ISBN: 0-9544923-1-5 (ISIS)
ISBN: 983-9747-99-1 (TWN)


Members of the Independent Science Panel (ISP) on GM have had the
opportunity to review extensive scientific and other evidence on genetic
engineering over the past decades. Many are among the more than
600 scientists from 72 countries who have signed an ‘Open Letter from
World Scientists to All Governments’ [1], initiated in 1999, which called
for a moratorium on the environmental release of genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), a ban on patents on living processes, organisms,
seeds, cell lines and genes, and a comprehensive public enquiry into
the future of agriculture and food security.

Scientific and other developments since 1999 have confirmed our
concerns over the safety of genetic engineering, genetically modified
(GM) crops and food security. At the same time, the successes and
benefits of the different forms of sustainable agriculture are undeniable.
The evidence, now assembled, makes a strong case for a worldwide
ban on all environmental release of GM crops to make way for a comprehensive
shift to agroecology, sustainable agriculture and organic

The evidence on why GM crops are not a viable option for a
sustainable future is presented in Parts 1 and 2, while Part 3 presents
evidence on the successes and benefits of sustainable agricultural


This Report is a summary of a vast amount of literature. We have
included as much of the primary sources as possible, but many of the
papers cited in the list of references are themselves extensive reviews
of scientific and other literature, submitted to various national and international
bodies that have called for evidence.

In producing the ISP Report, ISP members are responsible for those
areas where they have specific competence, while giving overall
endorsement to the report as a whole. Each ISP member also
recognises the expertise and authority of other ISP members in those
areas where they themselves do not have specific competence.


Preface i
Executive Summary v
Part 1: No Future for GM crops 1

1 Why Not GM Crops? 3

2 Escalating Problems on the Farm 7

Part 2: GM Crops Not Safe 13

3 Science & Precaution 15
4 Safety Tests on GM Foods 20
5 Transgene Hazards 23
6 Terminator Crops Spread Male Sterility 25

7 Herbicide Hazards 27

8 Horizontal Gene Transfer 31

9 The CaMV 35S Promoter 33
9.CaMV 35S 启动子

10 Transgenic DNA More Likely to Spread 37

11 Horizontal Transfer of Transgenic DNA 40

12 Hazards of Horizontal Gene Transfer 46

13 Conclusion to Parts 1 & 2 48

Part 3: The Manifold Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture 51

14 Why Sustainable Agriculture? 53

15 Higher or Comparable Productivity & Yields 56

16 Better Soils 62

17 Cleaner Environment 66

18 Reduced Pesticides & No Increase in Pests 68

19 Supporting Biodiversity & Using Diversity 71

20 Environmental & Economic Sustainability 76

21 Ameliorating Climate Change 79

22 Efficient & Profitable Production 82

23 Improved Food Security & Benefits to Local Communities  85

24 Organics for Health 89

25 Conclusion to Part 3 92

References 93

Statement of the Independent Science Panel 110

Independent Science Panel on GM: List of Members 113


Executive Summary

Why GM Free?

1. GM crops failed to deliver promised benefits
1. 转基因农作物未能带来许诺的好处

The consistent finding from independent research and on-farm surveys
since 1999 is that genetically modified (GM) crops have failed to deliver
the promised benefits of significantly increasing yields or reducing
herbicide and pesticide use. GM crops have cost the United States
(US) an estimated $12 billion in farm subsidies, lost sales and product
recalls due to transgenic contamination. Massive failures in insect-
resistant Bt cotton of up to 100% were reported in India.

Biotech corporations have suffered rapid decline since 2000, and
investment advisors forecast no future for the agricultural sector.
Meanwhile, worldwide resistance to GM has reached a climax when
Zambia in 2002 refused GM maize (corn) in food aid despite the threat
of famine.

2. GM crops posing escalating problems on the farm
2. 转基因农作物使农业问题升级

The instability of transgenic lines has plagued the industry from the
beginning, and this may be responsible for a string of major crop failures.
A review in 1994 stated, “While there are some examples of
plants which show stable expression of a transgene these may prove
to be the exceptions to the rule. In an informal survey of over 30 companies
involved in the commercialisation of transgenic crop
plants….almost all of the respondents indicated that they had observed
some level of transgene inaction. Many respondents indicated that
most cases of transgene inactivation never reach the literature.”

Triple herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape (canola) volunteers that
have combined transgenic and non-transgenic traits are now widespread
in Canada. Similar multiple herbicide-tolerant volunteers and
weeds have emerged in the US. In the US, glyphosate-tolerant weeds
are plaguing GM cotton and soya fields, and atrazine, one of the most
toxic herbicides, has had to be used with glufosinate-tolerant GM

Bt biopesticide traits are simultaneously threatening to create
superweeds and Bt-resistant pests.

3. Extensive transgenic contamination unavoidable
  3. 广泛的转基因污染无法避免

Extensive transgenic contamination has occurred in maize landraces
growing in remote regions in Mexico despite an official moratorium that
has been in place since 1998. High levels of contamination have since
been found in Canada. In a test of 33 samples of certified canola
(oilseed rape) seed stocks, 32 were found contaminated.

New research shows that transgenic pollen, wind-blown and
deposited elsewhere, or fallen directly to the ground, is a major source
of transgenic contamination. Contamination is generally acknowledged
to be unavoidable, hence there can be no co-existence of transgenic
and non-transgenic crops.

4. GM crops not safe
4. 转基因农作物不安全

Contrary to the claims of proponents, GM crops have not been proven
safe. The regulatory framework was fatally flawed from the start. It was
based on an anti-precautionary approach designed to expedite product
approval at the expense of safety considerations.

The principle of ‘substantial equivalence’, on which risk assessment
is based, is intended to be vague and ill-defined, thereby giving
companies complete licence in claiming transgenic products ‘substantially
equivalent’ to non-transgenic products, and hence ‘safe’.

5. GM food raises serious safety concerns
  5. 转基因食品带来严重的安全隐患

There have been very few credible studies on GM food safety.
Nevertheless, the available findings already give cause for concern. In
the still only systematic investigation on GM food ever carried out in the
world, ‘growth factor-like’ effects were found in the stomach and small
intestine of young rats that were not fully accounted for by the trans-
gene product, and were hence attributable to the transgenic process or
the transgenic construct, and may hence be general to all GM food.

There have been at least two other, more limited, studies that also
raised serious safety concerns.

6. Dangerous gene products are incorporated into crops
    6. 危险的基因产物正被加入农作物中 

Bt proteins, incorporated into 25% of all transgenic crops worldwide,
have been found harmful to a range of non-target insects. Some of
them are also potent immunogens and allergens. A team of scientists
has cautioned against releasing Bt crops for human use.

Food crops are increasingly used to produce pharmaceuticals and
drugs, including cytokines known to suppress the immune system,
induce sickness and central nervous system toxicity; interferon alpha,
reported to cause dementia, neurotoxicity and mood and cognitive side
effects; vaccines; and viral sequences such as the 'spike' protein gene
of the pig coronavirus, in the same family as the SARS virus linked to
the current epidemic. The glycoprotein gene gp120 of the AIDS virus
HIV-1, incorporated into GM maize as a ‘cheap, edible oral vaccine’,
serves as yet another biological time-bomb, as it can interfere with the
immune system and recombine with viruses and bacteria to generate
new and unpredictable pathogens.
  食用作物正不断用来生产药物,包括可抑制免疫系统从而引发疾病和中枢神经系统中毒的细胞因数;据称可以导致痴呆、神经中毒、情绪和感知副作用的Alpha干扰素;疫苗;病毒序列,如与当前流感相关之SARS病毒同一类猪冠状病毒中的“尖钉”蛋白质基因。AIDS病毒 HIV-1的糖蛋白基因gp120也以“廉价、可食用的口服疫苗”为名加入转基因玉米中,成为另一个生物定时炸弹,该因子可以干扰免疫系统,并与病毒和细菌重组,产生不可预知的新病原体。

7. Terminator crops spread male sterility
  7. 终结者农作物使雄性不育蔓延

Crops engineered with ‘suicide’ genes for male sterility have been promoted
as a means of ‘containing’, i.e., preventing, the spread of trans-
genes. In reality, the hybrid crops sold to farmers spread both male
sterile suicide genes as well herbicide tolerance genes via pollen.

8. Broad-spectrum herbicides highly toxic to humans and other species
  8. 广谱除草剂对人类和其他物种高度有害

Glufosinate ammonium and glyphosate are used with the herbicide-tolerant
transgenic crops that currently account for 75% of all transgenic
crops worldwide. Both are systemic metabolic poisons expected to
have a wide range of harmful effects, and these have been confirmed.

Glufosinate ammonium is linked to neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal
and haematological toxicities, and birth defects in humans
and mammals. It is toxic to butterflies and a number of beneficial
insects, also to the larvae of clams and oysters, Daphnia and some
freshwater fish, especially the rainbow trout. It inhibits beneficial soil
bacteria and fungi, especially those that fix nitrogen.

Glyphosate is the most frequent cause of complaints and poisoning
in the UK. Disturbances of many body functions have been reported
after exposures at normal use levels. Glyphosate exposure nearly
doubled the risk of late spontaneous abortion, and children born to
users of glyphosate had elevated neurobehavioral defects. Glyphosate
caused retarded development of the foetal skeleton in laboratory rats.
Glyphosate inhibits the synthesis of steroids, and is genotoxic in mammals,
fish and frogs. Field dose exposure of earthworms caused at
least 50 percent mortality and significant intestinal damage among
surviving worms. Roundup caused cell division dysfunction that may be
linked to human cancers.

The known effects of both glufosinate and glyphosate are sufficiently
serious for all further uses of the herbicides to be halted.

9. Genetic engineering creates super-viruses
  9. 基因工程使超级病毒诞生 
By far the most insidious dangers of genetic engineering are inherent
to the process itself, which greatly enhances the scope and probability
of horizontal gene transfer and recombination, the main route to creating
viruses and bacteria that cause disease epidemics. This was highlighted,
in 2001, by the 'accidental' creation of a killer mouse virus in the
course of an apparently innocent genetic engineering experiment.

Newer techniques, such as DNA shuffling, are allowing geneticists
to create in a matter of minutes in the laboratory millions of recombinant
viruses that have never existed in billions of years of evolution.
 最新的技术,如DNA 改组(DNA Shuffling)技术使遗传学家可以在实验室里几分钟内就创造出数百万在上亿年进化中都未曾存在的重组病毒。

Disease-causing viruses and bacteria and their genetic material
are the predominant materials and tools for genetic engineering, as
much as for the intentional creation of bio-weapons.

10. Transgenic DNA in food taken up by bacteria in human gut
  10. 食品中的转基因DNA被人的消化道内的细菌吸收

There is already experimental evidence that transgenic DNA from
plants has been taken up by bacteria in the soil and in the gut of human
volunteers. Antibiotic resistance marker genes can spread from transgenic
food to pathogenic bacteria, making infections very difficult to
  已有实验证明,植物中的转基因DNA被土壤和人的消化道中的细菌吸收。抵抗抗生素特质(antibiotic resistance)的标志基因(marker gene)可以从转基因食品传播到致病细菌,使感染更加难以治疗。

11. Transgenic DNA and cancer
  11. 转基因DNA与癌症

Transgenic DNA is known to survive digestion in the gut and to jump
into the genome of mammalian cells, raising the possibility for triggering

The possibility cannot be excluded that feeding GM products such
as maize to animals also carries risks, not just for the animals but also
for human beings consuming the animal products.

12. CaMV 35S promoter increases horizontal gene transfer
  12. CaMV 35S启动子使基因横向转移增强

Evidence suggests that transgenic constructs with the CaMV 35S promoter
might be especially unstable and prone to horizontal gene transfer
and recombination, with all the attendant hazards: gene mutations
due to random insertion, cancer, reactivation of dormant viruses and
generation of new viruses. This promoter is present in most GM crops
being grown commercially today.
  有证据显示,带CaMV 35S启动子的转基因构造可能尤其不稳定,易于使基因水平转移和重组,出现所有伴随危害:因随意插入而导致基因变异,癌症、休眠病毒恢复活动及新病毒产生等。这种启动子在当今商业种植的大多数转基因农作物中都存在。

13. A history of misrepresentation and suppression of scientific evidence

  13. 科学证据被歪曲和隐瞒的历程 

There has been a history of misrepresentation and suppression of scientific
evidence, especially on horizontal gene transfer. Key experiments
failed to be performed, or were performed badly and then misrepresented.
Many experiments were not followed up, including investigations
on whether the CaMV 35S promoter is responsible for the
‘growth factor-like’ effects observed in young rats fed GM potatoes.
  科学证据,尤其是关于基因横向转移的证据曾经历了被歪曲和隐瞒的历程。关键的实验未被进行,或者进行得很糟糕,于是被歪曲。很多实验并没有进行跟踪,包括CaMV 35S启动子是否应对用转基因马铃薯饲养的幼鼠中观察到的‘生长因子’效果负责进行调查。

In conclusion, GM crops have failed to deliver the promised
benefits and are posing escalating problems on the farm.
Transgenic contamination is now widely acknowledged to be
unavoidable, and hence there can be no co-existence of GM and
non-GM agriculture. Most important of all, GM crops have not
been proven safe. On the contrary, sufficient evidence has
emerged to raise serious safety concerns, that if ignored could
result in irreversible damage to health and the environment. GM
crops should be firmly rejected now.

Why Sustainable Agriculture?

1. Higher productivity and yields, especially in the Third World
  1. 生产力和产量更高,尤其是在第三世界

Some 8.98 million farmers have adopted sustainable agriculture practices
on 28.92 million hectares in Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Reliable data from 89 projects show higher productivity and yields: 50100%
increase in yield for rainfed crops, and 5-10% for irrigated crops.
Top successes include Burkina Faso, which turned a cereal deficit of
644 kg per year to an annual surplus of 153 kg; Ethiopia, where 12 500
households enjoyed 60% increase in crop yields; and Honduras and
Guatemala, where 45 000 families increased yields from 400-600 kg/ha
to 2 000-2 500 kg/ha.

Long-term studies in industrialised countries show yields for
organic comparable to conventional agriculture, and sometimes higher.

2. Better soils
  2. 更肥沃的土壤

Sustainable agricultural practices tend to reduce soil erosion, as well as
improve soil physical structure and water-holding capacity, which are
crucial in averting crop failures during periods of drought.
Soil fertility is maintained or increased by various sustainable agriculture
practices. Studies show that soil organic matter and nitrogen
levels are higher in organic than in conventional fields.

Biological activity has also been found to be higher in organic
soils. There are more earthworms, arthropods, mycorrhizal and other
fungi, and micro-organisms, all of which are beneficial for nutrient recycling
and suppression of disease.

3. Cleaner environment
  3. 更清洁的环境 
There is little or no polluting chemical-input with sustainable agriculture.
Moreover, research suggests that less nitrate and phosphorus are
leached to groundwater from organic soils.

Better water infiltration rates are found in organic systems.
Therefore, they are less prone to erosion and less likely to contribute to
water pollution from surface runoff.

4. Reduced pesticides and no increase in pests
 4. 杀虫剂减少,害虫并未增加 
Organic farming prohibits routine pesticide application. Integrated pest
management has cut the number of pesticide sprays in Vietnam from 3.4 to
 one per season, in Sri Lanka from 2.9 to 0.5 per season, and in
Indonesia from 2.9 to 1.1 per season.

Research showed no increase in crop losses due to pest damage,
despite the withdrawal of synthetic insecticides in Californian tomato

Pest control is achievable without pesticides, reversing crop losses,
as for example, by using ‘trap crops’ to attract stem borer, a major
pest in East Africa. Other benefits of avoiding pesticides arise from utilising
the complex inter-relationships between species in an ecosystem.

5. Supporting biodiversity and using diversity
5. 支持生物多样性,利用多样性  
Sustainable agriculture promotes agricultural biodiversity, which is crucial
for food security and rural livelihoods. Organic farming can also
support much greater biodiversity, benefiting species that have significantly
Biodiverse systems are more productive than monocultures.
Integrated farming systems in Cuba are 1.45 to 2.82 times more productive
than monocultures. Thousands of Chinese rice farmers have
doubled yields and nearly eliminated the most devastating disease simply
by mixed planting of two varieties.

Soil biodiversity is enhanced by organic practices, bringing beneficial
effects such as recovery and rehabilitation of degraded soils,
improved soil structure and water infiltration.

6. Environmentally and economically sustainable
  6. 环境和经济的可持续性 

Research on apple production systems ranked the organic system first
in environmental and economic sustainability, the integrated system
second and the conventional system last. Organic apples were most
profitable due to price premiums, quicker investment return and fast
recovery of costs.

A Europe-wide study showed that organic farming performs better
than conventional farming in the majority of environmental indicators. A
review by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO) concluded that well-managed organic agriculture leads to more
favourable conditions at all environmental levels.

7. Ameliorating climate change by reducing direct and indirect energy use
 7. 减少直接和间接能量使用从而改善气候变化 

Organic agriculture uses energy much more efficiently and greatly
reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions compared with conventional
agriculture, both with respect to direct energy consumption in fuel and
oil and indirect consumption in synthetic fertilisers and pesticides.
Sustainable agriculture restores soil organic matter content,
increasing carbon sequestration below ground, thereby recovering an
important carbon sink. Organic systems have shown significant ability
to absorb and retain carbon, raising the possibility that sustainable agriculture
practices can help reduce the impact of global warming.

Organic agriculture is likely to emit less nitrous oxide (N2O),
another important greenhouse gas and also a cause of stratospheric
ozone depletion.

8. Efficient and profitable production
  8. 有效、有利的生产 
Any yield reduction in organic agriculture is more than offset by ecological
and efficiency gains. Research has shown that the organic
approach can be commercially viable in the long-term, producing more food
per unit of energy or resources.


Data show that smaller farms produce far more per unit area than
the larger farms characteristic of conventional farming. Though the
yield per unit area of one crop may be lower on a small farm than on a
large monoculture, the total output per unit area, often composed of
over a dozen crops and various animal products, can be far higher.

Production costs for organic farming are often lower than for conventional
farming, bringing equivalent or higher net returns even without
organic price premiums. When price premiums are factored in,
organic systems are almost always more profitable.

9. Improved food security and benefits to local communities
  9. 粮食安全改善,本地社区受益 
A review of sustainable agriculture projects in developing countries
showed that average food production per household increased by 1.71
tonnes per year (up 73%) for 4.42 million farmers on 3.58 million
hectares, bringing food security and health benefits.
Increasing agricultural productivity has been shown to also
increase food supplies and raise incomes, thereby reducing poverty,
increasing access to food, reducing malnutrition and improving health
and livelihoods.

Sustainable agricultural approaches draw extensively on traditional
and indigenous knowledge, and place emphasis on the farmers'
experience and innovation. This thereby utilises appropriate, low-cost
and readily available local resources as well as improves farmers' status
and autonomy, enhancing social and cultural relations within local

Local means of sale and distribution can generate more money for
the local economy. For every £1 spent at an organic box scheme from
Cusgarne Organics (UK), £2.59 is generated for the local economy; but
for every £1 spent at a supermarket, only £1.40 is generated for the
local economy.
  本地销售和分销的方法可以为本地经济带来更多的收入。英国Cusgarne Organics组织的有机盒计划每消费1英镑就可被本地经济带来2.59英镑的收入;而在超市每花费1英镑却仅仅只能给本地经济带来1.4英镑的收入。

10. Better food quality for health

Organic food is safer, as organic farming prohibits routine pesticide and
herbicide use, so harmful chemical residues are rarely found.

Organic production also bans the use of artificial food additives
such as hydrogenated fats, phosphoric acid, aspartame and monosodium
glutamate, which have been linked to health problems as diverse as
heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity.

Studies have shown that, on average, organic food has higher
vitamin C, higher mineral levels and higher plant phenolics - plant
compounds that can fight cancer and heart disease, and combat age-
related neurological dysfunctions - and significantly less nitrates, a toxic

Sustainable agricultural practices have proven beneficial in
all aspects relevant to health and the environment. In addition,
they bring food security and social and cultural well-being to local
communities everywhere. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive
global shift to all forms of sustainable agriculture.

Part 1: No Future for GM Crops
Why Not GM Crops?

GM crops are neither needed nor wanted

There is no longer any doubt that genetically modified (GM) crops are
not needed to feed the world, and that hunger is caused by poverty and
inequality, and not by inadequate production of food. According to estimates
by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(FAO), there is enough food produced to feed everyone using only conventional
crops, and that will remain the case for at least 25 years and
probably far into the future [2].

Furthermore, as Altieri and Rosset have argued, even if hunger is
due to a gap between food production and human population growth,
current GM crops are not designed to increase yields or for poor small
farmers, so they are unlikely to benefit from them [3]. Because the true
root cause of hunger is inequality, any method of boosting food production
that deepens inequality is bound to fail to reduce hunger [4]. A
recent report by ActionAid concludes that, “The widespread adoption of
GM crops seems likely to exacerbate the underlying cause of food insecurity,
leading to more hungry people, not fewer” [5].
  此外,正如阿尔铁里和罗塞特所论证的一样,即使饥饿是因为粮食生产和人类人口增加之间存在差距造成的,当前的转基因农作物也不会增加产量,也不是为贫穷的小农设计,因此他们不太可能从中受益〔3〕。由于饥饿的真正原因是不公平,因此,任何通过加剧不平等来提高粮食生产的方法注定不会减少贫困〔4〕。行动援助组织(Action Aid)最近的一次报告总结说,“转基因农作物的广泛采用看起来似乎加剧了粮食不稳定的根源,导致贫困人口增多而不是减少。”〔5〕 
More importantly, GM crops are not wanted, and for good reasons.
GM crops have failed to deliver the promised benefits, they are causing
escalating problems on the farm, and evidence of the worst hazards
has accumulated despite the notable lack of research on safety. At the
same time, extensive evidence has emerged on the success of sustainable
approaches to agriculture, which makes clear what the rational
choice for the nation ought to be.

The world market for GM crops has been shrinking simultaneously
as the acreage increased sharply since the first GM crop - the Flavr Savr
tomato - was planted in the United States (US) in 1994, a product soon
withdrawn as a commercial disaster. During the seven-year period from
1996 to 2002, the global acreage of GM crops increased from 1.7 million
hectares to 58.7 million hectares. But only four countries accounted for
99% of the global GM crop acreage in 2002. The US grew 39.0 million
hectares, (66% of global total), Argentina 13.5 million hectares, Canada
3.5 million hectares and China 2.1 million hectares [6].
  自第一个转基因农作物-莎弗番茄(Flavr Savr Tomato )在美国于1994年开始种植以来,随着面积的不断扩大,世界转基因农作物市场却同时在萎缩。这种番茄后来成为商业灾难而迅速退出市场。从1996到2002的7年时间里,全球转基因农作物的种植面积从170万公顷增加到5870公顷。但是,2002年时仅4个国家就占了全球转基因农作物种植面积的99%。美国种植3900万公顷(全球的66%),阿根廷为1350万公顷,加拿大为350万公顷,中国为210万公顷〔6〕。 

Worldwide resistance to GM reached a climax last year when
Zambia refused GM maize (corn) in food aid despite the threat of
famine. Zambia has since reaffirmed its decision after a high-level delegation
was invited to visit several countries including the US and the
United Kingdom (UK). As we were drafting this report, a hunger strike
was in progress in the Philippines, in protest of the commercial
approval of Monsanto’s Bt maize.

Citizens’ juries and other participatory democracy and social
inclusion processes have been used in India, Zimbabwe and Brazil, to
allow small farmers and marginalised rural communities to assess the
risks and desirability of GM crops, on their own terms and according to
their own criteria and notions of well-being.

The results show that when and where these events have been
facilitated in a trustworthy, credible and unbiased manner, small farmers
and indigenous peoples have rejected GM crops on the grounds
that they do not need them, and that the GM technology is unproven
and does not meet their needs [7, 8].

The agricultural sector led the dramatic decline of the biotech
industry, before the industry peaked in 2000 on the back of the human
genome project. The Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) has summarised
the evidence in a special briefing to the UK Prime Minister’s
Strategy Unit on GM, submitted in response to its public consultation on
the economic potential of GM crops [9]. Things have got worse since
for the entire industry [10].

A report released in April 2003 by Innovest Strategic Value
Advisors [11] gave Monsanto the lowest possible rating with the message
that agricultural biotechnology is a high-risk industry not worth
investing in, unless it changes its focus away from GE (genetic engineering,
synonymous with GM). The report states,

“Money flowing from GE companies to politicians as well as the
frequency with which GE company employees take jobs with US regulatory
agencies (and vice versa) creates large bias potential and
reduces the ability of investors to rely on safety claims made by the US
Government. It also helps to clarify why the US Government has not
taken a precautionary approach to GE and continues to suppress GE
labelling in the face of overwhelming public support for it. With Enron
and other financial disasters, the financial community apparently
bought into company stories without looking much below the surface.....”


“Monsanto could be another disaster waiting to happen for
investors”, the report concludes.

GM crops failed to deliver the benefits

GM crops have simply not delivered the promised benefits. That is the
consistent finding of independent research and on-farm surveys,
reviewed by agronomist Charles Benbrook in the US since 1999 [12,
13] and other studies have borne this out [14].

Thousands of controlled trials of GM soya gave significantly
decreased yields of between 5 to 10%, and in some locations, even 12
to 20% compared with non-GM soya. Similar reductions in yield have
been reported in Britain for GM winter oilseed rape (canola) and sugar
beet in field trials.

GM crops have not resulted in significant reductions in herbicide
and insecticide/pesticide use. Roundup Ready (RR) soya required 2 to
5 times more herbicide (measured in pounds applied per acre) than
other weed management systems. Similarly, US Department of
Agriculture (USDA) data suggest that in 2000, the average acre of RR
maize was treated with 30% more herbicide than the average acre of
non-GM maize.
  转基因农作物并没有使除草剂和杀虫剂的使用大幅减少。基因改造Roundup Ready(RR)大豆需要的除草剂比其他除草管理系统多2-5倍(以每英亩使用的磅数计算)。类似还有美国农业部(USDA)的资料显示,2000年RR玉米平均每英亩使用的除草剂比非转基因玉米平均每英亩多30%。 

Analysis of four years of official USDA data on insecticide use
shows a pretty clear picture [13]. While Bt cotton has reduced insecticide
use in several states, Bt corn (maize) has had little, if any, impacts
on corn insecticide use. USDA data show that corn insecticide applications
directly targeting the European corn borer increased from about
4% of acres treated in 1995 to about 5% in 2000.

The greater cost of GM seeds, the increased herbicide/pesticide
use, yield drag, royalties on seed and reduced markets, all add up to
lost income for farmers. The first farm-level economic analysis of Bt
maize in the US revealed that between 1996 and 2001, the net loss to
farmers was $92 million or about $1.31 per acre.

A UK Soil Association report [15] released in September 2002,
estimated that GM crops have cost the United States $12 billion in farm
subsidies, lost sales and product recalls due to transgenic contamination.
It summed up as follows:

“The evidence we set out suggests that….virtually every benefit
claimed for GM crops has not occurred. Instead, farmers are reporting
lower yields, continuing dependency on herbicides and pesticides, loss
of access to markets and, critically, reduced profitability leaving food
production even more vulnerable to the interests of the biotechnology
companies and in need of subsidies.”

These studies have not taken into account crop failures elsewhere
in the world, the most serious in India last year [16]. Massive failures of
GM cotton, up to 100%, were reported in several Indian states, including
failure to germinate, root-rot and attacks by the American bollworm,
for which the Bt-cotton was supposed to be resistant.

Escalating Problems on the Farm

Transgenic instability

The massive failures of GM cotton in India, and of other GM crops elsewhere
are most likely due to the fact that GM crops are overwhelmingly
unstable, a problem first highlighted in a 1994 review by Finnegan
and McElroy [17]:

“While there are some examples of plants which show stable
expression of a transgene these may prove to be the exceptions to the
rule. In an informal survey of over 30 companies involved in the commercialisation
of transgenic crop plants….almost all of the respondents
indicated that they had observed some level of transgene inaction.
Many respondents indicated that most cases of transgene inactivation
never reach the literature.”

There is, nevertheless, a substantial scientific literature on transgenic
instability [18, 19]. Whenever the appropriate molecular tools
have been applied to investigate the problem, instability is invariably
found, and that is so even in cases where transgenic stability has been
claimed. In one publication [20] stating in the abstract that “transgene
expression was stable in lines of all the rice genotypes”, the data presented
actually showed that at most 7 out of 40 (18%) of the lines may
be stable to the R3 generation [21]. This paper, like many others, also
misused the failure to deviate significantly from arbitrarily set
‘Mendelian ratios’ as a sign of Mendelian inheritance, or genetic stability.
This is such an elementary mistake in statistics and genetics that
students could fail an exam for it.

There are two major causes of transgenic instability. The first has
to do with the defence mechanisms protecting the integrity of the
organism that ‘silence’ or inactivate foreign genes integrated into the
genome, so that they are no longer expressed. Gene silencing was first
discovered in connection with integrated transgenes in the early 1990s,
and is now known to be part of the organism's defence against viral

The second major cause of instability has to do with the structural
instability of the transgenic constructs themselves, their tendency to
fragment, to break along weak artificial joints and to recombine incorrectly,
often with other DNA that happens to be around. That is perhaps
the more serious from the safety point of view, as it enhances horizontal
gene transfer and recombination (see later).
Yet another source of instability has been more recently discovered
[18]. There appear to be certain ‘receptive hotspots’ for transgenic
integration in both the plant and the human genomes. These receptive
hotspots may also be ‘recombination hotspots’, prone to breaking and
rejoining. That, too, would make inserted transgenes more likely to
come loose again, to recombine, or to invade other genomes.

Investigations also show that transgene instability may arise in
later generations, and are not necessarily ‘selected out’ during early
generations of growth. This can result in poor and inconsistent performances
of the GM crops in the field, a problem likely to be under-
reported by farmers who settle for compensation with a gagging clause.
  调查还显示,转基因不稳定性可能在其后代中出现,在生长的早期代产品中并没有进行必要的‘筛选’。这也可能导致转基因农作物在田地中性能差、不一致,而这个问题可能并没有被那些根据矫正条款(gagging clause)申请赔偿的农民报告。 

Stop Press

A newly published report (Makarevitch I, Svitashev SD and Somers DA.
Complete sequence analysis of transgene loci from plants transformed
via microprojectile bombardment. Plant Molecular Biology 2003, 52,
421-32) reveals that the problem associated with the uncontrollable
and unpredictable integration of transgenes is even worse than it
seems, and GM can in no way be equated with conventional breeding
or mutagenesis.
The authors point out that the majority of transgenic lines produced
by microprojectile bombardment have "complex transgene loci
composed of multiple copies of whole, truncated, and rearranged delivered
DNAs frequently organized as direct or inverted repeats that are
interspersed with variable-sized genomic DNA fragments" and that the
delivered DNA is integrated into plant genomes primarily through "illegitimate
recombination (IR) associated with double-strand break (DSB)
repair, a process also involved in integration of T-DNA into yeast and
plant genomes."

"The hallmarks of IR in transgene loci produced via direct DNA
delivery include scrambling of transgene sequences through recombination
of both large and small noncontiguous fragments of the delivered
DNA, frequent incorporation of genomic DNA sequences into the
transgene loci and rearrangement in the genomic DNA flanking the
transgene locus."

The target sites frequently cannot be fully characterised because
of translocations and deletions in the adjacent genomic DNA. That
means it is not even possible to tell where in the genome the transgene
has integrated, even if the entire sequence of the host genome is
The researchers have completely sequenced a few transgene loci
in transgenic oat that appear to be 'simple', and hence may be closer
to having the expected gene order and normal flanking genome

Unfortunately, all three 'simple' loci possess regions of small
scrambled fragments of delivered and genomic DNA. All loci also exhibited
either scrambled filler DNA (unknown origin) flanking the transgene
DNA, or evidence of deletion of the target site DNA.
One of the transgenic lines studied was previously characterized,
and shown to have a single major locus estimated to be about 15 kb in
length. However, the T1 progeny analyzed by southern blot with longer
exposure times and more genomic DNA gave two additional minor
transgene loci.
  先前的一项转基因品系研究曾被特性化,并显示有一个约15Kb长的单一主轨迹出现。但是,经较长时间暴露用Southern Blot法(印迹杂交)分析后却得到T1后代,更多的染色体DNA中出现了额外的两条小转基因轨迹。 
Southern analysis showed that the genomic DNA flanking both
sides of one of the loci was highly repetitive. Aligning PCR product of
transgene locus with wild type showed that 845 bp of genomic DNA
were deleted from the wild type genome during transgene integration
and that pieces of genomic DNA of unknown origin were integrated into
the locus as filler DNA on both sides of the transgene DNA.
  Southern分析显示,侧接一条轨迹两边的染色体DNA反复性很高。用野生转基因轨迹生成的水平PCR产品显示,在加入转基因的过程中845 bp的染色体DNA从野生染色体中消失,来源不明的染色体DNA碎片被加入到轨迹中,成为转基因DNA两侧的填充DNA。 
The target sites of the other two loci could not be identified on
account of extensive scrambling of the genomic DNA. The authors also
point out, "it is now accepted that transgene locus number estimations
based on phenotypic segregation ratios are inaccurate due to perturbations
of transgene expression via transgene silencing or rearrangements
of transgene loci." Depending on the probe used, small, nonfunctional
loci are simply not detected.

Integration sites are worse than random. There is evidence that
transgene DNA often gets into gene-rich regions and regions prone to
double stranded breaks. The former increases the potential of activating/
inactivating genes, and the latter increases the structural instability
of transgenes and transgenic lines.

Volunteers and weeds

Triple herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape volunteers were first discovered in
Alberta, Canada in 1998, just two years after single herbicide-tolerant
GM crops were planted [22]. A year later, these multiple herbicide tolerant
volunteers were found in 11 other fields [23]. The US only started
growing herbicide-tolerant GM oilseed rape in 2001. Research in Idaho
University reported that similar multiple gene-stacking had occurred in
experimental plots over two years, and during the same period, weeds
with two herbicide tolerant traits were also found.

Many other problems with weeds have been identified since (summarised
in ref. 24). Glyphosate-resistant marestail infested over
200 000 acres of cotton in west Tennessee, USA in 2002, or 36% of all
cotton acreage in the state, and some 200 000 acres of soya beans
were also affected. The problem with herbicide-tolerant volunteers and
weeds is such that companies have been recommending spraying with
additional herbicides. US agricultural experts reveal that between 75%
and 90% of GM maize growers are using a product called Liberty ATZ
- a mixture of Aventis’ weed killer glufosinate ammonium and Atrazine,
the traditional herbicide used on maize crops that has been a problem
pesticide for decades [25]. Atrazine is on Europe's Red List and Priority
List for hormone disrupting effects in animals. Glufosinate itself is far
from benign (see later).
  自此之后,关于杂草的很多其他问题也被识别到(参考书目24中有总结)。2002年在美国田纳西州,耐草甘膦杉叶藻侵染了20多万英亩的棉花,占了该州棉花总数的36%,还有20万英亩的大豆也受到影响。耐除草剂自生植物和杂草的问题如此严重,以致各公司被建议喷洒更多的除草剂。美国农业专家揭示,转基因玉米种植商中有75-90%都使用了一种被称为Liberty ATZ(Aventis草胺膦除草剂与用于玉米作物的传统除草剂莠去津的混合物,后者多年来一直是一种问题杀虫剂〔25〕)的产品。莠去津在欧洲被列入了对动物有干扰荷尔蒙效果的红名单和优先名单。草胺膦本身也有很大的危害(参看后文)。  

Bt crops are also experiencing problems with resistance very
likely to develop in target pests (see below). A new patent application
from Monsanto is based on using two insecticides with their Bt crops,
on grounds that Bt-crops could produce resistant strains of insect pests
and “numerous problems remain...under actual field conditions”.

Recent research shows that transgenes from Bt sunflower crossing
into wild relatives made the latter hardier and more prolific, with the
potential of becoming super-weeds [26].
Bt resistance
Bt crops are genetically engineered to produce insecticidal proteins
derived from genes of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The
likelihood of target pests of Bt crops developing resistance to Bt toxins
rapidly is so great and real that in the US, resistance management
strategies are adopted, involving planting ‘refugia’ of non-Bt crops and
developing Bt crops with high levels of expression, or multiple toxins in
the same crop.

Unfortunately, pests have developed resistance to multiple toxins,
or cross resistances to different toxins [27], and recent research reveals
that resistant strains are even able to obtain additional nutritional value
from the toxin, thus possibly making them more serious pests than

Extensive transgenic contamination
In November 2001, Berkeley plant geneticists Ignacio Chapela and
David Quist published a report in Nature [28] presenting evidence that
maize landraces, growing in remote regions in Mexico, were contaminated
with transgenes, despite the fact that an official moratorium on
growing GM maize has been imposed in the country.

This sparked off a concerted attack by pro-biotech scientists,
allegedly orchestrated by Monsanto [29]. Nature withdrew support for
that paper in February 2002, an act unprecedented in the whole history
of scientific publication, for a paper that was neither wrong, nor challenged
on its major conclusion. Subsequent research by Mexican scientists
confirmed the finding, showing that the contamination was much
more extensive than previously suspected [30]. Ninety-five percent of
the sites sampled were contaminated, with degrees of contamination
varying from 1% to 35%, averaging 10 to 15%. The companies involved
have refused to provide molecular information or probes for research,
which would sort out which are the liable parties for the damages
caused. Nature refused to publish these confirmatory results.
  这招致了支持生物技术的科学家的共同抨击,怀疑受到Monsanto公司的配合 [29]。2002年2月,«自然»收回了对该篇报告的支持,这在科学刊物的整个历史中都是史无前例的,这篇报告既没有错,其主要结论也没有遭到质疑。墨西哥科学家稍后进行的研究确认了这一发现,显示污染比先前的预测更广泛〔30〕。现场抽样中95%都受到了污染,污染率从1%-35%不等,平均为10-15%。牵涉的公司拒绝提供分子组成或探针进行研究,而这两点可以挑选出导致的损害中哪些是可靠的部分。«自然»拒绝发布这些经证实的结果。  
Indeed, one main factor considered by the Innovest report (see
above) that would damn Monsanto is the substantial investor losses
that could arise from unintended transgenic contamination.
Contamination is inevitable, the report states, and could bankrupt
Monsanto and other biotech companies, leaving the rest of society to
deal with the problem.

According to Ignacio Chapela, who finds himself caught up in the
ensuing controversy with his University tenure still hanging in the balance,
transgenic contamination in Mexico is still growing.
The extent of contamination of non-GM seeds is alarming. A
spokesperson from Dow Agroscience was reported as saying that
“the whole seed system is contaminated” in Canada [31]. Dr. Lyle
Friesen of the University of Manitoba tested 33 samples representing
27 pedigreed canola (oilseed rape) seed stocks and found 32 contaminated
  非转基因种子的污染范围正在令人担忧。Dow Agroscience公司的一位发言人据说在加拿大谈到,“整个种子系统都被污染”。马尼托巴大学的莱尔·弗里森博士对代表27个谱系油菜库存的33个样本进行了测试,发现32个都被污染〔32〕。 

Tests on pollen flow found that wheat pollen will stay airborne for
one hour at the minimum, which means it could be carried huge distances
depending on the wind speed. Canola pollen is even lighter, and
can remain airborne for 3 to 6 hours. A 35 mile/hour wind is not atypical,
which “makes a real mockery of a separation distance of tens or
even hundreds of metres”, said Percy Schmeiser, celebrated Canadian
farmer who was ordered by the Canadian court to pay ‘damages’ to
Monsanto, despite his claim that his neighbour's GM crop had contaminated
his fields. Schmeiser lost his appeal in the Federal Court, but
has just won his right to be heard in the Supreme Court of Canada.
Organic farmers in Saskachewan have also started legal proceedings
against Monsanto and Aventis for contaminating their crops
and ruining their organic status.
The European Commission ordered the study on the co-existence
of GM and non-GM crops in May 2000 from the Institute for Prospective
Technological Studies of the EU Joint Research Centre. The study was
completed and delivered to the European Commission in January
2002, with the recommendation that it not be made public. The suppressed
study, leaked to Greenpeace [33], confirmed what we already
know: coexistence of GM farming and non-GM or organic farming
would be impossible in many cases. Even in cases where it is technically
feasible, it would require costly measures to avoid contamination
and increase production costs for all farmers, especially small farmers.

Transgenic contamination is not limited to cross-pollination. New
research shows that transgenic pollen, wind-blown and deposited elsewhere,
or that has fallen directly to the ground, is a major source of
transgenic contamination [34]. Such transgenic DNA was even found in
fields where GM crops have never been grown, and soil samples contaminated
with pollen was demonstrated to transfer transgenic DNA to
soil bacteria (see later).

Why is contamination such a big issue? The immediate answer is
that consumers are not accepting it. The more important reason is there
are outstanding safety concerns.

Part 2: GM Crops Not Safe

Science & Precaution

Precaution, common sense & science
We are told there is no scientific evidence that GM is harmful. But is it
safe? That is the question we should ask. Where something can cause
serious irreversible harm, it is right and proper for scientists to demand
evidence demonstrating that GM is safe beyond reasonable doubt.
That is usually dignified as 'the precautionary principle’, but for scientists
and for the public, it is just common sense [35-37].

Scientific evidence is no different from ordinary evidence, and
should be understood and judged in the same way. Evidence from different
sources and of different kinds has to be weighed and combined
to guide policy decisions and actions. That’s good science as well as
good sense.

Genetic engineering involves recombining, i.e., joining together in
new combinations, DNA from different sources, and inserting them into
the genomes of organisms to make ‘genetically modified organisms’, or
‘GMOs’ [38].
GMOs are unnatural, not just because they have been produced
in the laboratory, but because many of them can only be made in the
laboratory, quite unlike what nature has produced in the course of billions
of years of evolution.
Thus, it is possible to introduce new genes and gene products,
many from bacteria, viruses and other species, or even genes made
entirely in the laboratory, into crops, including food crops. We have
never eaten these new genes and gene products, nor have they ever
even been part of our food chain.
The artificial constructs are introduced into cells by invasive methods
that result in random integration into the genome, giving rise to
unpredictable, random effects, including gross abnormalities in both
animals and plants, unexpected toxins and allergens in food crops. In
other words, there is no possibility for quality control. This problem is
compounded by the overwhelming instability of transgenic lines, which
makes risk assessment virtually impossible.

Anti-precautionary risk assessment
Many of the problems would have been identified if regulators had
taken risk assessment seriously. But as pointed out by Ho and
Steinbrecher [39], there were fatal flaws in the procedure of food safety
assessment from the start, as laid down in the Joint FAO/WHO
Biotechnology and Food Safety Report resulting from an Expert
Consultation in Rome September 30 to October 4, 1996, which has
served as the main model ever since.
That Report was criticised for :

.Making contentious claims for the benefits of the technology.

.Failing to assume responsibility for, or to address major aspects
of food safety, such as the use of food crops for producing
pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals, as well as issues of
labelling and monitoring.

.Restricting the scope of safety considerations to exclude known
hazards, such as the toxicity of broad-spectrum herbicides.

.Claiming erroneously that genetic engineering does not differ
from conventional breeding.

.Using a 'principle of substantial equivalence' for risk assessment
that is both arbitrary and unscientific.
.Failing to address long-term impacts on health and food security.

.Ignoring existing scientific findings on identifiable hazards,
especially those resulting from the horizontal transfer and
recombination of transgenic DNA.

All that makes for an anti-precautionary ‘safety assessment’
designed to expedite product approval at the expense of safety considerations.

The principle of ‘substantial equivalence’ is a sham in
terms of risk assessment

The biggest faults are in the principle of ‘substantial equivalence’ that
is supposed to serve as the backbone of risk assessment. The Report
“Substantial equivalence embodies the concept that if a new food
or food component is found to be substantially equivalent to an existing
food or food component, it can be treated in the same manner with
respect to safety (i.e., the food or food component can be concluded to
be as safe as the conventional food or food component).”

As can be seen, the principle is vague and ill defined. But what follows
makes clear that it is intended to be as flexible, malleable and
open to interpretation as possible.

“Establishment of substantial equivalence is not a safety assessment
in itself, but a dynamic, analytical exercise in the assessment of
the safety of a new food relative to an existing food. The comparison
may be a simple task or be very lengthy depending upon the amount of
available knowledge and the nature of the food or food component
under consideration. The reference characteristics for substantial
equivalence comparisons need to be flexible and will change over time
in accordance with the changing needs of processors and consumers
and with experience.”
In other words, there would be neither required nor specified tests
for establishing substantial equivalence (SE). Companies would be free
to compare whatever is the most expeditious for claiming SE, and to
carry out the least discriminating tests that would conceal any substantial

In practice, the principle of SE has allowed the companies to,
.Do the least discriminating tests such as crude compositions of
proteins, carbohydrates and fats, amino acids, selected

.Avoid detailed molecular characterization of the transgenic insert
to establish genetic stability, gene expression profiles, metabolic
profiles, etc., that would have revealed unintended effects.
.避免详细描述转基因插入物的分子特性,以确定基因的稳定性、基因的表达图谱(gene expression profie)、代谢图谱等,而这些可能揭示一些非意图性的作用。 
.Claim that the transgenic line is substantially equivalent to the
non-transgenic line except for the transgene product, and to
carry out risk assessment solely on the transgene product,
thereby, again, ignoring any and all unintended changes.

.Avoid comparing the transgenic line to its non-transgenic ‘parent’
grown under the same range of environmental conditions.

.Compare the transgenic line to any variety within the species,
and even to an abstract entity made up of the composite of
selected characteristics from all varieties within the species, so
that the transgenic line could have the worst features of every
variety and still be considered SE.
.Compare different components of a transgenic line with different
species, as in the case of a transgenic canola engineered to
produce lauric acid. But “other fatty acids components are
Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) when evaluated
individually because they are present at similar levels in other
commonly consumed oils.”

No wonder the Report could go on to state,
“Up to the present time, and probably for the near future, there
have been few, if any examples of foods or food components produced
using genetic modification which could be considered to be not substantially
equivalent to existing foods or food components.”
Transgenic instability makes regulation based on this principle of
SE even more ridiculous. A paper presented a year earlier at a WHO
workshop [40] stated, “The main difficulty associated with the biosafety
assessment of transgenic crops is the unpredictable nature of transformation.
The unpredictability raises the concern that transgenic plants
will behave in an inconsistent manner when grown commercially.”
Consequently, transgenic potatoes, that on field trials “showed marked
deformities in shoot morphology and poor tuber yield involving a low
number of small, malformed tubers” nonetheless gave “virtually no
changes in tuber quality” under the tests applied, and was therefore
passed as ‘substantially equivalent’.
  转基因的不稳定性使根据该实质等同原则制定的规范更加荒谬。一年前向世界卫生组织工作小组提交的一份报告陈述到,“转基因农作物生物安全评估的主要困难是转化后不可预测的特性。这种不可预测性让人担心转基因植物用于商业种植时会表现出不一致的方式。”现场试验转基因马铃薯“拍摄到的形态明显畸形,且块茎生长不良,出现少量的畸形小块茎,”尽管如此, 但在所运用的测试中却给出“在块茎质量上没有实质差别”的结论,因此以“实质等同”被通过。 

Contrary to what has been widely claimed, therefore, GM foods
have never passed any required tests that could have established they
are safe. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US had decided
back in 1992 that genetic engineering was just an extension of conventional
breeding, and hence safety assessments were unnecessary.
Although the first transgenic crop, Flavr Savr tomato went through a
nominal safety assessment (which it failed, see later), all subsequent
crops went through a voluntary consultation procedure.
  所以,与广泛宣称的相反,转基因食品从来没有经过任何可以确定其安全的测试。美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)1992年时曾决定支持基因工程仅仅是常规育种的延续,因此没有安全评估必要的看法。虽然第一个转基因作物-莎弗番茄(Flavr Savr Tomato)经历了名义上的安全评估(事实上失败,参考后文),但所有后续农作物都采用了自愿协商程序。 
Belinda Martineau, the scientist who conducted the safety studies
on Flavr Savr tomato at the company Calgene, has published a book
[41] in which she stated that “Calgene's tomato should not serve as a
safety standard for this new industry. No single genetically engineered
product should.” She strongly decries the lack of data on health and
environmental impacts of transgenic crops. “And simply proclaiming
that ‘these foods are safe and there is no scientific evidence to the contrary’
is not the same as saying ‘extensive tests have been conducted
and here are the results.’”
  在Calgene公司对莎弗番茄(Flavr Savr Tomato )进行安全研究的科学家-贝琳达·马蒂诺曾出版了一本书,她在书中谈到,“Calgene公司的番茄不应作为该新产业的安全标准。任何一个单一的转基因产品也不可以。”对于缺乏转基因农作物对健康和环境影响的数据,她强烈表示谴责。“仅仅宣布‘此类食品安全,但却没有科学证据’与说‘已进行了广泛检测,结果如下’是不一样的。” 

The US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released a report in
February 2002 criticizing the USDA for inadequately protecting the
environment from the risks of GM plants [42]. It said that the USDA
review processes lack scientific justification and are not applied uniformly;
the assessment of environmental risks, particularly from plants
genetically engineered to be insect resistant, was “generally superficial”;
and the process “hampers external review and transparency” by
keeping environmental assessments confidential as trade secrets. The
report calls on the USDA to make its review process “significantly more
transparent and rigorous”, to seek evaluation of its findings from outside
scientific experts and to solicit greater input from the public.
There are, indeed, very few independent studies dedicated to the
safety of GM crops to health and the environment. Nevertheless, sufficient
evidence has accumulated to indicate that GM crops are not safe.

We are definitely well into the early warning period at which common
sense, or the application of the precautionary principle, can still
avert and ameliorate the disasters that are likely to occur in the longer
term [43].

Safety Tests on GM Foods

Paucity of published data

There is a distinct scarcity of published data relevant to the safety of
GM foods. Not only that, the scientific quality of what has been published
is, in most instances, not up to the usually expected standards of
good science.
In responding to the Scottish Parliament’s recent investigation into
the health impacts of GM crops [44], Stanley Ewen, histopathologist at
Grampian University Hospital Trust, and leader of the Colorectal
Cancer Screening Pilot in Grampian Region, summed up the situation, 
“It is unfortunate that very few animal trials of GM human food are
available in the public domain in scientific literature. It follows that GM
foods have not been shown to be without risk and, indeed, the available
scientific experimental results demonstrate cause for concern.”

Two reports prior to 1999 revealed harmful effects on animals fed
GM foods. The first was a report submitted to the US FDA on Flavr Savr
GM tomatoes fed to rats. Several of the rats developed erosions (early
ulcers) of the lining of the stomach similar to those seen in the stomach
of older humans on aspirin or similar medication. In humans, substantial
life threatening haemorrhage may occur from these early ulcers.
  1999年前的两份报告揭示了用转基因食品饲养动物后的有害影响。第一份是向美国FDA提交之用莎弗 (Flavr Savr)转基因西红柿饲养老鼠的报告。有几只老鼠胃内层受到侵蚀(早期溃疡),与老年人用阿斯匹林或类似药物治疗后的胃相似。在人体中,此种早期溃疡可能导致威胁生命安全的大出血。 
The second paper, published in a peer-reviewed journal, was on
feeding raw GM potatoes to month-old male mice. The results revealed
proliferative growth in the lower small intestine [45].
The study by Pusztai and co-workers
No substantive studies on the health impacts on GM food had been carried
out, until the then Scottish Office of Agriculture, Environment and
Fisheries Department (SOAEFD) funded the project headed by Arpad
Pusztai at the Rowett Institute, to undertake a major investigation into
the possible environmental and health hazards of GM-potatoes that
had been transformed by British scientists using a gene taken from
snowdrop bulbs [46].

The studies revealed that the two transgenic lines of GM-potatoes,
 which originated from the same transformation experiment, and
were both resistant to aphid pests, were not substantially equivalent in
composition to parent line potatoes, nor to each other. The crude, poorly
defined and unscientific concept of ‘substantial equivalence’ that regulators
rely on in risk assessment has been criticised from its conception
(see above). It has certainly outlived its usefulness.
More importantly, the results showed that diets containing GM
potatoes had, in some instances, interfered with the growth of the
young rats and the development of some of their vital organs, inducing
changes in gut structure and function, and reducing their immune
responsiveness to injurious antigens. In contrast, the animals fed on
diets containing the parent, non-GM potatoes or these potatoes supplemented
with the gene product had no such effects. Some of the
results have been published since [47-51]. The latest paper [51] is a
comprehensive review on safety tests involving GM foods, including the
unpublished experiments on GM tomatoes submitted to the FDA,
described earlier.
The findings of Pusztai and colleagues have been attacked by
many within the scientific establishment, but never disproved by repeating
the work and publishing the results in peer-reviewed journals. They
have clearly demonstrated that it is possible to perform toxicological
studies, and that the safety of GM-foodstuffs must be established in
short- and long-term feeding, metabolic and immune-response studies
with young animals, as these are most vulnerable and the most likely
to respond to, and show up, any nutritional and metabolic stresses
affecting development, a view shared by other scientists.
Multivariate statistical analysis of the results carried out independently
by Scottish Agricultural Statistics Service suggested that the major
potentially harmful effects of the GM potatoes were only in part caused
by the presence of the snowdrop lectin transgene, and that the method
of genetic transformation, and/or the disturbances in the potato
genome also made major contributions to the changes observed.

Ewen and Pusztai’s paper, published in The Lancet [48] aroused
much controversy, and it seems that attempts to discredit Pusztai by
members of the Royal Society continue to this present day.
Ewen and Pusztai measured the part of the small bowel lining that
produces new cells and found that the length of the new cell compartment
had increased significantly in GM fed rats, but not in control rats
fed non-GM potatoes. The increased production of cells had to be due
to a growth factor effect induced by the genetic modification within the
potatoes. (Growth factors are proteins that promote cell growth and
multiplication, that, if uncontrolled, results in cancer.) Similar effects
were observed in the stomach lining [51].
Statistical analysis further revealed that the growth factor effect
was not due to the expressed transgenic protein, the snowdrop lectin,
but was the effect of the gene construct inserted into the DNA of the
potato genome. In other words, non-GM potatoes spiked with snowdrop
lectin simply did not have the same effect.
The construct includes not only the new gene, but also marker
genes and a powerful promoter from the cauliflower mosaic virus
(CaMV), which is at the centre of a major debate concerning its safety
(see later).
Ewen [44] pointed out that although the whole and intact virus
appears to be harmless, as we have been eating cauliflower type vegetables
for millennia, “the use of the separate infectious part of the virus
has not been tested in animals”.
Further possible undesirable effects may involve the human liver’s
response to hepatitis virus, as the cauliflower mosaic virus and hepatitis
B virus belong to the same family of pararetroviruses, with closely
similar genomes and a distinctive life cycle.
That and other potential hazards of the CaMV promoter will be
dealt with in more detail later.

Transgene Hazards

Bt toxins
The most obvious question on safety is with regard to the transgene
and its product introduced into GM crops, as they are new to the
ecosystem and to the food chain of animals and human beings.

The Bt toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis, incorporated in food and
non-food crops, account for about 25% of all GM crops currently grown
worldwide. It was found to be harmful to mice, butterflies and lacewings
up the food chain [27]. Bt toxins also act against insects in the Order of
Coleoptera (beetles, weevils and styloplids), which contains some
28 600 species, far more than any other Order. Bt plants exude the
toxin through the roots into the soil, with potentially large impacts on soil
ecology and fertility.
Bt toxins may be actual and potential allergens for human beings.
Some field workers exposed to Bt spray experienced allergic skin sensitization
and produced IgE and IgG antibodies. A team of scientists
has cautioned against releasing Bt crops for human use. They demonstrated
that recombinant Cry1Ac protoxin from Bt is a potent systemic
and mucosal immunogen, as potent as cholera toxin [52].
A Bt strain that caused severe human necrosis (tissue death)
killed mice within 8 hours, from clinical toxic-shock syndrome [53]. Both
Bt protein and Bt potato harmed mice in feeding experiments, damaging
their ileum (part of the small intestine) [45]. The mice showed
abnormal mitochondria, with signs of degeneration and disrupted
microvilli (microscopic projections on the cell surface) at the surface
lining the gut.
Because Bt or Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus anthracis
(anthrax species used in biological weapons) are closely related to
each other and to a third bacterium, Bacillus cereus, a common soil
bacterium that causes food poisoning, they can readily exchange plasmids
(circular DNA molecules containing genetic origins of replication
that allow replication independent of the chromosome) carrying toxin
genes [54]. If B. anthracis picked up Bt genes from Bt crops by
horizontal gene transfer (see later), new strains of B. anthracis with
unpredictable properties could arise.

‘Pharm’ crops

Other hazardous genes and bacterial and viral sequences are incorporated
into our food and non-food crops as vaccines and pharmaceuticals
in ‘next generation’ GM crops [55-62]. These pharm crops include
those expressing cytokines, known to suppress the immune system,
induce sickness and central nervous system toxicity, as well as interferon
alpha, which is reported to cause dementia, neurotoxicity and
mood and cognitive side effects. Some contain viral sequences such as
the ‘spike’ protein gene of the pig coronavirus, in the same family as the
SARS virus linked to the current global epidemic [63, 64].

The glycoprotein gene gp120 of the AIDS virus HIV-1, incorporated
into GM maize as a ‘cheap, edible oral vaccine’, is yet another biological
time-bomb. There is a lot of evidence that this gene can interfere
with the immune system, as it has homology to the antigen-binding
variable regions of the immunoglobulins, and has recombination
sites similar to those of the immunoglobulins. Furthermore, these
recombination sites are also similar to the recombination sites present
in many viruses and bacteria, with which the gp120 can recombine to
generate deadly pathogens [65-68].
  AIDS病毒 HIV-1的糖蛋白基因gp120也以“廉价、可食用的口服疫苗”为名加入转基因玉米中,成为另一个生物计时炸弹。有很多证据显示,该基因由于与免疫球蛋白抗原结合可变区同源,且有与免疫球蛋白类似的重组位点,因此可以干扰免疫系统。此外,这些重组位点还可能与当前很多细菌和病菌的重组位点类似,而在这些位点中gp120可重组,产生出致命病原体。 
Bacterial and viral DNA

A hitherto neglected source of hazard - in GM crops, though not in gene
therapy where it is recognized as something to avoid - is the DNA from
bacteria and their viruses, which have a high frequency of the CpG
dinucleotide [24]. These CpG motifs are immunogenic and can cause
inflammation, septic arthritis and promotion of B cell lymphoma and
autoimmune disease [69-73]. Yet many genes introduced into GMOs
are from bacteria and their viruses, and these pose other risks as well
(see below).

Terminator Crops Spread Male Sterility

‘Suicide’ genes for sterility
In the interest of avoiding tedious semantic arguments, ‘terminator
crops’ here refer to any transgenic crop engineered with a ‘suicide’
gene for male, female or seed sterility, for the purpose of preventing
farmers from saving and replanting seeds, or protecting patented traits.
  为了避免乏味的语义争论,此处的“终结者农作物”(terminator crops)是指任何使用致使雄性、雌性不育或种子不结果的“自杀”基因而改造的转基因农作物,其目的是为了防止农户储存和重新种植此类种子,或者是为了保护专利特点。 

The public first became aware of terminator technology in patents
jointly owned by the USDA and Delta and Pine Land Company. There
were massive protests worldwide, and Monsanto, which acquired the
Delta and Pine Land patent rights, backed down from developing the
terminator crops described in that particular patent. However, as Ho
and Cummins were to learn, there are many ways to engineer sterility,
each the subject of a separate patent.
  公众首先从美国农业部和Delta & Pine Land公司联合拥有的专利中了解到终结者技术。世界各地强烈表示抗议,而获得Delta & Pine Land公司专利权的Monsanto公司却放弃开发该特殊专利所描述的终结者农作物。但是,正如霍和卡明斯所了解的一样,有很多方法来操纵不育,每个主题都是一个单独的专利。 
It transpired that terminator crops have been field tested in
Europe, Canada and the US since the early 1990s, and several were
already commercially released in North America [74]. The GM oilseed
rape, both spring and winter varieties, which form the main part of the
Farm Scale Evaluations in the UK, are engineered to be male sterile.
GM oilseed rapes are terminator crops

The male sterility system in these GM oilseed rapes consists of three

The male sterile line is maintained in a ‘hemizygous’ state, i.e.,
with only one copy of the ‘suicide’ gene, barnase, joined to a glufosinate-
tolerance gene. The barnase gene is driven from a promoter
(gene switch) that’s active only in the anther or male part of the flower.
The expression of the barnase gene in the anther gives rise to the protein
barnase, an RNAse (enzyme that breaks down RNA), which is a
potent cell poison. The cell dies and stops anther development, so no
pollen is produced. This male sterile line is perpetrated in the hemizygous
state by crossing to a non-GM variety, and using glufosinateammonium
to kill off half the plants in the offspring generation that do
not have a copy of the H-barnase transgene joined to it.

The male restorer line is homozygous (with two copies) for the
‘sterility-restorer’ gene, barstar, also joined to the glufosinate-tolerance
gene. The barstar gene too, is placed under the control of the special
promoter that’s active in the anther. Its expression gives the barstar
protein that's a specific inhibitor of barnase, thereby neutralising the latter’s
Crossing the male-sterile line to the male-restorer line produces a
F1 hybrid, in which the barnase is neutralised by barstar, thus restoring
anther development to produce pollen.
It can be shown that the F1 hybrid actually spreads both the herbicide
tolerance gene and the suicide gene for male sterility in its
pollen, with potentially devastating impacts on both agricultural and
natural biodiversity. It makes a mockery of the UK and US governments’
promotion of these plants as a way to ‘contain’ or ‘prevent’ the
spread of transgenes. The real purpose of this kind of terminator engineering
is to protect corporate patents.

Herbicide Hazards

Herbicide profits

More than 75% of all GM crops currently grown worldwide are engineered
to be tolerant to broad-spectrum herbicides manufactured by
the same companies that make most of their profits from the sales of
the herbicides. These broad-spectrum herbicides not only kill plants
indiscriminately, they are also harmful to practically all species of animal
wildlife and to human beings.
Glufosinate ammonium
Glufosinate ammonium or phosphinothricin, is linked to neurological,
respiratory, gastrointestinal and haematological toxicities as well as
birth defects in humans and mammals [75]. It is toxic to butterflies and
a number of beneficial insects, also to the larvae of clams and oysters,
Daphnia and some freshwater fish, especially the rainbow trout. It
inhibits beneficial soil bacteria and fungi, that fix nitrogen.

The loss of insects and plants would have knock-on effects on
birds and small animal life.

In addition, some plant pathogens were found to be highly resistant
to glufosinate while organisms antagonistic to those pathogens
were seriously and adversely affected. This could have catastrophic
impacts on agriculture.
The glufosinate tolerant plants contain the pat (phosphinothricin
acetyl transferase) gene, which inactivates phosphinothricin by adding
an acetyl group to it, to make acetylphosphinothricin. The latter accumulates
in the GM plant, and is a completely new metabolite in the
crop, as well as for the entire food chain leading up to human beings,
the risks of which have not been considered.
Data supplied by AgrEvo, which became Aventis and now Bayer
CropScience, show that micro-organisms in the gut of warm-blooded
animals can remove the acetyl group and regenerate the toxic herbicide.
Phosphinothricin inhibits the enzyme glutamine synthetase, which
converts the essential amino acid, glutamic acid to glutamine. The net
result of the action of glufosinate is that ammonia and glutamate
accumulate at the expense of glutamine. It is the accumulation of
ammonia that is the lethal action in plants.
  前AgrEvo公司,即后来的Aventis公司和现在的Bayer CropScience公司提供的数据显示,温血动物内脏中的微生物可去除乙酰组,使带毒性的除草剂再生。草丁膦将抑制酶合成谷酰胺,即将重要氨基酸、谷氨酸转换为谷酰胺。草胺膦作用的最终结果就是牺牲谷酰胺,使氨水和谷氨酸盐累积。正是氨水的积累导致了植物的致命效应。 

In mammals, the consequences of inhibition of glutamine synthetase
are more associated with the increased levels of glutamate,
and decreased levels of glutamine. Circulating ammonia is removed in
the liver by the urea cycle. However, the brain is highly sensitive to the
toxic effects of ammonia and the removal of excess ammonia depends
on its incorporation into glutamine. Glutamate is a major neurotransmitter,
and such large disturbance to its metabolism is bound to impact
on health.
These known effects are sufficient to halt all field trials of GM
crops immediately, until critical questions about the metabolism, storage
and reconversion of the N-acetylphosphinothricin have been fully
answered for all pat gene-containing products.

The other major herbicide used in conjunction with GM crops,
glyphosate, is no better [76].

Glyphosate kills plants by inhibiting the enzyme, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-
3-phosphate synthetase (EPSPS), critical for the biosynthesis
of aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan,
vitamins, and many secondary metabolites such as folates,
ubiquinone and naphthoquinone [77]. The shikimate pathway takes
place in the chloroplasts of green plants. The killing action of the herbicide
requires that the plant be growing and exposed to light.
  草甘膦通过抑制5-烯酰丙酮酸莽草酸 3-磷酸盐酶(EPSPS)来杀伤植物,并因其芳香氨基酸,如苯基丙氨酸、酪氨酸和色氨酸、维生素及很多次级代谢产物,如叶酸、泛醌和萘醌等生物合成而受到批评[77]。草酸路径出现在绿色植物的叶绿体中。除草剂的杀伤作用需要植物生长并暴露在阳光下。 
GM crops modified to be tolerant to Monsanto's formulation of
glyphosate, called ‘Roundup Ready’, are modified with two main genes.
One gene imparts reduced sensitivity to glyphosate and the other
enables the plant to degrade glyphosate. The expression of both genes
is directed to the chloroplasts, the site of the herbicide activity, by
adding the coding sequences of a plant-derived ‘transit peptide’.
  被改造来对Monsanto公司的 “Roundup Ready”草甘膦配方产生耐药性的转基因农作物中有两个主要的基因被修改。一个基因被告知降低对草甘膦的敏感性,而另一个基因则使植物能降解草甘膦。通过加入源于植物的“转缩氨酸”代码序列使两种基因的表达直接指向叶绿体,即除草剂活动的点位。 
The first gene encodes a bacteria-derived version of the plant
enzyme involved in the shikimate biochemical pathway. Unlike the plant
enzyme, which is sensitive to glyphosate, resulting in suppression of
growth or death of the plant, the bacterial enzyme is insensitive to
glyphosate. The second gene, also bacterial, codes for an enzyme that
degrades glyphosate, and its coding sequence has been altered to
enhance glyphosate-degrading activity.

The shikimate-chorismate pathway is not found in humans and
mammals, and therefore represents a novel target; though it is present
in a variety of micro-organisms. However, glyphosate acts by preventing
the binding of the metabolite, phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) to the
enzyme site [78]. PEP is a central metabolite present in all organisms
including humans. Glyphosate, therefore, has the potential to disrupt
many important enzyme systems that utilise PEP, including energy
metabolism and the synthesis of key membrane lipids required in nerve
Glyphosate is the most frequent cause of complaints and poisoning
in the UK [79]. Suicide attempts have been successful with as little
as 100 millilitres of a 10 to 20% solution. Widespread disturbances of
many body systems have been reported after exposures at normal use
levels. These include balance disorder, vertigo, reduced cognitive
capacity, seizures, impaired vision, smell, hearing and taste,
headaches, drops in blood pressure, body-wide twitches and tics, muscle
paralysis, peripheral neuropathy, loss of gross and fine motor skills,
excessive sweating and severe fatigue [80].
An epidemiological study in Ontario farm populations showed that
glyphosate exposure nearly doubled the risk of late spontaneous abortion
[81]. Children born to users of glyphosate were found to have elevated
neurobehavioral defects [82]. Glyphosate caused retarded development
of the foetal skeleton in laboratory rats [83].
Other experimental and animal studies suggest that glyphosate
inhibits the synthesis of steroids [84], and is genotoxic in mammals
[85, 86], fish [87, 88] and frogs [89, 90]. Field dose exposure of earthworms
caused at least 50 percent mortality and significant intestinal
damage among surviving worms [91]. A recent paper reported that
Roundup caused cell division dysfunction that may be linked to human
cancers [92].
As reviewed in reference 76, the nitrogen-fixing symbiont in transgenic
and non-transgenic soya is sensitive to glyphosate, and early
application of glyphosate led to decreased crop biomass and nitrogen.
Glyphosate application at elevated temperature (around 35oC) to
Roundup Ready soya resulted in meristem damage, which is related to
increased transport of the herbicide to the meristem.
  正如参考注释76所回顾的一样,转基因和非转基因大豆中的固氮共生有机体对草甘膦都敏感,早期使用草甘膦导致了农作物生物数量和氮的下降。在较高的温度下(约35℃)对Roundup Ready大豆喷洒草甘膦将导致组织分裂,而这与不断运送除草剂到分生组织中有关。 
Glyphosate application in conventional weed control led to
destruction and local extinction of endangered plant species. In forest
ecosystems, it reduces bryophytes and lichens significantly.
Glyphosate treatment of bean seedlings resulted in short-term increases
in dampening-off pathogens in treated soil.
Glyphosate application to control invasive species along tidal flats
gave unexpected secondary effects. After spraying, the herbicide in
sediment declined by 88%, while in the target perennial grass, the herbicide
increased 591%, and was stored in the rhizomes. Glyphosate
persists in soil and groundwater and was found in well water in sites
adjacent to sprayed areas.
There is a wealth of published scientific studies showing that the
massive increase in use of glyphosate in conjunction with GM crops
poses a significant threat to human and animal health as well as to the

Horizontal Gene Transfer

Horizontal gene transfer & epidemics

Horizontal gene transfer, the direct transfer of genetic material into the
genomes of organisms, whether of the same or totally unrelated
species, is by far the most serious safety issue that's unique to genetic
engineering [93].
The world has been whipped up into hysteria over terrorist attacks
and 'weapons of mass destruction' since September 11, 2001.
Governments want to ban publication of sensitive scientific research
results, and a group of major life sciences editors and authors has concurred.
Some scientists even suggest an international body to police
research and publication [65].
But few have acknowledged that genetic engineering itself is
inherently dangerous, as first pointed out by the pioneers of genetic
engineering in the Asilomar Declaration in the mid- 1970s, and as some
of us have been reminding the public and policy-makers more recently
[94, 95].
But what caught the attention of the mainstream media was the
report in January 2001 of how researchers in Australia ‘accidentally’
created a deadly mouse virus that killed all its victims in the course of
manipulating a harmless virus. “Disaster in the making: An engineered
mouse virus leaves us one step away from the ultimate bioweapon”,
was the headline in the New Scientist article. The editorial showed even
less restraint: “The genie is out, biotech has just sprung a nasty surprise.
Next time, it could be catastrophic.”
That, and the current SARS epidemic, remind us that horizontal
gene transfer and recombination create new viruses and bacteria that
cause diseases, and if genetic engineering does anything, it is to greatly
enhance the scope and tendency for horizontal gene transfer and

Genetic engineering enhances the scope and tendency for
horizontal gene transfer
In the first place, genetic engineering involves the rampant recombination
of genetic material from widely diverse sources that would otherwise
have very little opportunity to mix and recombine in nature. Some
newer techniques, for example, ‘DNA shuffling’ [96, 97] will create in
the matter of minutes millions of new recombinants in the laboratory
that have never existed in billions of years of evolution. There is no limit
to the sources of DNA that can be shuffled in this way.
In the second place, disease-causing viruses and bacteria and
their genetic material are the predominant materials and tools of genetic
engineering, as much as for the intentional creation of bio-weapons.
And this includes antibiotic resistance genes that make infections more
difficult to treat.
And finally, the artificial constructs created by genetic engineering
are designed to cross species barriers and to jump into genomes, i.e.,
to further enhance and speed up horizontal gene transfer and recombination,
now acknowledged to be the major route to creating new disease
agents, possibly much more important than point mutations which
change isolated bases in the DNA.
Add to that the inherent instability of transgenic DNA mentioned
earlier, which makes it more likely to break and recombine, and we
begin to realise why we don't need bio-terrorists when we have
genetic engineers.

The CaMV 35S Promoter
  九、CaMV 35S 启动子

‘Recombination hotspot’

Some transgenic constructs are less stable than others, such as those
containing the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter.

The CaMV infects plants of the cabbage family. One of its promoters,
the 35S promoter, has been widely used in GM crops since the
beginning of plant genetic engineering, before some of its worrying features
came to light. The most serious is its possession of a ‘recombination
hotspot’, where it tends to recombine with other DNA; although
definitive evidence for that did not appear until much later.
Since the early 1990s, major doubts have arisen over the safety
of viral genes incorporated into GM crops to make crops resistant to
viral attack. Many of the viral genes tended to recombine with other
viruses to generate new and at times super-infectious viruses.
In 1999, definitive evidence for the recombination hotspot in the
CaMV 35S promoter came from work published independently by two
research groups. This was highly significant in view of the findings of
Ewen and Pusztai reviewed earlier, suggesting that the damage to
young rats fed GM potatoes could be due to the transformation process
itself or to the transgenic construct.
  1999年,两个研究组分别发表的着作提供了CaMV 35S启动子中存在重组热区的权威证据。鉴于埃文和普斯陶伊早前的发现,这对证明用基因马铃薯饲养的幼鼠所受的损害是由于转换过程本身或转基因构造引起的这一点十分重要。 
Ho et al. reviewed the safety implications of the CaMV 35S promoter,
pointing out that its recombination hotspot is flanked by multiple
motifs known to be involved in recombination, which are similar to other
recombination hotspots, including the borders of the Agrobacterium TDNA
vector most frequently used in making transgenic plants. The suspected
mechanism of recombination - double-stranded DNA breaks followed
by repair - requires little or no DNA sequence homologies, and
recombination between viral transgenes and infecting viruses has been
amply demonstrated. In addition, the CaMV 35S promoter functions
efficiently in all plants, as well as green algae, yeast and E. coli. It has
a modular structure, with parts common to, and interchangeable with
promoters of many other plant and animal viruses.
  何等人审查了CaMV 35S启动子的安全影响后指出,其重组热区与多种介入重组的基序侧接,包括与基因工程中使用十分频繁的土壤杆菌T-DNA带菌者的边缘侧接,与其他重组热区类似。重组的可疑机制(双链断裂DNA断裂后被修复)需要很少或几乎不需要同族的DNA,而病毒转基因和传染性病毒之间的重组也被放大显示。此外,CaMV 35S启动子在所有植物及绿藻、酵母和大肠杆菌中都有效地发挥作用。它有一个分子结构,部分与其他植物和动物启动子相同并可互换。 
These findings suggested that transgenic constructs with the
CaMV 35S promoter might be especially unstable and prone to horizontal
gene transfer and recombination, with all the attendant hazards:
gene mutations due to random insertion, cancer, reactivation of dormant
viruses and generation of new viruses, some of which could
account for the observations described by Ewen and Pusztai [44, 46,
48, 51].
  这些发现显示,带CaMV 35S启动子的转基因结构可能非常不稳定,易于使基因横向转移和重组,出现所有伴随危害:因随机插入而导致基因变异,癌症、休眠病毒恢复活动及新病毒产生等,其中一些可能是埃文和普斯陶伊描述之观察结果的原因〔44,46,48,51〕。 

When Ho et al.'s paper [98] was accepted for publication, the
Journal, Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, put out a press
release on its website, labelling it ‘hot topic’. Within a day, someone by
the name of Klaus Amman appeared to have organised at least nine
critiques that rebounded around the Internet, ranging from the abusive
and condescending to the relatively moderate. It later transpired that
Klaus Amman is a key player in establishing (or, as we perceive, undermining)
biosafety standards on the international scene, and holds many
posts in organizations funded by the biotech industry.
Ho et al. answered all the criticisms in a paper that was circulated
on the Internet, and subsequently published in the same scientific journal.
The critics have failed to respond to this day.
Unfortunately, the most outrageous and abusive remarks were
incorporated into one ‘analysis’ piece written by an editor of Nature
biotechnology under ‘Business and regulatory news’ [99]. That ‘analysis’,
concocted entirely of hearsay and opinions, contained such defamatory,
libellous statements that the journal had to give Ho et al. a right
to reply when challenged. The reply was eventually published several
months later [100], along with the editor's ‘apology’ that he had failed to
cite their rebuttal, but was actually another attack on them. This time,
Nature biotechnology refused to let them reply.
All of the substantive scientific criticisms eventually turned up in a
paper published in the journal where the original paper appeared, coauthored
by Roger Hull and Phil Dale, a member of the UK Advisory
Committee on Novel Foods and Processes (ACNFP) [101]. Their main
criticisms boiled down to the following.
First, people have been eating the virus in infected cabbages and
cauliflower for many years without harm, so why should they worry
about the CaMV 35S promoter?
Second, plants are already loaded with pararetroviral sequences,
not unlike CaMV, so why should there be any risks?

The criticisms were thoroughly rebutted in a paper that was longer
than the original, which appeared in the same journal soon afterwards
[102]. And no further response followed. In fact, critics were careful
never to mention the rebuttal.
It was pointed out, among other things, that people have not been
eating CaMV 35S promoter plucked from its natural genetic and evolutionary
context and incorporated into transgenic DNA.
  其他指出的一些事情包括,人们还没有开始食用从其自然进化基因中采集,然后加入到转基因DNA中的CaMV 35S启动因子。 
The fact that plants are ‘loaded’ with pararetroviral sequences
similar to CaMV and other potentially mobile elements can only make
things worse. Pararetroviruses are viruses that use reverse transcriptase,
but do not depend on integrating into the host genome for replication.
Pararetroviruses include a family that contains the human
pathogen, hepatitis B virus. The CaMV 35S promoter could activate
dormant viruses like hepatitis B, which was also known to have integrated
into some human genomes, and appeared to be associated with
the disease.
  植物被“装载了”与CaMV及其他可移动元素相似的逆转录病毒这一事实只会使事情更糟。逆转录病毒是使用了逆转录瓷,但不依赖于加入主基因组来复制的病毒。逆转录病毒包括含有人体病原体-乙型肝炎族类的病毒。CaMV 35S启动子可以激活像乙肝病毒这样的休眠病毒,这些病毒也被加入到人类的一些基因组中,与疾病有关。 
Most, if not all, of the elements integrated into the genome would
have been ‘tamed’ in the course of evolution and hence are no longer
mobile. But integration of transgenic constructs containing the 35S
promoter may mobilize the elements. The elements may in turn provide
helper-functions to destabilize the transgenic DNA, and may also
serve as substrates for recombination to generate more exotic invasive
Evidence has emerged, since, that integration of foreign genes
into the genome associated with the genetic modification can indeed
activate transposons and proviral sequences, leading to destabilisation
of the genome [103]. So Ho et al. were not wide off the mark.
In the course of debating with the critics, Ho and co-workers found
even more damning evidence [104]. It turns out that although the CaMV
virus infects only plants in the cabbage family, its 35S promoter is
promiscuously active in species across the living world, not just bacteria,
algae, fungi and plants, but also animal and human cells, as they
discovered in a scientific paper dating back to 1990. Plant geneticists
who have incorporated the CaMV 35S promoter into practically all GM
crops now grown commercially were apparently unaware of that, and
are still not admitting to it in public.
  在与批评者讨论的过程中,何及其同事甚至发现更多逃避不了的的证据〔104〕。看起来,虽然CaMV病毒仅仅影响白菜族植物,但其35S启动子在活体世界的物种中漫无目的地活跃,不仅仅是细菌、藻类、真菌和植物,而且包括动物和人体细胞,正如他们在1990年的一份科学论文中发现的一样。将CaMV 35S启动子加入几乎所有用于商业种植的转基因农作物中的植物遗传学者表面上对此似乎不了解,且仍然没有在公众面前承认这一点。 
The UK Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
(ACRE) has no excuse for omitting the information in its latest Report
[105] reiterating “no evidence of harm”, as Ho has drawn attention to it
many times, both in written submissions and in oral evidence presented
at several open hearings. Behind the scenes, however, the CaMV
35S promoter has been quietly withdrawn. It no longer appears in most
of the GM crops under development.
  英国环境释放咨询委员会(ACRE)没有借口可以忽略最新报告中的信息〔105〕,这份报告重申“无有害证据”,而何已经多次注意到这个问题,既有书面的东西,也有几次公开听证会上的口头陈述。然而,在这幕画面的后面,CaMV 35S启动子安静地退出。在当前开发的大多数转基因农作物中已经不再有CaMV 35S启动子出现。 
The controversy surrounding the transgenic contamination of
Mexican landraces is not so much that the contamination had occurred,
rather, it is the possibility that, because the transgenic constructs were
unstable, they could be, according to a critic [106], “fragmenting and
promiscuously scattering throughout genomes.” All the transgenic
maize constructs that might have been responsible for the contamination
contained the CaMV 35S promoter, which was why the promoter
could be used to test for transgenic contamination. Such fragmentation
and scattering of unstable DNA throughout the genome are known to
activate dormant proviruses and transposons (see above), causing
DNA rearrangements, deletions, translocations and other disturbances,
which could destabilise the genomes of the landraces, driving the landraces
towards extinction.
  围绕墨西哥本地品种被转基因污染的争论并不是集中在已经出现了污染,而是一种可能性的存在:根据批评者的看法,由于转基因构造不稳定,它们可能“断成碎片且在整个基因组中杂乱地散开“。所有可能需要对污染负责的转基因玉米构造中都含有CaMV 35S启动子的,这也是为什么启动子可被用来检测转基因污染的原因。基因组中不稳定DNA的碎片和分散据知可以启动休眠的前病毒和转位子(参看上文),导致DNA重新被安排、删除、移动及其它干扰,而这些可能使本地品种的基因组不稳定,使本地品种趋向消失。 

Transgenic DNA More Likely to Spread

Transgenic DNA versus natural DNA
Transgenic DNA is different from natural DNA in many respects, all of
which contribute to its increased propensity for horizontal transfer into
genomes of unrelated organisms, where it may also recombine with
new genes (Box 1) [93].
Box 1
Transgenic DNA more likely to spread horizontally
.Transgenic DNA often contains new combinations of genetic
material that have never existed.
.Transgenic DNA has been designed to jump into genomes.

.The unnatural gene constructs tend to be structurally unstable
and hence prone to break and join up or recombine with other
.The mechanisms that enable foreign gene constructs to jump
into the genome enable them to jump out again and reinsert
at another site or in another genome. For example, the
enzyme integrase, which catalyzes the insertion of viral DNA
into the host genome, also functions as a disintegrase,
catalyzing the reverse reaction. These integrases belong to a
superfamily of similar enzymes that are present in all
genomes, from viruses and bacteria to higher plants and
animals. Recombinases of transposons are similar.
.The borders of the most commonly used vector for transgenic
plants, the T-DNA of Agrobacterium, are recombination
hotspots (sites that tend to break and join). In addition, a
recombination hotspot is also associated with the cauliflower
mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter and many terminators (genetic
signals for ending transcription), which means that the whole
or parts of the integrated DNA will have an increased propensity
for secondary horizontal gene transfer and recombination.

.Recent evidence indicates that foreign gene constructs tend
to integrate at recombination hotspots in the genome, which
again, would tend to increase the chances of transgenic DNA
disintegrating and transferring horizontally.
.Transgenic DNA often has other genetic signals, such as
origins of replication left over from the plasmid vector. These
are also recombination hotspots, and in addition, can enable
the transgenic DNA to be replicated independently as a
plasmid that's readily transferred horizontally among bacteria.
.The metabolic stress on the host organism due to the
continuous over-expression of the foreign genes linked to
aggressive promoters such as the CaMV 35S promoter will
also increase the instability of the transgenic DNA, thereby
facilitating horizontal gene transfer.
.Transgenic DNA is typically a mosaic of DNA sequences from
many different species and their genetic parasites; these
homologies mean that it will be more prone to recombine with,
and successfully transfer to, the genomes of many species as
well as their genetic parasites. Homologous recombination
typically occurs at one thousand to one million times the
frequency of non-homologous recombination.

Evidence that transgenic DNA is different

There has been only one experiment ever carried out to test the
hypothesis that transgenes are the same (or not) as mutants induced
by conventional means (mutagenesis), such as exposure to X-rays and
chemical mutagens, which cause changes in the base sequence
of DNA.
Bergelson and colleagues [107] obtained a mutant for herbicide-
tolerance by conventional mutagenesis in a laboratory strain of
Arabidopsis, and created transgenic lines by introducing the mutant
gene, spliced into a vector, into host plant cells.
They then compared the rate at which transgenic and non-transgenic
mutant plants spread the herbicide-tolerance trait to normal, wild
type plants grown nearby. They found that the transgenes from
transgenic plants were up to 30 times more likely to escape and spread
than the same gene obtained by mutagenesis.
The results are difficult to explain in terms of ordinary cross-pollination.
 Was it because introducing the transgene by means of a vector
led to all kinds of unexpected effects? Did the transgenic plants produce
more pollen, or more viable pollen? Was the pollen from transgenic
plants more attractive to bees?
Another possibility for the increased spread of transgenes is horizontal
gene transfer, via insects visiting the plants for pollen and nectar,
or simply feeding on the sap or other parts of successive transgenic
and wild type plants. Bergelson said they had no evidence for horizontal
gene transfer, but could not rule it out. But they have not gone on to
investigate that possibility.
Regardless of the manner in which the transgenes had spread,
the experiment did demonstrate that transgenic DNA does not behave
in the same way as non-transgenic DNA.

Horizontal Transfer of Transgenic DNA

Experiments demonstrating horizontal transfer of transgenic DNA

Horizontal transfer of transgenes and antibiotic-resistant marker genes
from genetically engineered crop plants into soil bacteria and fungi had
been demonstrated in the laboratory by the mid-1990s. Transfer of
transgenes to fungi was achieved simply by growing the fungi with the
GM plant, and transfer to bacteria achieved by applying total DNA from
the GM plant to cultures of bacteria.
  转基因的横向转移及具有抵抗抗生素特质(antibiotic resistance)的标记基因(marker gene)从转基因植物转移到土壤细菌和真菌到20世纪90年代中期已在试验室中得到论证。转基因转移到真菌只须简单地将真菌与转基因植物一起种植就可以实现,而将其转移到细菌则通过运用转基因植物的完整DNA培育细菌即可。 
By the late 1990s, successful transfers of a kanamycin-resistance
marker gene to the soil bacterium Acinetobacter were obtained with
total DNA extracted from homogenized leaves in a range of transgenic
plants [108]: Solanum tuberosum (potato), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco),
Beta vulgaris (sugar beet), Brassica napus (oilseed rape), and
Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato). It was estimated that about 2 500
copies of the kanamycin-resistance genes (from the same number of
plant cells) were sufficient to successfully transform one bacterium,
despite the fact that there was a 6 x 106-fold excess of plant DNA present.
Positive results of horizontal gene transfer in this system were
obtained even with just 100 microlitres of ground-up plant leaf added to
the bacteria.
  到90年代末期,通过从一系列转基因植物〔108〕:马铃薯、烟草、甜菜、油菜和番茄的均质叶子提取的完整DNA曾成功使抗卡那霉素标志基因转移到土壤细菌-不动杆菌。据估计,约2500个抗卡那霉素标记基因(来自相同数量的植物细胞)已足够成功地转移一个细菌,而事实上有6 X 106褶多余的植物DNA出现。在该系统中基因横向转移的正面结果甚至只需要在100微升碾碎的植物叶中加入细菌即可。 
Obfuscation & misrepresentation

But from the beginning, obfuscation and misrepresentation reigned
supreme. Despite the misleading title in a paper by Schluter, Futterer
and Potrykus, which states that horizontal gene transfer in their experiment
“occurs, if at all, at an extremely low-frequency” [109], the data
demonstrated a high frequency of gene transfer of 5.8 x 10-2 per recipient
bacterium under optimum conditions.
  然而从一开始,困惑与歪曲就占了支配地位。尽管施吕特、波特里库斯、富特等人一篇论文中出现了误导的标题,陈述说在他们的试验中基因横向转移“的出现,如果不是根本不可能,频率也是非常低”〔109〕,然而数据证明在最佳条件下,每个受体菌基因转移频率高达5.8 X 10-2。 
But the authors then proceeded to calculate a theoretical gene
transfer frequency of 2.0 x 10-17, or close to zero, under extrapolated
‘natural conditions’. That, they have done by assuming that different
factors acted independently, and by inventing the ‘natural conditions’,
which are largely unknown and unpredictable, and, by the authors’ own
admission, synergistic effects from combinations of factors cannot be
ruled out.
  但是们却继续计算在推断的“自然情况下”,理论上基因转移的频率为2.0 X 10-17,或者说接近零。他们假设不同的因素独立作用,创造出很大程度上都不可知、不可预测的“自然条件”,自认为不能排除因数组和的协同作用。 

This paper was subsequently widely cited as showing that horizontal
gene transfer does not happen.
       这篇论文随后 被广泛引用来说明没有出现横向基因转移

Field experiment provides prima facie evidence

In 1999, researchers in Germany [110] had already reported the first,
and still only, field-monitoring experiment in the world, that provided
prima facie evidence that transgenic DNA had transferred from the GM
sugar beet plant debris to bacteria in the soil. Ho circulated a detailed
review of this evidence, and duly submitted it to the UK government's
science advisors. They dismissed that evidence, and worse, cited it as
evidence that horizontal gene transfer did not occur.
DNA not only persists in the external environment, both in the soil
and in water; it is not broken down sufficiently quickly in the digestive
system to prevent transgenic DNA transferring to micro-organisms resident
in the gut of animals.
Transgenic DNA transfer in the mouth
Such transfer could start in the mouth. Mercer et al. reported in 1999
[111] that a genetically engineered plasmid had a 6 to 25% chance of
surviving intact after 60 minutes of exposure to human saliva.
Moreover, the partially degraded plasmid DNA was capable of transforming
Streptococcus gordonii, one of the bacteria that normally live in
the human mouth and pharynx. The frequency of transformation
dropped exponentially with time, but it was still significant after 10 minutes.
Human saliva actually contains factors that promote transformation
in bacteria resident in the mouth.
This research was done in the test-tube, and the authors clearly
stated that, “further investigations are needed to establish whether
transformation of oral bacteria can occur at significant frequencies in
vivo.” However, no such studies have been carried out since, which is
difficult to understand, as the original research was commissioned by
the UK government, as part of the Novel Foods Programme.
Another group in Leeds University, however, got a grant from the
then newly established Food Standards Agency (FSA) to investigate
the possibility of horizontal gene transfer in the stomachs of ruminants
[112], where food remains for long periods of time. The researchers
found that transgenic DNA was rapidly broken down in the fluids from
the rumen and the silage, but that nevertheless, horizontal transfer
could take place before the transgenic DNA was completely degraded.
They also found that transgenic DNA was very slow to break down
in saliva, and therefore, the mouth could be a major site for horizontal
gene transfer. This confirmed the results obtained by Mercer et al. [111].
But once again, no follow-up work was done in live animals. Was it a
case of avoiding doing the obvious experiments for fear of finding positive
results that would be more difficult to dismiss?
Transfer of transgenic DNA through the wall of the intestine & the placenta

There's more to the scope of horizontal gene transfer as revealed in the
existing scientific literature. D.erfler's group in Germany have carried
out a series of experiments on the fate of foreign DNA in food, beginning
in the early 1990s.
They fed mice DNA, either isolated from the bacteria virus M13, or
as the cloned gene for the green fluorescent protein inserted into a
plasmid. They found that a small, albeit significant percentage of the
viral and plasmid DNA not only escaped complete degradation in the
gut, but could pass through the wall of the intestine into the blood
stream, to get into some white blood cells, spleen and liver cells, and
become incorporated into the mouse cell genome [113]. When fed to
pregnant mice, the foreign DNA could be found in some cells of the foetuses
and the newborn animals, showing that it had gone through the
placenta [114].
This work underlines the hazards of all kinds of naked DNA, including
viral genomes, created by the genetic engineering industry, that
Norwegian virologist and science advisor to the Norwegian government,
Terje Traavik [115], and others [94, 95] have drawn attention to.
In a paper published in 1998, D.erfler and Schubbert stated [114],
“The consequences of foreign DNA uptake for mutagenesis [generating
mutations] and oncogenesis [causing cancer] have not yet been investigated”.
The relevance of this remark is striking with regard to the cancer
cases identified among the recipients of gene therapy in the latter
part of 2002 [116]. It makes the point that exposures to transgenic DNA
carry the same risks, regardless of whether it is from gene therapy or
from GM foods. Gene therapy is just the genetic modification of human
beings, and uses constructs very similar to those for the genetic modification
of plants and animals.

Avoidance of definitive experiments
In a report published in 2001 [117], the fate of ordinary soybean DNA
from soybean leaves was compared with that of transgenic plasmid
DNA. It confirmed earlier findings. Transgenic plasmid DNA invaded the
cells of many tissues.
But like most of the research projects reviewed, this one too,
seemed to have stopped short of attempting to obtain clearer, definitive
results, which could easily have been done by feeding mice transgenic
soya, and monitoring for the fate of both the transgenic DNA and the
plant's own DNA. That would have gone some way to settle the issue
Ho and Cummins have repeatedly raised: that transgenic DNA may be
more invasive of cells and genomes than natural DNA.

Indeed, as Ewen points out [44], the possibility cannot be excluded
that feeding GM products such as maize to animals also carries
risks. Cow’s milk may contain GM derivatives and even a fillet steak
may contain active GM material, as DNA is extraordinarily stable, and
is often not destroyed by heat. DNA has even been recovered recently
from soil sediments 300 000 to 400 000 years old [118]. The lead
researcher Professor Alan Cooper of Oxford University, in his recent
visit to New Zealand, is reported to have said [119], “The ability of DNA
to persist in soils for so long was completely underestimated . . . and
illustrates how little we know,” and “a great deal more research is needed
before we could predict the effect of releasing GE plants.”
Transgenic DNA in food transferred to bacteria in human gut

The UK government eventually commissioned research to look for
horizontal gene transfer into bacteria in the gut of human volunteers
and found positive results.
The research in question is the final part of the UK FSA project on
evaluating the risks of GMOs in human foods [120].
Transgenic DNA transferring to bacteria in the human gut is not at
all unexpected. We already know that DNA persists in the gut, and that
bacteria can readily take up foreign DNA, from previous research
reviewed here. Why had our regulators waited so long to commission
the research? And when they did, the scientists appeared to have
designed the experiment so as to stack the odds heavily against finding
a positive result [121].
For example, the method for detecting transgenic DNA depended
on amplifying a small part - 180bp - of the entire transgenic DNA insert
that was at least ten or twenty times as long. So, any other fragment of
the insert would not be detected, nor would a fragment that did not
overlap the whole 180bp amplified, or that had been rearranged. The
chance of obtaining a positive result is 5% at best, and likely to be
much, much less. Thus, a negative finding with this detection method
most probably would not indicate the absence of transgenic DNA.
Despite that, they still found a positive result, which the FSA
immediately dismissed and obfuscated. The FSA was reported to have
claimed, “the findings had been assessed by several Government
experts who had ruled that humans were not at risk.” In a statement on
its website, the FSA said that the study had concluded it is “extremely
unlikely” that GM genes can end up in the gut of people who eat them.
Agrobacterium vector a vehicle for gene escape
That is not all. Recent evidence strongly suggests that the most common
method of creating transgenic plants may also serve as a ready
route for horizontal gene transfer [122, 123].
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, the soil bacterium that causes crown
gall disease, has been developed as a major gene transfer vector for
making transgenic plants. Foreign genes are typically spliced into the
T-DNA - part of a plasmid of A. tumefaciens called Ti (tumour-inducing)
-which ends up integrated into the genome of the plant cell that subsequently
develops into a tumour. That much was known, at least since
But further investigations revealed that the process whereby
Agrobacterium injects T-DNA into plant cells strongly resembles conjugation,
or mating between bacterial cells.
Conjugation, mediated by certain bacterial plasmids, requires a
sequence called the origin of transfer (oriT) on the DNA that’s transferred.
All the other functions can be supplied from unlinked sources,
referred to as ‘trans-acting functions’ (or tra). Thus, ‘disabled’ plasmids,
with no trans-acting functions, can nevertheless be transferred by
‘helper’ plasmids that carry genes coding for the trans-acting functions.
And that's the basis of a complicated vector system devised, involving
Agrobacterium T-DNA, which has been used for creating numerous
transgenic plants.
  以某种细菌质粒为仲介的接合需要被转移DNA上称为转移源(oriT)的序列。其他所有功能可由被称为“反式作用功能”(或者 tra)的未连接资源提供。因此,没有反式作用功能的质粒将“丧失能力”,从来不会被携带反式作用功能基因编码的“辅助”质粒转移。而那是复杂的带菌者系统的基础,需要用来制造无数转基因植物的土壤杆菌T-DNA的介入。 
But it soon transpired that the left and right borders of the T-DNA
are similar to oriT, and can be replaced by it. Furthermore, the disarmed
T-DNA, lacking the trans-acting functions (virulence genes that
contribute to disease), can be helped by similar genes belonging to
many other pathogenic bacteria. It seems that the trans-kingdom gene
transfer of Agrobacterium and the conjugative systems of bacteria are
both involved in transporting macromolecules, not just DNA but also
That means transgenic plants created by the T-DNA vector system
have a ready route for horizontal gene escape, via Agrobacterium,
helped by the ordinary conjugative mechanisms of many other bacteria
that cause diseases, which are present in the environment.
In fact, the possibility that Agrobacterium can serve as a vehicle
for horizontal gene escape was first raised in 1997 in a study sponsored
by the UK Government [124], which reported it was extremely difficult
to get rid of the Agrobacterium in the vector system after transformation.
Treatment with an armoury of antibiotics and repeated subculture
over 13 months failed to get rid of the bacterium. Furthermore,
12.5% of the Agrobacterium remaining still contained the binary vector
(T-DNA and helper plasmid), and were hence fully capable of transforming
other plants. This research was later published in a scientific
journal [125].

Several other observations make gene escape via Agrobacterium
even more likely. Agrobacterium not only transfers genes into plant
cells; there is possibility for retrotransfer of DNA from the plant cell to
Agrobacterium [126].
High rates of gene transfer are associated with the plant root system
and the germinating seed, where conjugation is most likely [127].
There, Agrobacterium could multiply and transfer transgenic DNA to
other bacteria, as well as to the next crop to be planted. These possibilities
have yet to be investigated empirically.
Finally, Agrobacterium attaches to and genetically transforms several
human cell lines [128]. In stably transformed HeLa cells (a human
cell line derived originally from a cancer patient), the integration of TDNA
occurred at the right border, exactly as would happen when it is
transferred into a plant cell genome. This suggests that Agrobacterium
transforms human cells by a mechanism similar to that which it uses for
transforming plants cells.

Hazards of Horizontal Gene Transfer

A summary

As is clear from the past chapters, the hazards that could arise from the
horizontal transfer of transgenic DNA are unique to genetic engineering,
and are summarised in Box 2.
Box 2

Potential hazards of horizontal gene transfer from genetic
.Generation of new cross-species viruses that cause disease.

.Generation of new bacteria that cause disease.

.Spread of drug- and antibiotic-resistance genes among the
viral and bacterial pathogens, making infections untreatable.

.Random insertion into genomes of cells, resulting in harmful
effects including cancer.

.Reactivation and recombination with dormant viruses (present
in all genomes) to generate infectious viruses.

.Spread of dangerous new genes and gene constructs that have
never existed.

.Destabilisation of genomes into which transgenes have

.Multiplication of ecological impacts due to all of the above.

Experiments that appear to have been avoided so far

These critiques have been communicated to ACRE and ACNFP,
together with a series of obvious experiments that the FSA should commission,
in a paper tabled at an open meeting organised by ACNFP
[129]. These are described in a slightly revised form in Box 3.

Box 3

Missing experiments on the safety of GM food and crops

The following are some definitive experiments that would inform on
the safety of GM food and crops. They seem to have been intentionally
avoided so far.

1. Feeding experiments similar to those carried out by Pusztai’s
team, using well-characterized transgenic soya and/or maize
meal feed, with appropriate, unbiased monitoring for transgenic
DNA in the faeces, blood and blood cells, and post-mortem
histological examinations that include tracking transfer of
transgenic DNA into the genome of cells. As an added control,
non-transgenic DNA from the same GM feed sample should also
be monitored. In addition, the role of the CaMV 35S promoter
in producing the ‘growth factor-like’ effects in young rats should
be investigated.
  1.与普斯陶伊小组类似的饲养实验,应使用特点鲜明的转基因大豆和/或玉米进行饲养,并对排泄物、血液、血液细胞进行适当、无偏见的监控,事后进行组织学检查剖析,包括转基因转移到细胞基因组的追踪。还需进行一项额外的控制,监控来自相同转基因饲养样本的非转基因DNA。此外,CaMV 35S启动子在幼鼠中产生“生长因子”效应的作用也应被调查。 

2. Feeding trials on human volunteers using well-characterized
transgenic soya and/or maize meal feed, with appropriate,
unbiased monitoring for transgenic DNA and horizontal gene
transfer in the mouth and in the faeces, blood and blood cells.
As an added control, non-transgenic DNA from the same GM
feed sample should also be monitored.

3. Investigation on the stability of transgenic plants in successive
generations of growth, especially those containing the CaMV
35S promoter, using appropriate quantitative molecular
  3.调查转基因植物在后续下代植物生长中的稳定性,尤其是含有CaMV 35S启动子的转基因植物,使用适当的定量分子技术。 
4. Full molecular characterisation of all transgenic lines to
establish uniformity and genetic stability of the transgenic DNA
insert(s), and comparison with the original data supplied by the
biotech company to gain approval for field trials or for
commercial release.

5.Tests on all transgenic plants created by the Agrobacterium TDNA
vector system for the persistence of the bacteria and the
vectors. The soil in which the transgenic plants have been
grown should be monitored for gene escape to soil bacteria.
The potential for horizontal gene transfer to the next crop via the
germinating seed and root system should be carefully monitored.

Conclusion to Parts 1 & 2

Our extensive review of the evidence has convinced us that GM crops
are neither needed nor wanted, that they have failed to deliver their
promises, and instead, are posing escalating problems on the farm.
There is no realistic possibility for GM and non-GM agriculture to coexist,
as evident from the level and extent of transgenic contamination
that has already occurred, even in a country like Mexico where an official
moratorium has been in place since 1998.

More importantly, GM crops are unacceptable because they are
by no means safe. They have been introduced without the necessary
safeguards and safety assessments through a deeply flawed regulatory
system based on a principle of ‘substantial equivalence’ that is aimed
at expediting product approval rather than serious safety assessment.
Despite the lack of data on safety tests of GM foods, the available
findings already give cause for concerns over the safety of the transgenic
process itself that are not being addressed.
At the same time, gene products introduced into food and other
crops as biopesticides, accounting for 25% of all GM crops worldwide,
are now found to be strong immunogens and allergens, and dangerous
pharmaceuticals and vaccines are being introduced into food crops in
open field trials.
Under the guise of transgene containment, crops have been engineered
with ‘suicide genes’ that make plants male-sterile. In reality,
these crops spread both herbicide tolerance genes and male sterile
suicide genes via pollen, with potentially devastating consequences on
agricultural and natural biodiversity.
About 75% of the GM crops planted worldwide are tolerant to one
or the other of two broad-spectrum herbicides, glufosinate ammonium
and glyphosate. Both are systemic metabolic poisons expected to have
a wide range of harmful effects on humans and other living organisms,
and these effects have now been confirmed.
Glufosinate ammonium is linked to neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal
and haematological toxicities, and birth defects in humans
and mammals.

Glyphosate is the most frequent cause of complaints and poisoning
in the UK, and disturbances of many body functions have been
reported after exposures at normal use levels. Glyphosate exposure
nearly doubled the risk of late spontaneous abortion, and children born
to users of glyphosate had elevated neurobehavioral defects.
Glyphosate caused retarded development of the foetal skeleton in laboratory
rats. It inhibits the synthesis of steroids, and is genotoxic in
mammals, fish and frogs. Field dose exposure of earthworms caused
at least 50 percent mortality and significant intestinal damage among
surviving worms. Roundup causes cell division dysfunction that may be
linked to human cancers.
These known effects are sufficient to call a halt to all uses of both
By far the most insidious dangers of genetic engineering are
inherent to the process itself, which greatly enhances the scope and
probability of horizontal gene transfer and recombination, the main
route to creating viruses and bacteria that cause disease epidemics.
Newer techniques, such as DNA shuffling are allowing geneticists
to create in a matter of minutes in the laboratory millions of recombinant
viruses that have never existed. Disease-causing viruses and bacteria
and their genetic material are the predominant materials and tools of
genetic engineering, as much as for the intentional creation of bioweapons.
There is already experimental evidence that transgenic DNA from
plants has been taken up by bacteria in the soil and in the gut of human
volunteers. Antibiotic resistance marker genes can spread from transgenic
food to pathogenic bacteria, making infections very difficult to
Transgenic DNA is known to survive digestion in the gut and to
jump into the genome of mammalian cells, raising the possibility for
triggering cancer.
Evidence suggests that transgenic constructs with the CaMV 35S
promoter, present in most GM crops, might be especially unstable and
prone to horizontal gene transfer and recombination, with all the attendant
hazards: gene mutations due to random insertion, cancer, reactivation
of dormant viruses and generation of new viruses.
  证据显示,出现在大多数转基因农作物中、带CaMV 35S启动子的转基因构造可能尤其不稳定,易于产生基因横向转移和重组,出现所有伴随危害:因随机插入而导致基因变异,癌症、休眠病毒恢复活动及新病毒产生等。

There has been a history of misrepresentation and suppression of
scientific evidence, especially on horizontal gene transfer. Key experiments
failed to be performed, or were performed badly and then misrepresented.
Many experiments failed to be followed up, including
investigations on whether the CaMV 35S promoter is responsible for
the ‘growth factor-like’ effects observed in young rats fed GM potatoes.
  科学证据,尤其是关于基因横向转移的证据也有被歪曲和压制的历史。关键的实验未能进行,或者进行得很糟糕,于是被歪曲。很多实验都未能跟踪,包括CaMV 35S启动子是否应对用转基因马铃薯饲养的幼鼠中观察到的“生长因子”负责。  

For all those reasons, GM crops should be firmly rejected as a
viable option for the future of agriculture.

Part 3. The Manifold Benefits of Sustainable

Why Sustainable Agriculture?

Alternative agriculture needed

‘Modern’ agriculture is characterised by extensive, large-scale
monoculture, and depends on high chemical inputs and intensive
Although productive as defined by the one-dimensional measure
of ‘yield’ of a single crop, its over-reliance on chemical pesticides, herbicides
and synthetic fertilisers comes with a string of negative impacts
on health and the environment: health risks to farm workers, harmful
chemical residues on food, reduced biodiversity, deterioration of soil
and water quality, and increased risks of crop disease. ‘Modern’ monoculture
also often marginalizes small farmers, particularly those in
developing countries, who are the majority of farmers worldwide. GM
crops, now thrown into the package, are threatening further health and
environmental hazards (see Part 2).
Many different sustainable agricultural practices

In contrast, sustainable agricultural approaches place the emphasis on
a diversity of local natural resources, and on local autonomy of farmers
to decide what they will grow and how they can improve their crops and
Agriculture is sustainable when it is ecologically sound, economically
viable, socially just, culturally appropriate, humane and based on
a holistic approach. A brief summary of key criteria, as elaborated by
Pretty and Hine [130], is presented in Box 4.
Sustainable agricultural approaches may come under many
names - agroecology, sustainable agriculture, organic agriculture, ecological
agriculture, biological agriculture - but have these criteria in
For example, organic farming largely excludes synthetic pesticides,
herbicides and fertilisers. Instead, it is an ecosystem approach
that manages ecological and biological processes, such as food web
relations, nutrient cycling, maintaining soil fertility, natural pest control
and diversifying crops and livestock. It relies on locally or farm
derived renewable resources, while remaining environmentally and
ecologically viable.
While many in developed countries may be familiar with certified
organic production, this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of land
managed organically but not certified as such.
De facto or non-certified organic farming is usually prevalent in
resource-poor and/or agriculturally marginal regions where local populations
have limited engagement with the cash economy [131]. Farmers
here rely on local natural resources to maintain soil fertility and to combat
pests and diseases. They have sophisticated systems of crop rotation,
soil management, and pest and disease control, based on traditional
Likewise, agroecology relies on technologies that are cheap,
accessible, risk averting and productive in marginal environments; that
enhance ecological and human health; and that are culturally and
socially acceptable [132]. It emphasises biodiversity, nutrient recycling,
synergy among crops, animals, soils and other biological components,
as well as regeneration and conservation of resources. Agroecology
relies on indigenous farming knowledge and incorporates low-input
modern technologies to diversify production. The approach combines
ecological principles and local resources in managing farming systems,
providing an environmentally sound and affordable way for small farmers
to intensify production in marginal areas.
These agroecological alternatives can solve the agricultural problems
that GM crops claim to solve, but do so in a much more socially
equitable and environmentally harmonious manner [3].
There are countless studies as well as scientific research papers
documenting the successes and benefits of sustainable agricultural
approaches, including those of organic farming, which have been
reviewed recently by the FAO [133] and ISIS [134].
We summarise the evidence on some of the benefits of agroecology,
sustainable agriculture and organic farming for the environment
and health, as well as for food security and the social well-being of
farmers and local communities. It makes the case for a comprehensive
shift to these sustainable agriculture approaches in place of GM crops.

Box 4
Sustainable agriculture
.Makes best use of nature’s goods and services by integrating
natural, regenerative processes e.g., nutrient cycling, nitrogen
fixation, soil regeneration and natural enemies of pests.

.Minimises non-renewable inputs (pesticides and fertilisers) that
damage the environment or harm human health.

.Relies on the knowledge and skills of farmers, improving their

.Promotes and protects social capital - people’s capacities to
work together to solve problems.

.Depends on locally-adapted practices to innovate in the face of

.Is multifunctional and contributes to public goods, such as
clean water, wildlife, carbon sequestration in soils, flood
protection and landscape quality.

Higher or Comparable Productivity & Yields

A closer look at ‘yields’

Organic agriculture is often criticised for having lower yields compared
to conventional monoculture. While that may be the case in industrialised
countries, such comparisons are misleading because they discount
the costs of conventional monoculture in degraded land, water,
biodiversity and other ecological services on which sustainable food
production depends [133].

And merely looking at yields for single crops - as critics often do misses
other indicators of sustainability and higher actual productivity
per unit area, particularly with agroecological systems that often have a
diverse mixture of crops, trees and animals together on the land [135]
(see ‘Efficient, Profitable Production’). It is often possible to obtain the
highest yield of a single crop by planting it alone - in a monoculture. But
while a monoculture may allow for a high yield of one crop, it produces
nothing else of use to the farmer [136].

In any case, because of the damage done by conventional farming,
a transition period is usually required to restore the land for the full
benefits of sustainable farming. After the system is restored, comparable
or higher yields are obtained. With low-input, traditional agriculture,
conversion to sustainable approaches is normally accompanied by
immediately increased yields.
In fact, just reducing average farm size in most countries would
stimulate increases in production far beyond the most optimistic biotech
industry projections for GM crops. Small farms are more productive,
more efficient, and contribute more to economic development than the
large farms characteristic of conventional monoculture [136]. Small
farmers are also better stewards of natural resources.
Research from around the world shows that smaller farms are
from two to ten times more productive per hectare than larger farms,
which tend to be inefficient, extensive monocultures. Yield increases
are achieved by using technological approaches based on agroecological
principles that emphasize diversity, synergy, recycling and integration;
and social processes that emphasize community participation and
empowerment. As average farm sizes are usually in the larger, more
inefficient range, genuine land reform offers an opportunity to boost
production while lessening poverty.
Outstanding successes in developing countries

The success of sustainable agriculture has been concretely demonstrated
in a review of 208 projects and initiatives from 52 countries
[130]. Some 8.98 million farmers have adopted sustainable agriculture
practices on 28.92 million hectares in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Reliable data on yield changes in 89 projects show that farmers
have achieved substantial increases in food production per hectare,
about 50-100% for rainfed crops, though considerably greater in a few
cases, and 5-10% for irrigated crops (though generally starting from a
higher absolute yield base). These projects included both certified and
non-certified organic systems, and integrated as well as near-organic
systems. In all cases where reliable data were available, there were
increases in per hectare productivity for food crops and maintenance of
existing yields for fibre [133].
Some specific examples of increased yields are as follows:

.Soil and water conservation in the drylands of Burkina Faso has
transformed formerly degraded lands. The average family has
shifted from a cereal deficit of 644 kg per year (equivalent to
6.5 months of food shortage) to producing an annual surplus of
153 kg.

.Through the Cheha Integrated Rural Development Project in
Ethiopia, some 12 500 households have adopted sustainable
agriculture, resulting in a 60% increase in crop yields.

.In Madagascar, a system of rice intensification has improved rice
yields from some 2 t/ha to 5, 10 or 15 t/ha, without recourse to
purchased inputs of pesticides or fertilisers.
.In Sri Lanka, some 55 000 households on about 33 000 ha have
adopted sustainable agriculture, with substantial reductions in
insecticide use. Yields have increased by 12-44% for rice and 744%
for vegetables.
.45 000 families in Honduras and Guatemala have increased
crop yields from 400-600 kg/ha to 2 000-2 500 kg/ha using green
manures, cover crops, contour grass strips, in-row tillage, rock
bunds and animal manures.
.The states of Santa Caterina, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sol in
southern Brazil have focused on soil and water conservation
using contour grass barriers, contour ploughing and green
manures. Maize yields have risen by 67% from 3 to 5 tonne/ha,
and soybeans by 68% from 2.8 to 4.7 t/ha.
.The high mountain regions of Bolivia are some of the most
difficult areas in the world for growing crops. Despite this,
farmers have increased potato yields by three fold, particularly by
using green manures to enrich the soil.
Other case studies of organic and agroecological practices show
dramatic increases in yields as well as benefits to soil quality, reduction
in pests and diseases and general improvement in taste and nutrition
al content [131]. For example:

.In Brazil, use of green manures and cover crops increased
maize yields by 20-250%.

.In Tigray, Ethiopia, yields of crops from composted plots were
3-5 times higher than those treated only with chemicals.
.Yield increases of 175% are reported from farms in Nepal
adopting agroecological practices.
.In Peru, restoration of traditional Incan terracing has led to
increases of 150% for a range of upland crops. Farmers are able
to produce bumper crops despite floods, droughts and the lethal
frosts common at altitudes of nearly 4 000 meters [135].
.Projects in Senegal involving 2 000 farmers promoted stall-fed
livestock, composting systems, green manures, water harvesting
systems and rock phosphate. Millet and peanut yields increased
dramatically, by 75-195% and 75-165%, respectively. Because
the soils have greater water retaining capacity, yield fluctuations
are less pronounced between high and low rainfall years.
.In Santa Catarina, Brazil, focus has been on soil and water
conservation, using contour grass barriers, contour ploughing
and green manures. Some 60 different crop species, leguminous
and non-leguminous, have been inter-cropped or planted during
fallow periods. These have had major impact on yields, soil
quality, levels of biological activity and water-retaining capacity.
Maizeandsoybean yields have increasedby66%.

.In Honduras, soil conservation practices and organic fertilisers
have tripled or quadrupled yields.

Planting the mucuna bean has improved crop yields on steep,
easily eroded hillsides with depleted soils in Honduras [137]. Farmers
first plant mucuna, which produces vigorous growth that suppresses
weeds. When the beans are cut down, maize is planted in the resulting
mulch. Subsequently, beans and maize are grown together. Very quickly,
as the soil improves, yields are doubled, even tripled (see ‘Better
Soils’). The reason - mucuna produces lots of organic material, creating
rich, friable soils. It also produces its own fertiliser, fixing atmospheric
nitrogen (N) and storing it in the ground for other plants.

This simple technology has also been adopted in Nicaragua,
where more than 1 000 peasants recovered degraded land in the San
Juan watershed in just one year. These farmers have decreased the
use of chemical fertilisers from 1 900 to 400 kilograms per hectare
while increasing yields from 700 to 2 000 kilograms per hectare. Their
production costs are about 22% lower than that for farmers using
chemical fertilisers and monocultures [135].
Phosphorus (P) is the most important nutrient (after N) that is most
frequently deficient in soils of tropical Africa. Unlike N, P cannot get into
the soil by biological fixation. Therefore, the availability of P from
organic and inorganic sources is essential to maximise and sustain
high crop yield potential.
Studies in western Kenya compared the impact of organic and
inorganic fertilisers [138]. The scientists concluded that reasonable
maize yields could be achieved in smallholder systems if adequate
amounts of high quality organic materials were used as P sources.
Comparisons in industrialised countries
Organic farming also compares favourably against conventional monoculture
in industrialised countries. A review of scientifically replicated
research results from seven different US universities and data from two
research centres over 10 years shows that yields from organic systems
and conventional monoculture are comparible [139].
.Corn: With 69 total cropping seasons, organic yields were 94%
of conventionally produced corn.

.Soybeans: Data from five states with 55 growing seasons
showed organic yields were 94% of conventional yields.

.Wheat: Two institutions with 16 cropping years showed that
organic wheat produced 97% of the conventional yields.

.Tomatoes: 14 years of comparative research on tomatoes
showed no yield differences.
Vasilikiotis reviewed recent studies comparing the productivity of
organic practices to conventional agriculture [140], including the
Sustainable Agriculture Farming Systems (SAFS) and Rodale studies
discussed below, and concluded that “organic farming methods can
produce higher yields than conventional methods.” Furthermore, “a
worldwide conversion to organic has the potential to increase food production
levels - not to mention reversing the degradation of agricultural
soils - and increase soil fertility and health.”
Results from the first 15 years of a long-term, large-scale experiment
carried out by the Rodale Institute showed that after a transition
period of four years, crops grown under organic systems (animal- and
legume-based) yielded as much as and sometimes better than conventional
crops [141]. Moreover, organic systems out-produced the conventional system
when conditions were less than optimal, for example during drought (see
‘Better Soils’).
Initial lower yields were attributed partly to inadequate availability
of N, the time taken for soil microbial activity to stabilise (soils generally
contained enough total N but not yet in a usable form) and heavier
weed growth. These could be addressed by appropriate management
and given time for the system to adjust to the shift to organic farming.
A four-year study, part of the larger, longer-term SAFS project at
the University of California, Davis, compared conventional and alternative
farming systems for tomatoes [142]. Results indicated that organic
and low-input production gave comparable yields to conventional systems.
N availability was the most important yield-limiting factor in
organic systems, but could be addressed by appropriate management.
Additional N, when associated with high carbon inputs, built up soil
organic matter, enhancing long-term fertility. Eventually, soil organic
matter levels stabilised, requiring less N input.
Results from the first eight years of the SAFS project showed that
the organic and low-input systems had yields comparable to the conventional
systems in all crops tested - tomato, safflower, corn and bean
- and, in some instances, the yields were higher than conventional systems
[143]. Tomato yields in the organic system were lower in the first
three years, but then caught up with the conventional system, overtaking
it in the last year of the experiment (80 t/ha compared to 68 t/ha in
1996). Both organic and low-input systems increased soil organic carbon
content and stored nutrients, both critical for long-term soil fertility.
As soil organic matter levels stabilised during the last two years of the
experiment, resulting in more N availability, higher yields of organic
crops were observed. The organic systems were found to be more profitable
in both corn and tomato, mainly due to higher price premiums.
Another experiment compared organic and conventional potatoes
and sweet corn over three years [144]. No differences in yield and vitamin
C content of potatoes were found. While one variety of conventional
corn out-produced the organic, there was no difference between
conventional and organic in the yield of another variety, or in vitamin C
or E contents of corn kernels. The results suggested that long-term
application of composts produces higher soil fertility and comparable
plant growth.

Better Soils

Soil conservation
Most sustainable agricultural practices reduce soil erosion and improve
soil physical structure, organic matter content, water-holding capacity
and nutrient balances. Soil fertility is maintained on existing lands and
restored on degraded lands.
A powerful example is that of farmers along the Sahara's edge, in
Nigeria, Niger, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Kenya, farming productively
without destroying soils, even in dryland areas. Integrated farming,
mixed cropping and traditional soil and water conservation methods are
increasing per capita food production several fold [145, 146].
Sustainable agricultural approaches help conserve and improve
the farmers’ most precious resource - the topsoil. To counter the problems
of hardening, nutrient loss and erosion, organic farmers in the
South are using trees, shrubs and legumes to stabilise and feed soil,
dung and compost to provide nutrients, and terracing or check dams to
prevent erosion and conserve groundwater [131].
Restoring soil fertility

Planting mucuna beans in Latin America has restored soil fertility on
depleted soils [137]. Mucuna produces 100 tonnes of organic material
per hectare, creating rich, friable soils in a few years. It produces its
own fertiliser, fixing atmospheric N and storing it in the ground for use
by other plants. As the soil improves, yields are doubled, even tripled.

One of the longest running agricultural trials on record (more than
150 years) is the Broadbalk experiment at Rothamsted Experimental
Station. The trials compare a manure-based fertiliser farming system to
a synthetic chemical fertiliser system. Wheat yields are on average
slightly higher in organically fertilised plots than in plots receiving chemical
fertilisers. More importantly, soil fertility, measured as soil organic
matter and nitrogen levels, increased by 120% over 150 years in the
organic plots, compared with only a 20% increase in chemically fertilised
plots [147].

Another study compared ecological characteristics and productivity
of 20 commercial farms in California [148]. Tomato yields were quite
similar in organic and conventional farms. Insect pest damage was also
comparable. Significant differences were found in soil health indicators
such as N mineralisation potential and microbial abundance and diversity,
which were higher in the organic farms. N mineralisation potential
was three times greater in organic compared to conventional fields. The
organic fields also had 28% more organic carbon. The increased soil
health resulted in considerably lower disease incidence. Severity of the
most prevalent disease in the study, tomato corky root disease, was
significantly lower in the organic farms.
Improving soil ecology

The world’s longest running experiment comparing organic and conventional
farming pronounced the former a success [149, 150]. The 21year
Swiss study found that soils nourished with manure were more
fertile and produced more crops for a given input of nitrogen or other
The biggest bonus was improved soil quality under organic cultivation.
Organic soils had up to 3.2 times as much biomass and abundance
of earthworms, twice as many arthropods (important predators
and indicators of soil fertility) and 40% more mycorrhizal fungi colonising
plant roots. Mycorrhizal fungi help roots obtain more nutrients and
water from the soil [151]. The increased diversity of microbial communities
in organic soils transformed carbon from organic debris into biomass
at lower energy costs, building up a higher microbial biomass.
Hence a more diverse microbial community is more efficient in resource
utilisation. The enhanced soil fertility and higher biodiversity in organic
soils is thought to reduce dependency on external inputs and provide
long-term environmental benefits.
Field experiments conducted at three organic and three conventional
vegetable farms in 1996-1997 examined the effects of synthetic
fertilisers and alternative soil amendments, including compost [152].
Propagule densities of Trichoderma species (beneficial soil fungi that
are biological control agents of plant-pathogenic fungi) and thermophilic
micro-organisms (a major constituent of which was Actinomycetes, which
suppresses Phytophthora) were greater in organic soils. In contrast,
 densities of Phytophthora and Pythium (both plant pathogens) were
 lower in organic soils.

While the study recorded increased enteric bacteria in organic
soils, the scientists stressed that this was not a problem, as survival
rates in soil are minimal. (Critics of organic farming disingenuously
point to the possible health effects of using manure. But untreated
manure is not allowed in certified organic agriculture, and treated
manure (known widely as compost) is safe - this is what is used in
organic farming. Unlike conventional regimes (where untreated manure
might be used), organic certification bodies inspect farms to ensure
standards are met [153].)

Few significant differences in yields were observed between soils
with alternative amendments and those with synthetic fertilisers,
regardless of production system. In 1997, when all growers planted
tomatoes, the yields were higher on farms with a history of organic production,
regardless of soil amendment type, due to the benefits of long-
term organic amendments. Mineral concentrations were higher in
organic soils, and soil quality in conventional farms was significantly
improved by organic fertiliser. The researchers concluded, “the argument
[of critics] that organic farming is equivalent to low yield farming
is not supported by our data” (p.158).
Overall improved soil quality, averting crop failure during drought
The 15-year study carried out by the Rodale Institute compared three
maize/soybean agroecosystems [141, 154, 155]. One was a conventional
system using mineral N fertiliser and pesticides. The other two
systems were managed organically. One was manure-based, where
grasses and legumes, grown as part of a crop rotation, were fed to cattle.
The manure provided N for maize production. The other system did
not have livestock but leguminous cover crops were incorporated into
soil as a source of N.
Organic techniques were found to significantly improve soil quality,
as measured by structure, total soil organic matter (a measure of soil
fertility) and biological activity [141]. The improved soil structure created
a better root-zone environment for growing plants and allowed the
soil to better absorb and retain moisture. Apart from the benefit during
low-rainfall periods, it reduced the potential for erosion in severe

Organic soils showed a higher level of microbial activity and a
greater diversity of micro-organisms. Such long-term changes in the
soil community could promote plant health and might positively affect
the way nutrients such as carbon and nitrogen are made available to
plants and cycled in the soil.
Amazingly, 10-year-average maize yields differed by less than 1%
among the three systems, which were nearly equally profitable [154,
155]. The two organic systems showed increasing levels of available N,
while N levels declined in the conventional system. This indicates that
the organic systems are more sustainable, in terms of productivity, over
the long-term [141].
The soybean production systems were also highly productive,
achieving 40 bushels/acre. In 1999, during one of the worst droughts
on record, yields of organic soybeans were 30 bushels/acre, compared
to only 16 bushels/acre from conventionally grown soybeans. Not only
did organic practices encourage the soil to hold moisture more efficiently
than conventionally managed soil, the higher organic matter
content also made organic soil less compact so that roots could penetrate
more deeply to find moisture.
The results highlighted the benefits to soil quality organic farming
brings, and its potential to avert crop failures. “Our trials show that
improving the quality of the soil through organic practices can mean the
difference between a harvest or hardship in times of drought”, said Jeff
Moyer, Farm Manager at Rodale Institute [156].

Cleaner Environment

Less chemical input, less leaching and run-off
Sustainable agriculture systems that use no, or little, chemical pesticides
or herbicides are clearly a benefit to the environment (see next
section). Conventional farming systems are moreover often associated
with problems such as nitrate leaching and groundwater pollution.
Application of P fertilisers in excess of plant needs results in accumulation
of available P in topsoils, and increased losses to surface water.
Water eutrophication is one of the starkest results of N and P pollution.
The high nutrient concentrations stimulate algal blooms, which
block sunlight, causing aquatic vegetation to die and in the process
destroying valuable habitat, food and shelter for aquatic life. When the
algae die and decompose, oxygen is used up, to the detriment of
aquatic life.
Four farming systems - organic, low-input, conventional four-year
rotation and conventional two-year rotation - were evaluated for tomatoes
and corn from 1994 to 1998 in California's Sacramento Valley
[157]. The organic and low-input systems showed 112% and 36%
greater potentially mineralisable N pools than the conventional systems,
respectively. However, as they used cover-crops, there was a
slower, more continuous release of mineral N throughout the growing
In contrast, conventional systems supplied mineral N in intervals
from synthetic fertilisers, and N mineralisation rates were 100% greater
than in the organic and 28% greater than in the low-input system. This
implied a greater likelihood of N leaching and associated pollution problems
in conventional systems.
Average tomato and corn yields for the five-year period were not
significantly different among the farming systems. The researchers
concluded that the lower potential risk of N leaching from lower N mineralisation
rates in the organic and low-input farming systems appear
to improve agricultural sustainability and environmental quality while
maintaining similar crop yields to conventional systems.
The 21-year Swiss study [149, 150] also assessed the extent to
which organic farming practices would affect the accumulation of total
and available P in soil, compared to conventional practices [158]. Soil
samples were taken from a non-fertilised control, two conventionally
cultivated treatments and two organically cultivated treatments.
Average annual P budgets of both organic farming systems were
negative for each single rotation period and for the 21 years of field
experimentation. This indicated that P removal by harvested products
exceeded the P input by fertilisers. The conventionally cultivated soil,
receiving mineral fertilisers and farmyard manure, showed a positive
budget over all three rotations. Furthermore, the inorganic P availability
in the topsoil decreased markedly in all treatments during the field
trial except in the conventional treatment. Thus the potential for P pollution
from organic systems was reduced.

The 15-year trials carried out by the Rodale Institute showed that
the conventional system had greater environmental impacts - 60%
more nitrate leached into groundwater over a five-year period than in
the organic systems [154, 155]. Soils in the conventional system were
also relatively high in water-soluble carbon, hence vulnerable to leaching
out. The better water infiltration rates of the organic systems made
them less prone to erosion and less likely to contribute to water pollution
from surface runoff.

Reduced Pesticides & No Increase in Pests

Less pesticides

Organic farming prohibits routine pesticide application. According to the
Soil Association, in the UK, about 430 synthetic pesticide active ingredients
are allowed in non-organic farming, compared to seven in organic
farming. The pesticides used in organic farming may only be used as
the last resort for pest control when other methods fail. They are either
natural or simple chemicals that degrade rapidly. Three of these require
further authorisation for use.
Many sustainable agriculture projects report large reductions in
pesticide use after adopting integrated pest management. In Vietnam,
farmers have cut the number of sprays from 3.4 to 1.0 per season, in
Sri Lanka from 2.9 to 0.5 per season, and in Indonesia from 2.9 to 1.1
per season. Overall, in South-east Asia, 100 000 small rice farmers
involved in integrated pest management substantially increased yields
while eliminating pesticides [130].
Pest control without pesticides, no crop losses

Because organic procedures exclude synthetic pesticides, critics claim
that losses due to pests would rise. However, research on Californian
tomato production contradicted this claim [159]. There was no significant
difference in levels of pest damage in 18 commercial farms, half of
which were certified organic systems and half, conventional operations.
Arthropod biodiversity was on average one-third greater in organic
farms than in conventional farms. There was no significant difference
between the two in herbivore (pests) abundance.
However, the natural enemies of pests were more abundant in
organic farms, with greater species richness of all functional groups
(herbivores, predators, parasitoids). Thus, any particular pest species
in organic farms would be associated with a greater variety of herbivores
(i.e. would be diluted) and subject to control by a wider variety
and greater abundance of potential parasitoids and predators.
At the same time, research shows that pest control is achievable
without pesticides, actually reversing crop losses. In East Africa, maize
and sorghum face two major pests - stem borer and Striga, a parasitic
plant. Field margins are planted with 'trap crops' that attract stem borer,
such as Napier grass and Sudan grass. Napier grass is a local weed
whose odour attracts stem borer. Pests are lured away from the crop
into a trap - the grass produces a sticky substance that kills stem borer
larvae [160]. The crops are inter-planted with molasses grass
(Desmodium uncinatum) and two legumes: silverleaf and greenleaf.
The legumes bind N, enriching the soil. Desmodium also repels stem
borers and Striga.
In Bangladesh, a project began in 1995 to promote non-chemical
means of pest control in rice, that relies on natural enemies and on the
ability of the rice plant to compensate for insect damage. There have
been no negative impacts on yields [161]. On the contrary, farmers
using no insecticide consistently enjoy higher yields than those using
insecticide. As project participants also modify other practices besides
foregoing insecticides, it cannot be said that the yield increase is due
entirely to the absence of insecticides. It does show, however, that
insecticides are not needed to obtain yield increases. Project participants
enjoy higher net returns than insecticide users: the 1998 average
net return for participants was Tk 5 373 (US$ 107) per farmer per season
compared to Tk 3 443 (US$ 69) for insecticide users.
Other benefits of avoiding pesticides
Besides the obvious benefit of not using harmful pesticides, Korean
researchers have reported that avoiding pesticides in paddy fields
encourages the muddy loach fish, which effectively control the mosquitoes
that spread malaria and Japanese encephalitis [162]. Fields in
which no insecticides were used had a richer variety of insect life.
However, the fish are voracious predators of the mosquito larvae.
In Japan, an innovative organic farmer has pioneered a rice growing
system that turns weeds and pests into resources for raising ducks
[163]. The ducks eat insect pests and the golden snail that attack rice
plants, and also eat the seeds and seedlings of weeds. By using their
feet to dig up the weed seedlings, the ducks aerate the water and provide
mechanical stimulation to make the rice stalks strong and fertile.
This practice has been adopted by about 10 000 farmers in Japan, and
by farmers in South Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia,
Thailand and Malaysia. Many farmers increased their yield 20 to 50%
or more in the first year. One farmer in Laos increased his income

Systems such as these, which are characteristic of sustainable
agricultural approaches, make use of the complex interactions of different
species, and show how important the relationship between biodiversity
and agriculture is (see next chapter).

The health benefits of avoiding pesticides are discussed briefly in
‘Organics for Health’.

Supporting Biodiversity & Using Diversity

Agricultural biodiversity crucial for food security

Maintaining agricultural biodiversity is vital to long-term food security.
Pimbert reviewed the multiple functions of agricultural biodiversity and
its importance for rural livelihoods [164]. Agricultural biodiversity contributes
to food and livelihood security, efficient production, environmental
sustainability and rural development; it regenerates local food
systems and rural economies. Rural people have dynamic and complex
livelihoods, which usually rely on a diversity of plant and animal
species, both wild and domesticated. Diversity within species (i.e. farmers’
varieties or landraces) is also remarkable among the species
domesticated for crop and livestock production, and results from rural
people's innovation. Such agricultural diversity is vital insurance
against crop and livestock disease outbreaks, and improves the long-
term resilience of rural livelihoods to adverse trends or shocks.
Agricultural biodiversity is increasingly threatened by the adoption of
high-yielding, uniform cultivars and varieties in ‘modern’ monoculture.

The proceedings of a 2002 FAO meeting on 'Biodiversity and the
Ecosystem Approach in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ highlighted
the inter-connectedness of biodiversity and agriculture [165]. It gave
specific examples of how farmers’ innovations enhance biodiversity,
and the importance of biodiversity for agriculture. One paper reviewed
16 case studies from 10 countries in Asia, Latin America, Europe and
Africa, showing how organic farming increases the diversity of genetic
resources for food and agriculture [166]. In all cases, there is a close
relationship between organic systems and the maintenance of biodiversity,
and improvement in the farmers’ socio-economic conditions.
Case studies of a community-based organic farming system in
Bangladesh, the ladang cultivation of organic spices in Indonesia and
organic coffee production in Mexico show how traditional and community-
based management can rehabilitate abandoned and degraded
agroecosystems. These polyculture systems are characterised by highly
diversified ecosystems and agricultural biodiversity, which provide
not only food, but also further community services. Case studies of
organic cocoa farming in Mexico and organic, naturally pigmented cotton
in Peru are examples of successful organic agriculture that have
contributed to in situ conservation and sustainable use in centres of
diversity, while providing economic benefits for local communities.
Traditional and under-utilised species and varieties in Peru (gluten-free
quinoa), Italy (Saraceno grain, Zolfino bean, spelt wheat) and
Indonesia (local varieties of rice) have been rescued from extinction,
thanks to organic agriculture. Four case studies, from Germany, Italy,
South Africa and Brazil, illustrate how organic farming has restored
many traditional varieties and breeds that are better adapted to local
ecological conditions and are resistant to disease. As the authors conclude,
organic agriculture contributes to in situ conservation, restoration
and maintenance of agricultural biodiversity.

Conserving and supporting biodiversity

Sustainable agriculture plays a further important role in conserving natural
biodiversity. Organic farms often exhibit greater natural biodiversity
than conventional farms, with more trees, a wider diversity of crops
and many different natural predators, which control pests and help prevent
disease [131].
Research carried out in Colombia and Mexico found 90% fewer
bird species in sun-grown coffee plantations as opposed to shade-
grown organic coffee, which mimics the forests' natural habitat [167].
Shade cultivation is recommended by organic standards as it
enhances soil fertility, controls pests and diseases and expands crop
production options. Another study by the British Trust for Ornithology
found significantly higher breeding densities of skylark (an endangered
species) on organic farms, compared to conventional farms. Floral
diversity, which has also been threatened by the increasing use of herbicides
in agricultural production, stands to benefit from organic systems
that do not allow the use of chemical herbicides. Studies in
Greece and England show that floral diversity and abundance is indeed
higher in organic than in conventional systems. Other studies show
increased invertebrate diversity and abundance in organic systems.

A report from the Soil Association [168] comprehensively reviewed
the findings of nine studies (seven from the UK, two from Denmark),
and summarised the key findings of fourteen additional studies, on the
biodiversity supported by organic farming. The report concluded that
organic farming in the lowlands supports a much higher level of biodiversity
(both abundance and diversity of species) than conventional
farming systems, including species that have significantly declined.
This was particularly true for wild plants in arable fields; birds and
breeding skylarks; invertebrates including arthropods that comprise
bird food; non-pest butterflies; and spiders. Organic farms also showed
significant decrease in pest aphids and no change in pest butterflies.
Habitat quality was more favourable on organic farms, both in terms of
field boundaries and crop habitats.

Many beneficial practices were identified with organic agriculture,
such as crop rotations with grass leys, mixed spring and autumn sowing,
more permanent pasture, no application of herbicides or synthetic
pesticides, and use of green manure. These practices can reverse the
trends in the decline of biodiversity associated with conventional farming.
Generally, the improvements in biodiversity were found across the
cropped areas as well as at the field margins. The report also suggested
that major benefits are likely in the uplands.
The reduced or non-use of agrochemicals in organic and sustainable
farming will also allow wild plant species to flourish, among
which are an increasing number of herbs used in traditional medicines.
The World Health Organization estimates that 75-80% of the
world’s population use plant medicines either in part or entirely for
health care. Some of these wild plant species are facing extinction,
and concerted effort is needed for their local conservation, while
ensuring that harvesting from the wild is sustainable and continues to
contribute to local people’s livelihood [169]. Wild plants and animals
are also part of an important repertoire of food and medicines for many
farming communities [164].

Diversity increases agricultural productivity
Biodiversity is an important and integral part of sustainable agricultural
approaches. Each species in an agroecosystem is part of a web of ecological
relationships connected by flows of energy and materials. In this
sense, the different components of agrobiodiversity are multifunctional,
and contribute to the resilience of production systems while providing
environmental services, although some species may play key driving
roles [164]. The environmental services provided by agricultural biodiversity
include soil organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling,
biomass production and yield efficiency, soil and water conservation,
pest control, pollination and dispersal, biodiversity conservation, climate
functions, water cycling, and influence on landscape structure.

Empirical evidence from a study conducted since 1994 shows that
biodiverse ecosystems are two to three times more productive than
monocultures [170, 171]. In experimental plots, both aboveground and
total biomass increased significantly with species number. The high
diversity plots were fairly immune to the invasion and growth of weeds,
but this was not so for monocultures and low diversity plots. Thus, biodiverse
systems are more productive, and less prone to weeds as well!

Proving with stunning results that planting a diversity of crops is
beneficial (compared with monocultures), thousands of Chinese rice
farmers have doubled yields and nearly eliminated its most devastating
disease without using chemicals or spending more [172, 173].
Scientists worked together with farmers in Yunnan, who implemented a
simple practice that radically restricted the rice blast fungus that
destroys millions of tons of rice and costs farmers several billion dollars
in losses each year.

Instead of planting large stands of a single type of rice, as is typical,
farmers planted a mixture of two varieties: a standard hybrid rice
that does not usually succumb to rice blast and a much more valuable
glutinous or ‘sticky’ rice known to be very susceptible. The genetically
diverse rice crops were planted in all the rice fields in five townships in
1998 (812 hectares), and ten townships in 1999 (3 342 hectares).

Disease-susceptible varieties planted with resistant varieties had
89% greater yield, and blast was 94% less severe than when grown in
monoculture. Both glutinous and hybrid rice showed decreased infection.
The hypothesis is fairly clear for glutinous rice. If a variety is susceptible
to a disease, the more concentrated those susceptible types
are, the more easily disease spreads. It is less likely to spread when
susceptible plants are grown among plants resistant to the disease (i.e.
a dilution effect occurs). The glutinous rice plants, which rise above the
shorter hybrid rice, also enjoyed sunnier, warmer and drier conditions
that discouraged fungal growth. Disease reduction in the hybrid variety
may be due to the taller glutinous rice blocking the airborne spores of
rice blast, and to greater induced resistance (due to diverse fields supporting
diverse pathogens with no single dominant strain). The gross
value per hectare of the mixtures was 14% greater than hybrid monocultures
and 40% greater than glutinous monocultures.

In Cuba, integrated farming systems or polycultures, such as cassava-
beans-maize, cassava-tomato-maize, and sweet potato-maize
have 1.45 to 2.82 times greater productivity than monocultures [135]. In
addition, legumes improve the physical and chemical characteristics of
soil and effectively break the cycle of insect-pest infestations.

Integrating vegetables into rice farming systems in Bangladesh by
planting them on dikes has not affected rice yields, despite the area lost
to dike crops [161]. Instead, the vegetables provided families with more
nutrients. The surplus was shared with neighbours, friends and relatives
or sold, providing an added value of 14%.

Integrating fish into flooded rice systems also caused no significant
decline in rice yields, and in some cases increased yields. Net
returns from selling the fish averaged Tk 7 354 (US$ 147) per farmer
per season, more than the returns from rice. As with vegetables, rice-
fish farmers ate fish more frequently and donated much of it to their
social networks.

Soil biodiversity also plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable
and productive agriculture, and organic practices help enhance this
[174]. Organic mulch, applied judiciously to degraded and crusted soil
surfaces in the Sahelian region of Burkina Faso, triggered termite activity,
promoting the recovery and rehabilitation of degraded soils.
Termites feeding on or transporting surface-applied mulch improved
soil structure and water infiltration, enhancing nutrient release into the
soil. The growth and yield of cowpeas were far better on plots with termites
than on plots without. In India, organic fertilisers and vermicultured
earthworms applied in trenches between tea rows increased tea
yields by 76-239%, compared to conventional inorganic fertilisation.
Profits increased accordingly.


Environmental & Economic Sustainability

Sustainable production
Research published in Nature investigated the sustainability of organic,
conventional and integrated (combining both methods) apple production
systems in Washington from 1994-1999 [175, 176]. The organic
system ranked first in terms of environmental and economic sustain-
ability, the integrated system second and the conventional system last.
The indicators used were soil quality, horticultural performance,
orchard profitability, environmental quality and energy efficiency.

Soil quality ratings in 1998 and 1999 for the organic and integrated
systems were significantly higher than for the conventional system,
due to the addition of compost and mulch. All three systems gave comparable
yields, with no observable differences in physiological disorders
or pest and disease damage. There were satisfactory levels of
nutrients for all. A consumer taste test found organic apples less tart at
harvest and sweeter than conventional apples after the apples were
stored for six months.

Organic apples were the most profitable due to price premiums
and quicker investment return. Despite initial lower receipts in the first
three years, due to the time taken to convert to certified organic farming,
the price premium in the next three years averaged 50% above
conventional prices. In the long term, the organic system recovered
costs faster. The study projected that the organic system would break
even after 9 years, but that the conventional system would do so only
after 15 years, and the integrated system, after 17 years.

Environmental impact was assessed by a rating index to determine
potential adverse impacts of pesticides and fruit thinners: the
higher the rating, the greater the negative impact. The rating of the conventional
system was 6.2 times that of the organic system. Despite
higher labour needs, the organic system expended less energy on fertiliser,
weed control and biological control of pests, making it the most
energy efficient.

Another study evaluated the financial and environmental aspects
of sustainability of organic, integrated and conventional farming systems
by applying an integrated economic-environmental accounting
framework to three farms in Tuscany, Italy [177]. In terms of financial
performance, the gross margins of steady-state organic farming systems
were higher than the corresponding conventional farming systems'
gross margins. The organic systems performed better than the
integrated and conventional systems with respect to nitrogen losses,
pesticide risk, herbaceous plant biodiversity and most other environmental
indicators. The results provided evidence that organic farming
potentially improves the efficiency of many environmental indicators as
well as is remunerative. While not fully conclusive that organic farming
is more sustainable, nonetheless, the performance of organic farming
systems was better than conventional farming systems.

Environmentally sustainable
A Europe-wide study assessed environmental and resource use
impacts of organic farming, relative to conventional farming [178]. The
study showed that organic farming performs better than conventional
farming in relation to the majority of environmental indicators reviewed.
In no category did organic farming show a worse performance when
compared with conventional farming.
For example, organic farming performed better than conventional
farming in terms of floral and faunal diversity, wildlife conservation and
habitat diversity. Organic farming also conserved soil fertility and system
stability better than conventional systems. Furthermore, the study
showed that organic farming results in lower or similar nitrate leaching
rates than integrated or conventional agriculture, and that it does not
pose any risk of ground and surface water pollution from synthetic

The FAO review [133] concluded, “As a final assessment, it can
be stated that well-managed organic agriculture leads to more
favourable conditions at all environmental levels” (italics added, p.62).

Its assessment showed that organic matter content is usually
higher in organic soils, indicating higher fertility, stability and moisture
retention capacity, which reduce the risk of erosion and desertification.
Organic soils have significantly higher biological activity and higher
mass of micro-organisms, making for more rapid nutrient recycling and
improved soil structure.

The review found that organic agriculture poses no risk of water
pollution through synthetic pesticides and that nitrate-leaching rates per
hectare are significantly lower compared to conventional systems. In
terms of energy use, organic agriculture performs better than conventional
(see next section).

The review established that genetic resources, including insects
and micro-organisms, all increase when land is farmed organically,
whilst wild flora and fauna within and around organic farms are more
diverse and abundant. By offering food resources and shelter for beneficial
arthropods and birds, organic agriculture contributes to natural
pest control. It also contributes to the conservation and survival of


Ameliorating Climate Change

Energy efficient, reduced direct and indirect energy use

‘Modern’ agriculture has a lot to answer for in terms of contributing to
climate change, which is by far the most daunting problem that
humankind has ever encountered. It has increased emissions of nitrous
oxide and methane, potent greenhouse gasses; it is fossil fuel energy
intensive and contributes to the loss of soil carbon to the atmosphere

Sustainable agricultural practices can provide synergistic benefit
towards ameliorating climate change. The FAO believes that organic
agriculture enables ecosystems to better adjust to the effects of climate
change and has major potential for reducing agricultural greenhouse
gas emissions [133]. Its review concluded that, “Organic agriculture
performs better than conventional agriculture on a per hectare scale,
both with respect to direct energy consumption (fuel and oil) and indirect
consumption (synthetic fertilizers and pesticides)”, with high efficiency
of energy use (p.61).

The Rodale Institute's trials found that energy use in the conventional
system was 200% higher than in either of the organic systems
[141]. Research in Finland showed that while organic farming used
more machine hours than conventional farming, total energy consumption
was still lowest in organic systems [180]. In conventional systems,
more than half of total energy consumed in rye production was spent
on the manufacture of pesticides.

Organic agriculture was more energy efficient than conventional
agriculture in apple production systems [175, 176]. Studies in Denmark
compared organic and conventional farming for milk and barley grain
production [181]. The total energy used per kilogram of milk produced
was lower in the organic than in the conventional dairy farm, while the
total energy used to grow a hectare of organic spring barley was 35%
lower than used to produce conventional spring barley on the same
area. However, organic yield was lower, thus energy used to produce
one kg of barley was only marginally lower for the organic than for the

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions were calculated to be 48-66%
lower per hectare in organic farming systems in Europe [133, 178], and
were attributed to the characteristics of organic agriculture, i.e., no
input of mineral N fertilisers with high energy consumption, lower use
of high energy consuming feedstuffs, lower input of mineral fertilisers
(P, K) and elimination of pesticides.

Furthermore, because of sustainable agriculture’s focus on local
production, consumption and distribution, less energy is wasted on
transportation of products, particularly by air. According to a study carried
out in 2001, greenhouse gas emissions associated with the transport
of food from a local farm to a farmer’s market were 650 times lower
than emissions associated with the average food sold in supermarkets
[cited in 179].

Greater carbon sequestration

Soils are an important sink for atmospheric CO2, but this sink has been
increasingly depleted by conventional agricultural land use.
Sustainable agriculture approaches, however, help to counteract climate
change by restoring soil organic matter content (see ‘Better
Soils’), as these increase carbon fixation below ground. Organic matter
is restored by the addition of manures, compost, mulches and cover

Pretty and Hine suggest that the 208 projects they assessed accumulated
some 55.1 million tonnes of carbon (C) [130]. The SAFS
Project found that organic C content of the soil increased in both organic
and low-input systems [143], while the study of 20 commercial farms
in California found that organic fields had 28% more organic C [148].

This was also true in the 15-year study by the Rodale Institute,
where soil C levels increased in the two organic systems, but not in the
conventional system [141]. The researchers concluded that organic
systems showed significant ability to absorb and retain C, raising the
possibility that sustainable agriculture practices can help reduce the
impact of global warming.

Less nitrous oxide emissions

The FAO also estimated that organic agriculture is likely to emit less
nitrous oxide (N2O) [133], another important greenhouse gas and also
a cause of stratospheric ozone depletion. This is due to lower N inputs;
less N from organic manure due to lower livestock densities; higher C/N
ratios of applied organic manure and less available mineral N in the soil
as a source of denitrification; and efficient uptake of mobile N in soils
due to cover crops.

Efficient & Profitable Production

Productivity enhanced

Any yield decrease in organic agriculture is more than made up for by
its ecological and efficiency gains, and lower costs, making it a profitable
venture. The Swiss study found that input of fertiliser and energy
was reduced by 34-53% and pesticide input by 97%, whereas mean
crop yield was only 20% lower over the 21 years, indicating efficient
production and resource use [149, 150]. The organic approach was
commercially viable in the long-term, producing more food per unit of
energy or resources.

Data show that smaller farms produce far more per unit area than
larger farms (which tend to be monocultures characteristic of conventional
farming) [136]. Though the yield per unit area of one crop may be
lower on a small farm than on a large monoculture, the total output per
unit area, often composed of more than a dozen crops and various animal
products, can be far higher. Small farms are also more efficient
than large ones in terms of land use and ‘total factor productivity’, an
averaging of the efficiency of use of all the different factors that go into
production, including land, labour, inputs, capital, etc.

Studies in Bolivia show that though yields are greater in chemically
fertilised and machinery-prepared potato fields, energy costs are
higher and net economic benefits lower, than where native legumes
have been used as rotational crops [135]. Surveys indicate that farmers
prefer the latter alternative system because it optimises the use of
scarce resources, labour and available capital, and is accessible to
even poor producers.

Lower costs, higher profits
Two trials in Minnesota evaluated a two-year corn-soybean rotation and
a four-year corn-soybean-oat/alfalfa-alfalfa crop rotation under four
management strategies: zero, low, high and organic inputs [182].
Averaged across a seven-year time frame from 1993-1999, corn and
soybean yields in the four-year organic strategy were 91 and 93%, and
81 and 84%, respectively, of the two-year high input strategy. However,
oat yields were similar with either the four-year organic or high input
strategies. Alfalfa yields in the four-year organic strategy were 92% that
of the four-year high input strategy in one trial, and in the second trial,
yields were the same.
  明尼苏达州的两项试验对玉米-大豆作物两年轮作和玉米、大豆、燕麦/紫花苜蓿-紫花苜蓿作物四年轮作在四种管理战略(零投入、低投入、高投入和有机投入)下的情况进行了评估〔182〕。从1993-1999的7年时间内,玉米和大豆产量在四年有机战略和两年高投入战略中分别为91%和93%, 81%和84%。但是,四年有机或高投入战略中,燕麦的产量则相当。紫花苜蓿的产量在一块试验田的四年有机战略中为四年高投入战略的92%,另一块地则相同。  

Despite the slight reduction in corn and soybean yields, the organic
systems had lower production costs than the high input strategy.
Consequently, net returns, without considering organic price premiums,
for the two strategies were equivalent. The scientists suggested that
organic production systems could be competitive with conventional

A comprehensive review of the many comparison studies of grain
and soybean production conducted by six US Midwestern universities
since 1978 found that in general, organic production was equivalent to,
and in some cases better than, conventional [183]. Organic systems
had higher yields than conventional systems that featured continuous
crop production (i.e. no crop rotations), and equal or lower yields than
conventional systems that included crop rotations. In drier climates,
organic systems had higher yields, as they were more drought-hardy
than conventional systems.

The organic cropping systems were always more profitable than
the most common conventional systems if organic price premiums
were factored in. When the higher premiums were not factored in, the
organic systems were still more productive and profitable in half the
studies. This was attributed to lower production costs and the ability of
organic systems to out-perform the conventional in drier areas, or during
drier periods. The author concluded, “organic production systems
are competitive with the most common conventional production systems”,
and suggested that, “if farmers obtain current market premiums
for organic grains and soybeans, their organic production generally
delivers higher profits than non-organic grain and soybean production”

The 15-year results from the Rodale Institute showed that after a
transition period with lower yields, the organic systems were competitive
financially with the conventional system [141]. While the costs of
the transition are likely to affect a farm's overall financial picture for
some years, projected profits ranged from slightly below to substantially
above those of the conventional system, even though economic
analyses did not assume any organic price premium. The higher profits
for the organic farms came largely from higher corn yields, which
nearly doubled after the transition period. When prices or yields were
low, organic farms suffered less than the conventional and had fewer
income fluctuations, as they had a diversity of crops other than corn to
sell. Expenses on the organic farms were significantly lower than on the
conventional - the latter spent 95% more on fertilisers and pesticides.
Overall production costs on the organic farms were 26% lower.


Improved Food Security & Benefits to Local Communities

Increased local food production
Despite adequate global food production, many still go hungry because
increased food supply does not automatically mean increased food
security. What is important is who produces the food, who has access
to the technology and knowledge to produce it, and who has the purchasing
power to acquire it [130]. Poor farmers cannot afford expensive
‘modern’ technologies that theoretically raise yields.
  尽管全球粮食生产充足,但是很多人仍然陷入飢饿 ,因为增加的粮食供应并没有自动地意味着增加粮食安全。重要的是谁生产了粮食,谁可以使用技术和知识来生产,谁有购买力来获得〔130〕。贫穷的农民无法支付理论上可以提高产量的昂贵的“现代”技术。  

Many farmers show ‘lagging productivity’, not because they lack
‘miracle’ seeds that contain their own insecticide or tolerate massive
doses of herbicide, but because they have been displaced onto marginal,
rain-fed lands, and face structures and macroeconomic policies
that have built on historical inequalities and that are increasingly inimical
to food production by small farmers [184].

As such, their agriculture is best characterised as ‘complex,
diverse and risk prone’ [185], and they have tailored agricultural technologies
to their variable but unique circumstances, in terms of local climate,
topography, soils, biodiversity, cropping systems, resources, etc.
It is these farmers, already risk-prone, who stand to be harmed most by
the risks of GM crops [184].

Sustainable agricultural approaches must thus allow farmers to
improve local food production with low-cost, readily available technologies
and inputs, without causing environmental damage. This was
indeed the case, as reviewed by Pretty and Hine [130]. Most sustainable
agriculture projects and initiatives reported significant increases in
household food production - some as yield improvements, some as
increases in cropping intensity or diversity of produce.

The evidence showed:
. Average food production per household increased by 1.71
tonnes per year (up 73%) for 4.42 million farmers on 3.58 million

. Increase in food production was 17 tonnes per year (an
increase of 150%) for 146 000 farmers on 542 000 hectares
cultivating roots (potato, sweet potato and cassava).

. Total production increased by 150 tonnes per household (an
increase of 46%) for the larger farms in Latin America (average
size 90 hectares).

The review found that as food supply increased, domestic con
sumption also increased, with direct health benefits, particularly for
women and children. Furthermore, 88% of the 208 projects made better
use of locally-available natural resources, and 92% improved
human capital through learning programmes. In more than half the
projects, people worked together.

Learning from farmers
Sustainable agricultural approaches recognise the value of traditional
and indigenous knowledge, and of farmers’ experience and innovation.
The importance and value of learning from farmers, and of farmer-led
participatory agricultural research, are well established in concepts
such as ‘farmer first’ [185, 186].

Case studies and experiences of successful agroecological innovations
from Africa, Latin America and Asia [187] provide evidence that
low-external-input agriculture using agroecological practices could
make an important contribution to feeding the world over the next 30 to
50 years. Relying on mainly local resources and knowledge, farmers
are able to increase yields substantially, sometimes doubling or tripling

To cite one example, in Mali's Sahelian Zone, soil and water conservation
practices and agroforestry have increased cereal yields, in
some cases from 300 kg/ha to 1 700 kg/ha, about twice the level needed
to meet basic food needs. Emphasis has also been placed on conserving
traditional varieties of seeds and biodiversity, through farmer-
based evaluation and community or local gene banks.

The FAO review highlights the important contributions of resource
poor farmers worldwide [133]. Non-certified organic agriculture, practiced
by millions of indigenous people, peasants and small family farms
make a significant contribution to regional food security: in Latin
America they account for more than 50% of the maize, beans, manioc
and potatoes produced; in Africa, most of the cereals, roots and tubers;
in Asia, most of the rice.
Case studies from India, Brazil, Iran, Thailand and Uganda show
how traditional knowledge, innovation and agroecological approaches
have brought numerous benefits: increased productivity, better environmental
health and soil fertility, improved biodiversity, economic benefits,
food security, enhanced social relations within communities, and
revival of traditional, sustainable agricultural practices [133].
Farmers in Ethiopia are taking steps to ensure their food security
by relying on their knowledge [188]. In Ejere, farmers have reclaimed
their own varieties of local wheat, teff (an Ethiopian staple cereal) and
barley, after so-called ‘modern high-yielding varieties’ actually resulted
in lower yields and other problems. In the Butajira area, farmers are
demonstrating that it is possible to farm intensively and sustainably to
provide enough food to meet population needs. They do this by using
indigenous crops selected for resistance to diseases, drought tolerance
and many other desirable features, by intercropping and by integrating
livestock management. In Worabe, farmers are maintaining a complex,
sustainable and indigenous agricultural system that ensures food security.
The system is based on enset, a very drought resistant, multiple-
use indigenous crop.

Better incomes, increased food security
Evidence from hundreds of grassroots development projects shows
that increasing agricultural productivity with agroecological practices
not only increases food supplies, but also increases incomes, thus
reducing poverty, increasing food access, reducing malnutrition and
improving the livelihoods of the poor [189]. Agroecological systems
lead to more stable levels of total production per unit area than high-
input systems; they give more economically favorable rates of return,
provide a return to labour and other inputs for a livelihood acceptable
to small farmers and their families. They also ensure soil protection and
conservation, and enhance agrobiodiversity [190].

Integrated production systems and diversified farms have helped
farmers in south-central Chile reach year-round food self-sufficiency
while rebuilding the land’s productive capacity [135]. Small, model farm
systems have been set up, consisting of polycultures and rotating
sequences of forage and food crops, forest and fruit trees, and incorporating
Soil fertility improved, and no serious pest or disease problems
have appeared. Fruit trees and forage crops achieved higher than aver
age yields, and milk and egg production far exceeded that on conventional
high-input farms. For a typical family, such systems produced a
250% surplus of protein, 80 and 550% surpluses of vitamin A and C,
respectively, and a 330% surplus of calcium. If all the farm output were
sold at wholesale prices, a family could generate a monthly net income
1.5 times greater than the monthly minimum wage in Chile, while dedicating
only a few hours per week to the farm. The time freed up could
be used for other income-generating activities.

Organic agriculture could improve income, profitability and return
on labour by removing or reducing the need for purchased inputs; by
diversification (often adding a new productive element) and optimising
productivity; by maintaining or improving on- and off-farm biodiversity,
allowing farmers to market non-cultivated crops, insects and animals;
and by sales in a premium market [191]. A case study from Senegal
showed that yields could be increased manifold, and were less variable
year on year, with consequent improvements in household food security.
Likewise, a participatory fair-trade coffee cooperative in Mexico,
which adopted organic practices, allowed smallholder coffee growers to
overcome soil degradation and low yields, and to gain access to a
speciality market.

Generating money for the local economy

Money flows of an organic box scheme from Cusgarne Organics (UK)
showed the benefit of buying locally, to the community at large [192].
The economic analysis followed the trail of the farm box scheme
income, monitoring exactly where the money was spent, how much of
it was ‘local’ expenditure, and then tracked that money to the next layer
of spending.
  (英国)Cusgarne Organics的一项有机盒计划显示了本地购买对社区整体带来的好处〔192〕。该计划对农业盒计划收入进行跟踪和经济分析,确切地监控了钱花在什幺地方,“本地”的成本是多少,然后追踪该笔款下一层花在哪儿。  

It estimated that for every £1 spent at Cusgarne Organics, £2.59
is generated for the local economy. In contrast, a study involving supermarket
giants Asda and Tesco found that for every £1 spent at a supermarket,
only £1.40 is generated for the local economy. The study concludes,
“The figures demonstrate that the net effect of spending at
Cusgarne Organics to the local economy is nearly double the effect of
the same amount spent with out-of-county and national businesses”
(p. 16).
  据估计,Cusgarne Organics每消费1英镑,将给本地经济带来2.59英镑的收入。比较而言,一项有关超市收入的Asda和Tesco研究发现,超市每消费1英镑,给本地经济只带来1.40英镑的收入。研究总结说,“这些数字显示,Cusgarne Organics消费到本地经济带来的纯收益是相同数额消费到国内外业务带来的纯收益的两倍。”  

Organics for Health

Less chemical residues
A comprehensive Soil Association review of scientific research has
shown that, on average, organic food is better than non-organic food
[193]. First, it is safer, as organic farming prohibits routine pesticide and
herbicide use, so chemical residues are rarely found. In contrast, non-
organic food is likely to be contaminated with residues that often occur
in potentially dangerous combinations. The British Society for Allergy,
Environmental and Nutritional Medicine, commenting on the report,
states: “We have long believed the micronutrient deficiencies common
in our patients have their roots in the mineral-depletion of soils by intensive
agriculture, and suspect that pesticide exposures are contributing
to the alarming rise in allergies and other illnesses” (italics added).

The negative effects of pesticides on health include neurotoxicity,
disruption of the endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system
suppression (see also ‘Herbicide Hazards’). The impacts of dietary
exposure to pesticide residues at levels typically found in and on food
are less easy to establish, but a precautionary approach is necessary.
While there are recommended safety levels for pesticides, the UK government’s
own tests have shown that average residue levels on foods
may be under-reported.

Research has also suggested that pesticide exposure affects
male reproductive function, resulting in decreased fertilising ability of
the sperm and reduced fertilisation rates [194]. Correspondingly, members
of a Danish organic farmers' association, whose intake of organic
dairy products was at least 50% of total intake of dairy products, had
high sperm density [195]. In another study, sperm concentration was
43.1% higher among men eating organically produced food [196].
Children, in particular, may stand to benefit from organic food.
Scientists monitored preschool children in Seattle, Washington to
assess their exposure to organophosphorus (OP) pesticide from diet
[197]. The total dimethyl metabolite concentration was approximately
six times higher for children with conventional diets than those with
organic diets. The calculated dose estimates suggest that consumption
of organic fruits, vegetables and juice can reduce children’s exposure
levels from above to below the US Environmental Protection Agency’s
guidelines, thereby shifting exposures from a range of uncertain risk to
a range of negligible risk. The study concluded that consumption of
organic produce could be a relatively simple way for parents to reduce
children’s exposure to OP pesticides.

Healthier and more nutritious

Additionally, organic food production bans the use of artificial food additives
such as hydrogenated fats, phosphoric acid, aspartame and
monosodium glutamate, which have been linked to health problems as
diverse as heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity

Furthermore, while plants extract a wide range of minerals from
the soil, artificial fertilisers replace only a few principal minerals. There
is a clear long-term decline in the trace mineral content of fruit and vegetables,
and the influence of farming practices needs to be investigated
more thoroughly. The Soil Association review [193] found that on
average, organic food has higher vitamin C, higher mineral levels and
higher phytonutrients - plant compounds that can fight cancer (see
later) - than conventional food.

Conventional produce also tends to contain more water than
organic produce, which contains more dry matter (on average, 20%
more) for a given total weight [193]. Thus, the higher cost of fresh
organic produce is partly offset by purchasers of conventional produce
paying for the extra weight of water and getting only 83% of the nutrients,
on average, available in organic produce. The higher water content
also tends to dilute nutrient content.

Tests with people and animals eating organic food show it makes
a real difference to health, and alternative cancer therapies have
achieved good results relying on the exclusive consumption of organic
food. The review [193] cites recent clinical evidence from doctors and
nutritionists administering alternative cancer treatments, who have
observed that a completely organic diet is essential for a successful
outcome. Nutritional cancer therapies avoid pollutants and toxins as
much as possible, and promote exclusive consumption of organically
grown foods and increases in nutrient intakes. Animal feeding trials
have also demonstrated better reproductive health, better growth, and
better recovery from illness.

A literature review of 41 studies and 1 240 comparisons [198]
found statistically significant differences in the nutrient content of
organic and conventional crops. This was attributed primarily to differences
in soil fertility management and its effects on soil ecology and
plant metabolism. Organic crops contained significantly more nutrients
- vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus - and significantly less
nitrates (a toxic compound) than conventional crops. There were nonsignificant
trends showing less protein in organic crops. However,
organic crops were of a better quality and had higher content of nutritionally
significant minerals, with lower amounts of some heavy metals
compared to conventional ones.

Helping fight cancer

Plant phenolics (flavonoids) are plant secondary metabolites thought to
protect plants against insect predation, bacterial and fungal infection
and photo-oxidation. These plant chemicals have been found to be
effective in preventing cancer and heart disease, and to combat age-
related neurological dysfunctions. A recent scientific paper [199, 200]
compared the total phenolic (TP) content of marionberries, strawberries
and corn grown by organic and other sustainable methods with conventional
agricultural practices. Statistically higher levels of TPs were
consistently found in organically and sustainably grown foods as compared
to those produced by conventional agriculture.
  植物酚(类黄酮)是认为可以保护植物不受昆虫掠夺、细菌和真菌感染及光氧化的第二代谢物。据发现,这些植物化学品可有效地防止癌症和心脏疾病,对抗与年龄相关的神经机能障碍。最近的一份科学论文〔199,200〕比较了通过有机和其他可持续方法种植的玛丽恩黑莓、草莓和玉米与其他常规方法种植的产品的总酚(TP )含量,不断发现在可持续生产的食品中比常规农业生产的产品中的TP含量更高。  

An earlier study comparing antioxidant compounds in organic and
conventional peaches and pears established that an improvement in
the anti-oxidant defence system of the plants occurred as a consequence
of organic cultivation practices [201]. This is likely to exert protection
against fruit damage when grown in the absence of pesticides.
Hence organic agriculture, which eliminates the routine use of
synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilisers, could create conditions
favourable to the production of health-enhancing plant phenolics.

These and many other health benefits of organic foods have been
brought to the attention of the UK government [202, 203]. Among the
issues raised are the hidden costs of conventional agriculture, which
are not factored into the price. If hidden costs were taken into account,
conventionally produced food would prove more expensive than organic
food. For example, avoidance of the BSE (‘mad cow disease’) epidemic
through organic farming would have saved £4.5 billion. No animal
born and raised on an organic farm developed BSE in the UK.


Conclusion to Part 3

Sustainable agricultural approaches can deliver substantial increases
in food production at low cost. They can be economically, environmentally
and socially viable, and contribute positively to local livelihoods.
They are also better for health and the environment.

Because the true root cause of hunger is inequality amongst
nations and peoples, any method of boosting food production that
deepens inequality is bound to fail to reduce hunger. Conversely, only
technologies that have positive effects on the distribution of wealth,
income and assets can truly reduce hunger [4]. Fortunately, such technologies
already exist in sustainable approaches to agriculture.

Agroecology, sustainable agriculture and organic farming work,
not just for farmers in the developed world, but especially for farmers in
developing countries. As the FAO review [133] shows, there is a good
existing base to build and scale-up efforts for both certified and non-
certified organic agriculture. The technologies and social processes for
local improvements are increasingly well-tested and established, and
already delivering benefits in terms of increased productivity. The
examples reviewed here are only a foretaste of the myriad successful
experiences of sustainable agricultural practices at the local level. They
represent countless demonstrations of talent, creativity and scientific
capability in rural communities [132].

There is thus an urgent need to concentrate effort, research, funds
and policy support on agroecology, sustainable agriculture and organic
farming, particularly strengthening production by farmers themselves
for local needs. The challenge is to scale-up and multiply the successes,
as well as to make them equitably and broadly accessible. The
model of ‘modern’ agriculture, so often in the hands of a few large corporations,
must be challenged, as must be GM crops. Existing subsidies
and policy incentives for conventional chemical and GM approaches
need to be dismantled, and brakes applied on the drain of resources
away from the alternatives [4]. We also need to guard against organic
agriculture being taken over by powerful interests, and support all kinds
of sustainable agriculture, especially that on small farms.


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75. Hooper M. Evidence with special emphasis on the use of glufosinate
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96. Stemmer WPC. Molecular breeding of gene, pathways and
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2003, 51(5), 1237-1241, 10.1021/jf020635c S0021-8561.
200. Cummins J. Organic agriculture helps fight cancer. ISIS Report,
27 March 2003, www.isis.org.uk
201. Carbonaro M, Mattera M, Nicoli S, Bergamo P and Cappelloni M.
Modulation of antioxidant compounds in organic vs conventional fruit
(Peach, Prunus persica L., and Pear, Pyrus communis L.). J. Agric.
Food Chem. 2002, 50, 5458-5462.

202. Novotny E. Report IV - The Wheel of Health (in the Chardon LL
T25 maize hearing listings) 2002, http://www.sgr.org.uk/GMOs.html

203. Novotny E. Letter to MSPs on the Organic Farming Targets Bill,
2003, http://www.sgr.org.uk/GMOs.html

Statement of the Independent Science Panel

Launched 10 May 2003, London

The Independent Science Panel (ISP) is a panel of scientists from
many disciplines, committed to the following.

1. Promoting science for the public good, independent of
commercial and other special interests, or of government control
  1. 推动公益科学,与商业和其他特殊利益无关,不受政府控制  

We firmly believe that science should be accountable to civil society;
that it should be accessible to all, regardless of gender, age, race, religion
or caste; and that all sectors of civil society should participate in
making decisions on all issues related to science, from scientific
research to policies regarding science and technologies.
We believe that accurate scientific information should be promptly
accessible to the public in unbiased and uncensored forms.

2. Maintaining the highest standards of integrity and impartiality in science
  2. 保持科学最高标准的完整性和公正性  

We subscribe to the principles of honesty, openness and pluralism in
the practice of science. There should be open peer-review for published
work, and respect and protection for those whose research challenges
the conventional paradigm or majority opinion. Scientific disagreements
must be openly and democratically debated.

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of scientific
research, and to ensuring that research funding is not skewed or distorted
by commercial or political imperatives.

3. Developing sciences that can help make the world sustainable,
equitable, peaceful and life-enhancing for all its inhabitants
  3. 发展科学促进世界持续、平等与和平,提高所有居住者生活  

We respect the sanctity of human life, seek to minimise harm to any living
creature, and protect the environment. We hold that science should
contribute to the physical, social and spiritual well-being of all in all societies.
We are committed to an ecological perspective that takes proper
account of the complexity, diversity and interdependence of all nature.
We subscribe to the precautionary principle: when there is reasonable
suspicion of serious or irreversible damage, lack of scientific
consensus must not be used to postpone preventative action.
We reject scientific endeavours that serve aggressive military
ends, promote commercial imperialism or damage social justice.

The Genetic Modification Group of the ISP
The Genetic Modification (GM) Group of the ISP consists of scientists
working in genetics, biosciences, toxicology and medicine, and other
representatives of civil society who are concerned about the harmful
consequences of genetic modifications of plants and animals and related
technologies and their rapid commercialisation in agriculture and
medicine without due process of proper scientific assessment and of
public consultation and consent.

We find the following aspects especially regrettable and unacceptable:

. Lack of critical public information on the science and technology
of GM

. Lack of public accountability in the GM science community

. Lack of independent, disinterested scientific research into, and
assessment of, the hazards of GM

. Partisan attitude of regulatory and other public information
bodies, which appear more intent on spreading corporate
propaganda than providing crucial information

. Pervasive commercial and political conflicts of interests in both
research and development and regulation of GM

.Suppression and vilification of scientists who try to convey
research information to the public that is deemed to harm the

. Persistent denial and dismissal of extensive scientific evidence
on the hazards of GM to health and the environment by
proponents of genetic modification and by supposedly
disinterested advisory and regulatory bodies

.  Continuing claims of GM benefits by the biotech corporations,
and repetitions of these claims by the scientific establishment, in
the face of extensive evidence that GM has failed both in the
field and in the laboratory.

. Reluctance to recognize that the corporate funding of academic
research in GM is already in decline, and that the biotechnology
multinationals (and their shareholders) as well as investment
consultants are now questioning the wisdom of the ‘GM

. Attacks on, and summary dismissal of, extensive evidence
pointing to the benefits of various sustainable agricultural
approaches for health and the environment, as well as for food
security and social well-being of farmers and their local

Independent Science Panel on GM
List of Members

Prof. Miguel Altieri

Professor of Agroecology, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Dr. Michael Antoniou

Senior Lecturer in Molecular Genetics, GKT School of Medicine,
King’s College, London

Dr. Susan Bardocz

Biochemist; formerly Rowett Research Institute, Scotland

Prof. David Bellamy OBE

Internationally renowned botanist, environmentalist, broadcaster,
author and campaigner; recipient of numerous awards; President and
Vice President of many conservation and environmental organizations

Dr. Elizabeth Bravo V.

Biologist, researcher and campaigner on biodiversity and GMO
issues; co-founder of Acción Ecológica; part-time lecturer at
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador

Prof. Joe Cummins

Professor Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Stanley Ewen

Consultant Histopathologist at Grampian University Hospitals Trust;
formerly Senior Lecturer in Pathology, University of Aberdeen; lead
histopathologist for the Grampian arm of the Scottish Colorectal
Cancer Screening Pilot Project

Edward Goldsmith

Recipient of the Right Livelihood and numerous awards, environmentalist,
scholar, author and Founding Editor of The Ecologist

Dr. Brian Goodwin

Scholar in Residence, Schumacher College, England

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (何美芸,又翻译为“侯美婉”)

Co-founder and Director of the Institute of Science in Society; Editor
of the magazine Science in Society; Science Advisor to the Third
World Network and on the Roster of Experts for the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety

Prof. Malcolm Hooper

Emeritus Professor at the University of Sunderland; previously,
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Sunderland Polytechnic; Chief Scientific Advisor to the Gulf
War Veterans

Dr. Vyvyan Howard

Medically qualified toxico-pathologist, Developmental Toxico-
Pathology Group, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology,
The University of Liverpool; member of the UK Government’s
Advisory Committee on Pesticides

Dr. Brian John

Geomorphologist and environmental scientist; Founder and long-time
Chairman of the West Wales Eco Centre; one of the coordinating
group of GM Free Cymru

Prof. Marijan Jo.t

Professor of Plant Breeding and Seed Production, Agricultural College
Krizevci, Croatia

Lim Li Ching (林丽珍)

Researcher, Institute of Science in Society and Third World Network;
deputy-editor of Science in Society magazine

Dr. Eva Novotny

Astronomer and campaigner on GM issues for Scientists for Global
Responsibility, SGR

Prof. Bob Orskov OBE

Formerly Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland; Director,
International Feed Resources Unit; Fellow of the Royal Society of
Edinburgh, FRSE; Fellow of the Polish Academy of Science

Dr. Michel Pimbert

Agricultural ecologist and Principal Associate, International Institute
for Environment and Development

Dr. Arpad Pusztai (普兹泰)

Private consultant; formerly Senior Research Fellow at the Rowett
Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, Scotland

David Quist

Microbial ecologist, Ecosystem Sciences Division, Environmental
Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley,

Dr. Peter Rosset

Agricultural ecologist and rural development specialist; Co-director of
the Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First), Oakland,
California, USA

Prof. Peter Saunders

Professor of Applied Mathematics at King's College, London

Dr. Veljko Veljkovic

AIDS virologist, Center for Multidisciplinary Research and
Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Sciences VINCA, Belgrade,

Prof. Oscar B. Zamora

Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agronomy, University of the
Philippines Los Banos-College of Agriculture (UPLB-CA), College,
Laguna, The Philippines

Independent Science Panel website: www.indsp.org

The Independent Science Panel (ISP) on GM - launched 10 May 2003 at a
public conference in London attended by the then UK environment
minister Michael Meacher and 200 other participants - consists of dozens
of prominent scientists from seven countries, spanning the disciplines of
agroecology, agronomy, biomathematics, botany, chemical medicine,
ecology, histopathology, microbial ecology, molecular genetics,
nutritional biochemistry, physiology, toxicology and virology.

As their contribution to the global GM debate, the ISP has compiled this
complete dossier of evidence on the known problems and hazards of
GM crops as well as on the manifold benefits of sustainable agriculture.

Read it to make the right choice for the future of
agriculture and food security

「 支持!」



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  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
  1. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  2. 这是一股妖风
  3. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  4. 公开投毒!多个重大事变的真相!
  5. 2001年就贪污23亿后出逃,如今被抓回国内,也叫认罪悔罪减刑?
  6. 吴铭|舆论斗争或进入新的历史阶段
  7. 李昌平:我的困惑(四)
  8. 你要反“极左”,就必须得弄清楚这几个基本问题
  9. 熬鹰
  10. 经济工作会议全解读(一)当前的困难有哪些?国家的判断释放了什么信号?
  1. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  2. 紫虬:从通钢、联想到华为,平等的颠覆与柳暗花明
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  5. 李昌平:县乡村最大的问题是:官越来越多,员越来越少!
  6. 这是一股妖风
  7. 美国的这次出招,后果很严重
  8. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
  9. 弘毅:警醒!​魏加宁言论已严重违背《宪法》和《党章》
  10. 朝鲜领导落泪
  1. 张勤德:坚决打好清算胡锡进们的反毛言行这一仗
  2. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  3. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  4. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  5. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  6. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  7. 这轮房价下跌的影响,也许远远超过你的想象
  8. 普京刚走,沙特王子便坠机身亡
  9. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  10. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
  1. 在蒙受冤屈的八年中,毛泽东遭受了三次打击
  2. 大蒜威胁国家安全不重要,重点是他为什么会那样说
  3. 铁穆臻|今年,真正的共产主义者,要理直气壮纪念毛泽东!
  4. 《邓选》学习 (十一)发展速度
  5. 欧洲金靴|“一切标准向毛主席看齐!” | 欣闻柯庆施落像上海福寿园
  6. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!