桂铭 刊发时间:2010-10-15
2010年6月10日 美国加州旧金山
一项引人入胜的针对神经性大小便功能失常的治疗工作正在进行。该治疗是对借助腰椎-骶神经再通手术(LSNR,即肖氏反射弧手术)所建立起来的皮-脊髓- 膀胱神经反射弧进行操控来进行的。该治疗首创于中国,曾经报告过高达87%的成功率。Ken Peters医生及其同事报告了该手术在北美首次临床试验后两年的随访结果。
9名脊髓裂患者接受了经椎板切除术施行的硬膜内LSNR(肖氏反射弧手术)手术。观察了经皮刺激下的尿动力学、仔细的神经学检查、密切的排便和膀胱功能监 测,以及不良副作用。在24个月时间里,9位患者中有7位建立了经(大腿)皮刺激作用下的神经反射弧。8位患者在经皮刺激下能够排尿,其中5位患者能排出 超过50%的膀胱容积(尿量)。8位患者能安全地停止使用抗胆碱能药物。50%的患者解决了逼尿肌失控的问题。还有,50%的患有膀胱顺应性受损(小于 10毫升/厘米水压)的患者,他们的膀胱顺应性得到了显著的改善。
AUA 2010 - Two-year outcomes with lumbar to sacral nerve re-routing in spina bifida - Session Highlights
Thursday, 10 June 2010
SAN FRANCISCO, CA USA (UroToday.com) - Interesting work has been ongoing in the treatment of bowel and bladder dysfunction via manipulation of the skin-spinal cord-bladder reflex arc through lumbosacral nerve re-routing (LSNR). Reported success rates have been as high as 87% in China, where the technique was pioneered. Dr. Ken Peters and colleagues reported on the first North American trial on LSNR with minimum 2-year follow- up.
Nine spina bifida patients underwent intradural LSNR via laminectomy. Follow-up included urodynamics with cutaneous dermatome stimulation, careful neurological examination, and close monitoring of bowel and bladder function and adverse events. By 24 months, the authors reported that 7/9 patients had LS nerve reflex with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome, 8/9 patients were voiding, and 5/9 were emptying >50% of their bladder volume. 8/9 were safely off of anticholinergic medications, and 50% of patients had resolution of involuntary detrusor contractions. Additionally, 50% of patients who had compromised bladder compliance as defined by 10mL/cm H20 showed marked improvement.
Renal function remained stable. Quality of life (QOL) was improved in 6/9 (66%). The one patient who described a worsening QOL was the one patient who experienced foot drop. While only one patient was continent of stool at baseline, 5/9 were continent by 24 months.
The investigators concluded that with 7/9 patients in their cohort experienced a successful outcome following LSNR, this technique remains a viable option for consideration and investigation in the future.
Presented by Kevin Feber, Damon Dyche, Benjamin Girdler, Cindy Turzewski, Gary Trock, William Natau, Evan Kass, and Kenneth Peters at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 29 - June 3, 2010 - Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA USA
Reported for UroToday by Kathleen C. Kobashi, MD, Head, Section of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA
是存在的,看Peters的嚴格試驗,9個病人,7個成功建立反射弧,也就是說刺激大腿皮膚,確實導致膀胱壓力增加。另外兩個,沒有檢查到,并不表示沒有建立起反射弧,正如 Peters所言,可能是在檢測時沒有找到準確的刺激位置。
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