Tigergoo 2009-10-22
北京时间2009年10月19日晚22点左右,芝加哥商品交易所集团(CME group)发布公告,声称作为配合场外现货黄金交割服务的附属政策,允许交易商将黄金作为所有商品交易的保证金抵押物,并且将这些黄金抵押物保管在摩根大通的伦敦银行。公告一出,黄金现货市场应声大涨15美元。
1. 为什么是所有交易商品(all exchange products)
所谓魔鬼藏在细节里,在不足100字的公告中,如果你对货币的基本属性很敏感,你一定会注意“all exchange products”这个字眼,“所有交易商品”的保证金都可以用黄金作为抵押物,这意味着黄金在芝加哥商品交易所的平台上已经被抽象为各类商品之间进行交易的一般等价物。
2. 为什么在芝加哥商品交易所(CME)
根据CME官方介绍,CME通过其设在美国芝加哥和纽约的交易大厅以及CME Globex电子交易平台将全球的投资者与买卖双方联系起来。CME清算所负责所有交易的撮合与结算,并为成交的每笔交易提供信用担保。CME 清算系统还提供了70亿美元的财政保障,基本消除了系统性风险,以确保投资者的财务安全和维护自身的商业信用。CME 集团提供涵盖所有主要资产类别的基准产品,包括以利率、股票指数、外汇、能源、农产品、金属及另类投资产品,如:天燃气和房地产业等为标的的期货和期权合约。CME集团目前在纳斯达克交易所上市。
2006 年,CME 和 CBOT 的总成交量超过 22 亿张合约,总成交额超过1000万亿美元,其中75%交易通过电子交易完成。2008年全年总成交33亿手,其中80%交易通过电子交易完成。
让我们回顾一下那个大力呼吁将电子化黄金作为未来货币的第一人,美国外交关系协会国际经济部主任本·斯特尔(Benn Steil)在2007年发表在《外交事务》期刊上的《国家货币的终结》里是怎么说的。
在为英国《金融时报》撰写的文章《数字化黄金和有缺陷的全球秩序》(Digital gold and a flawed global order)中,本·斯特尔还旗帜鲜明地提出,美元衰落之后只有承载了2500年货币职能的黄金才能承担起全球储备货币的功能,而依赖电子化技术将黄金作为储备货币是金融危机后全球经济复苏的必然。
3. 居然是摩根大通
今年5月份,摩根大通和高盛建立了大量的黄金和白银的看涨期权头寸(option call positions )。
尽管如此,摩根大通仍然是黄金市场主要的空头力量,随着黄金基点(期货价格-现货价格)的消失,黄金现货溢价已经出现过三次,这将导致市场倾向于买进现货,并窖藏起来不再卖出,如果市场对此形成共识,黄金期货交割必然骤增,一旦空头无法兑现实物,黄金期货市场必然崩溃,并可能永久性消失,而现货市场也几乎没人愿意卖出。作为对手的摩根大通,存在巨大的遭遇挤兑黄金实物的风险。最近,美国和欧洲的黄金市场一场声势浩大的运动“Let’s get the physical(让我们持有实物黄金吧)”正在推进,将对黄金市场的形势产生深刻影响。
10月20日《华尔街日报》引述CME集团负责能源和金属产品与服务的董事总经理Joe Raia的表述,目前银行在进行场外商品市场交易时存在对手风险担忧,交易所将为交易商提供帮助。该公司在9月底推出结算服务以来,已通过旗下CME ClearPort结算所完成640张场外交易黄金远期合约的结算。
Adrian Douglas: The cataclysm awaiting gold is just disclosure
By Adrian Douglas
If I had interviewed New York University economics professor Nouriel Roubini with Index Universe yesterday, (http://www.indexuniverse.com/sections/features/6777-nouriel-roubini-big-...), I would have put this to him.
Let's not talk about gold for the moment. Let's talk about pure economics and commodities.
I don't think you would dispute that it is the imbalance between supply and demand that drives the price of anything, including, of course, the price of any commodity.
Let's take the situation with oil, which has doubled in price over the last year. On Aug. 14 the International Energy Agency released a report based on a study on the oilfields that make up 75 percent of world supply showing that not only is production declining but it is declining at double the rate of just two years ago, now 6.7 percent per year. The IEA concludes that for the first time in history supply, not demand, is going to drive prices.
In other words, though demand has dropped dramatically due to the economic collapse, the oil industry is struggling to meet even the reduced demand, which is why prices have risen so quickly.
Saudi Arabia sits on 20 percent of the world's oil reserves and produces 12 percent of the world's daily oil output. Imagine some sort of cataclysmic event that took out Saudi Arabia's reserves and producing capacity. Wouldn't economics tell us that the price of oil would make an astronomical jump, as the world, which needs 86 million barrels each day, somehow would have to manage with just 75 million? Wouldn't economics tell us that to ration the drastically diminished supply, the price would have to go drastically higher?
It is very difficult if not impossible to imagine a cataclysmic event that would knock out not only Saudi production but its reserves too, but nonetheless it is a good intellectual exercise to contemplate the laws of economics.
I think you would also agree that if such an event happened, the adjustment in the price of oil would be so rapid that changes in the money supply would be irrelevant. In other words, the change in price would not be a monetary phenomenon but one of simple supply and demand imbalance.
Let us return to gold. Let's forget the discussion of inflation and deflation, because it seems that there can be no consensus on this. Let's imagine that some cataclysmic event suddenly reduced physical stocks of gold above ground from 210,000 tonnes to only 160,000 tonnes. In other words, 50,000 tonnes of gold just vanished in this cataclysmic event.
In such circumstances what would happen to the price of gold?
This would be equivalent to the imaginary cataclysmic event that we just considered that made 20 percent of world oil reserves suddenly unavailable. It would represent 21 percent of all above-ground gold stocks just disappearing.
Wouldn't you agree that from an economics standpoint the resulting stampede to redistribute 160,000 tonnes in a market that believed 210,000 tonnes was not only available but had actually been sold would drive the gold price to unimaginable levels?
What sort of cataclysmic event could trigger this?
Revealing the true condition of the gold market could trigger it.
From the most recent work of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee there are strong indications that the London bullion market operates on a fractional-reserve basis. It would appear that at least 64,000 tonnes of gold have been sold via unallocated accounts against a maximum reserve of only 15,000 tonnes.
The cataclysmic event in gold could be triggered by an audit or simply by purchasers asking for delivery of their gold.
Mr. Roubini, I couldn't expect you to know as much as GATA about the gold market because GATA has spent 10 years researching this opaque market and you have not. But as an economist I am sure that if what GATA says is right, then the future direction and magnitude of the gold price are not in doubt at all.
Further, with this supply-and-demand problem in the gold market, inflation and deflation do not have to enter the discussion, because the adjustment in price could happen so quickly that the fiat money supply could remain totally static.
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