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直言了 · 2014-07-22 · 来源:
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  Austria continues to be one of the leading forces in Europe opposed to the use of agricultural biotechnology. NGOs and farmer organizations, the food-processing sector, and the retail sector all have marketing campaigns promoting GMO-free foods. Austria is promoting the local production of non-biotech soybeans in the Danube region.



  Public rejection of genetically engineered (GE) plants is widespread, there is no commercial GE crop production, the government has banned the planting of some EU-approved GE crops, and practically no foods labeled as “GMO” are sold in Germany. Despite this, Germany is home to world-class companies that develop and supply GE seeds globally. Germany’s livestock industry is a major consumer of imported GE soybeans for use as animal feed. However, the industry is under steady pressure to move away from GE feeds. GE animals are currently not topical in Germany.



  The Government of France is strongly opposed to the use of agricultural biotechnology and no biotech plants or animals are commercially produced currently. Other tools are promoted as a means to make French agriculture more economical and environmentally sustainable. In the case of retail food products, there are various voluntary labeling systems used, mainly as a marketing tool, to make clear that products do not have genetically engineered content. However, France is a net importer of feed ingredients and large quantities of soybean and corn products continue to be imported annually, mostly from the world's leading biotech producing countries. Despite major difficulties in conducting their work, basic and applied research in plant and animal biotechnology by French research institutions continues, as well as involvement in a variety of international programs.



  Italy’s debate between pro and anti-biotech parties continues without much progress. The general attitude towards GE crops in Italy remains hostile. To date, Italy has deemed its ‘Made in Italy’ campaign and its role as a leading organic crop producer as proscribing it from taking advantage of the gene revolution.



  The Dutch government and agricultural sector have a pragmatic approach towards the import of genetically engineered (GE) agricultural products. However, crop trials and commercial cultivation of biotech crops are effectively prevented by cumbersome regulations and by the threat of protests from environmental groups. The Dutch livestock sector depends on feed imports from third countries which mainly consist of GE soybean meal. The livestock sector does not include any GE animals nor do Dutch agricultural research institutes have them for research purposes.



  Consumers’ attitude in Bulgaria towards biotechnology remains negative. Anti-biotech media and non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) expand their alliances with new partners such as specialty crop growers and bee-keeping industry. In May 2013 at the National Parliamentary elections and in May 2014 at the European Parliament elections, the leaders in the organic and green movement openly participated in political events as representatives of the Green Party. The current Cabinet, appointed in May 2013, follows strict anti-biotech policies. Since May 2013 to date, Bulgaria voted against all new approvals of biotech products despite positive EFSA opinion. In June 2014 this policy resulted in a re-confirmation of the safeguard/legislative ban on the use of corn MON810 despite the fact that the ban was questioned by the EC and had no scientific justification.



  Over the past year, Romania has preserved its position among the EU countries adopting modern agricultural biotechnology. Although the area planted with biotech corn slightly dropped from 834 hectares to 771 hectares this year, the increase in number of farmers planting biotech corn is notable (five compared to two the previous year).



  Spain has an open approach to biotechnology and remains the European Union’s (EU’s) Member State with the largest area planted to GE crops. Field trials as well as confined research on genetically engineered (GE) plants and animals are permitted, although subject to prior notice and authorization. Regulatory constraints in the EU create an unattractive investment environment for seed companies and are negatively impacting the number of field trials being carried out. Spain’s position on cultivation decisions has evolved throughout the years towards a more open approach in what we understand as an attempt to open the door to the cultivation of new events.



  Russia continues registration of Genetically Engineered (GE) crops for imports of food and feed in accordance with existing Russian legislature. In September 2013, the Russian Government initiated legislation for the registration of GE crops for cultivation starting July 2014. However, in June 2014 the Government delayed implementation of this legislation by three years, to 2017. Given that the registration process is estimated to take 5-6 years, cultivation of GE crop in Russia cannot be expected before 2013-2024. The Ministry of Agriculture, the main body responsible for any seed registration has been very conservative on the cultivation of GE crops. Labeling and information for consumers on the presence of GE ingredients in food products is regulated by the technical regulations of the Customs Union (CU) on safety and labeling of food products. These regulations require that products sold in CU member states must be labeled if they contain the presence of over 0.9 percent of GE lines in food products. CU technical regulation for feed has not been adopted yet. However, feed sold in Russia is subject to Russian regulations that does not require labeling of GE feed, but does require registration of GE lines for use in feed, and requires registration of feed as GE feed if the presence of registered lines is over 0.9 percent and the presence of non-registered lines is over 0.5 percent.


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声明:文章仅代表个人观点,不代表本站观点—— 责任编辑:昆仑








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