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Karl Plume · 2011-01-24 · 来源:www.reuters.com
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UPDATE 2-China inks $6.7 bln U.S. soybean deal, largest ever

  Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:06pm EST
   * Two-day total sales agreement for 11.56 mln T, $6.68 bln * China signs deals Friday to buy 8.45 mln T US soybeans
   (Recasts, adds quotes, background) By Karl Plume CHICAGO, Jan 21 (Reuters) - China wrapped up its biggest
  ever one-off U.S. soybean purchase on Friday in a $6.7 billion
  deal equivalent to nearly half of last year's total trade,
  surprising dealers who had expected a more symbolic volume. With a second tranche of deals on Friday to buy 8.45
  million tonnes, Chinese firms traveling as part of President Hu
  Jintao's state visit signed up to purchase 11.5 million tonnes
  of soybeans for delivery over the next year or so, enough to
  sate China's total import needs for two or three months. While such deals are a de rigeur part of almost any
  high-level political trip, traders were surprised by the scale
  of the agreement. Although the bulk purchase doesn't
  necessarily mean that China will import more U.S. soybeans than
  last year's 54.8 million tonnes, it may be enough to spur
  prices on Monday. "It's a phenomenal amount of soybeans. If China wanted to
  make a big splash here then they sure did. I don't think anyone
  was looking for 11 million tonnes of sales," said Jack
  Scoville, analyst with The Price Futures Group. "I would imagine that part of this reflects their concern
  that prices could go sharply higher in the coming year," he
  said. The contracts also underscored the growing importance of
  U.S. grain exports to the world's largest country, which is
  expected to surpass Mexico this year as the second-largest
  buyer of U.S. farm products. China needs to import increasing
  volumes of protein-rich food to feed its swelling urban ranks. "The Chinese soybean industry wanted to show their support
  for their president when he was in the United States and in so
  doing they also wanted to show their commitment to having a
  long-term supply relationship with the U.S. soybean industry,"
  said Paul Burke, director of global marketing and industry
  relations with the U.S. Soybean Export Council, which announced
  the deals. DELIVERY IN 2011/12 YEAR Several Chinese importers, including COFCO and Sinograin,
  signed deals with U.S. grain companies such as Cargill Inc
  [CARG.UL], Archer Daniels Midland Co (ADM.N) and Bunge Ltd
  (BG.N) and international suppliers like Louis Dreyfus Co. The previous single-day purchase agreement record was in
  June 2008, when Chinese buyers agreed to buy $4.5 billion in
  U.S. soybeans. Private exporters reported a record 2.24 million
  tonnes in soybean sales to China the following day under the
  U.S. Agriculture Department's daily reporting system. Grain traders said most of the soybeans were for delivery
  in the 2011/12 (September-to-August) marketing year, a period
  in which Chinese companies have barely made any purchases to
  date. U.S. soybean futures climbed to a 30-month peak this month
  amid a robust Chinese demand outlook and worries about crop
  output in parts of South America, a key production area. Analysts said it was difficult to gauge if this week's huge
  purchase agreements were above and beyond what China, the
  world's largest soybean importer, would otherwise be buying
  from the United States, the world's top exporter. China is projected to import 57 million tonnes of soybeans
  in the 2010/11 marketing year which ends on Aug. 31, including
  24 million tonnes from the United States. [ID:nN19250568] The country's imports in 2011/12 were expected to be at
  least as large as the current marketing year, but broader
  economic factors would determine how large an increase it may
   (Reporting by Karl Plume and Julie Ingwersen;editing by Sofina
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  Comments (1)
  tomloveswine wrote:
  China will purchase other material items to make the trade deficit look better and to keep from hold more US Treasuries. China presently holds 985 billion dollars of US treasuries and I am sure they would love to get rid of all of them. The Federal Reserve now holds 5 trillion of US Treasuries and they have no method to pay off that debt other than they own the printing press.
  Gold is another item that China will purchase because they can get rid of dollars and have something of value also. Gold purchase is considered an export item for the trade deficit.

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