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陈一文 · 2013-10-16 · 来源:陈一文新浪博客
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  2013年10月10日,墨西哥市名义发表的新闻稿宣布在墨西哥禁绝转基因玉米。根据发布新闻稿的组织,拉·阔帕拉查,联邦法官,命令墨西哥的农业部长,以及环保部长,立即“终止涉及在墨西哥转基因玉米种植的一切活动,终止对实验性的以及商业化种植先导项目的批准。” 该项没有先例的禁令由墨西哥城民事事务第十二联邦地区法院发布。法官杰米·埃杜瓦·瓦杜果写了该项法律意见,并将“对环境造成迫在眉睫危害的风险”是该项决定的基础。法官的命令同时裁决,在公民、农民、科学家与公民社会团体发起的联合法律诉讼做出通过司法系统努力期间,禁止像孟山都与先锋这样的跨国公司在墨西哥乡下释放转基因玉米。该项裁决成为墨西哥公民实现“无转基因国”要求长期斗争的里程碑,雷尼·山彻斯·伽林多,诉讼原告方的法律补充说,该项裁决有严格的强制性条款,包括“对允许向墨西哥引入转基因玉米负责任的官员提出刑事罪”的可能性。【评论:向坚持不懈抵制转基因危害的英雄的墨西哥人民与站到人民立场下达禁绝令的法官致敬!墨西哥人民能够做到,中国人民也一定能够做到!】

  Mexican judge bans GMO corn citing ‘imminent threat’


  转载与翻译:陈一文([email protected])





  By Devon G. Peña Environmental & Food Justice


  About the author: Devon G. Peña is a lifelong activist in the environmental justice and resilient agriculture movements, Devon G. Peña is a Professor of American Ethnic Studies, Anthropology, and Environmental Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle.


  An October 10 press release with Mexico City byline announces the banning of genetically-engineered corn in Mexico.


  According to the group that issued the press release, La Coperacha, a federal judge has ordered Mexico’s SAGARPA(Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca, y Alimentación), which is Mexico’s Secretary of Agriculture, and SEMARNAT (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales), which is equivalent of the EPA, to immediately “suspend all activities involving the planting of transgenic corn in the country and end the granting of permission for experimental and pilot commercial plantings”.


  The unprecedented ban was granted by the Twelfth Federal District Court for Civil Matters of Mexico City. Judge Jaime Eduardo Verdugo J. wrote the opinion and cited “the risk of imminent harm to the environment” as the basis for the decision.


  The judge’s order also ruled that multinationals like Monsanto and Pioneer are banned from the release of transgenic maize in the Mexican countryside” as long as collective action lawsuits initiated by citizens, farmers, scientists, and civil society organizations are working their way through the judicial system.


  The decision was explained during a press conference in Mexico City yesterday by members of the community-based organizations that sued federal authorities and companies introducing transgenic maize into Mexico.


  The group, Acción Colectiva, is led by Father Miguel Concha of the Human Rights Center Fray Francisco de Vittoria; Victor Suarez of ANEC (National Association of Rural Commercialization Entertprises); Dr. Mercedes Lopéz of Vía Organica; and Adelita San Vicente, a teacher and member of Semillas de Vida, a national organization that has been involved in broad-based social action projects to protect Mexico’s extraordinary status as a major world center of food crop biodiversity.

  称之为《联合行动》的团体的领导人,Fray Francisco de Vittoria人权中心米格尔·孔查牧师;农村商业企业全国协会(ANEC)的维克多·苏阿雷兹;有机协会的莫西迪斯·罗佩兹,以及阿迪丽塔·圣·维森特,老师与Semillas de Vida成员,涉及保护墨西哥作为粮食作物生物多样性世界中心特别资源广阔社会行动项目一个全国性组织。

  According to the press release, Acción Colectiva [Collective Action] aims to achieve absolute federal declaration of the suspension of the introduction of transgenic maize in all its various forms – including experimental and pilot commercial plantings – in Mexico, “which is the birthplace of corn in the world”.

  依据新闻稿,《联合行动》的目标是实现联邦宣布在“世界玉米的发源地”墨西哥全境全面禁绝引入转基因玉米的所有形式 包括实验性的以及商业化种植先导项目。

  This ruling marks a milestone in the long struggle of citizen demands for a GMO-free country, acknowledged Rene Sanchez Galindo, legal counsel for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit, adding that the ruling has serious enforcement provisions and includes the possibility of “criminal charges for the authorities responsible for allowing the introduction of transgenic corn in our country”.


  Father Miguel Concha said the judge’s decision reflects a commitment to respect the Precautionary Principle expressed in various international treaties and statements of human rights. Concha emphasized that the government is obliged to protect the human rights of Mexicans against the economic interests of big business.


  The lawsuit seeks to protect the “human right to save and use the agrobiodiversity of native landraces from the threats posed by GMO maize”, said the human rights advocate.


  The class action lawsuit is supported by scientific evidence from studies that have – since 2001 – documented the contamination of Mexico’s native corn varieties by transgenes from GMO corn, principally the varieties introduced by Monsanto’s Roundup ready lines and the herbicide-resistant varieties marketed by Pioneer and Bayer CropScience.

  该项共同起诉得到2001年以来的研究科学证据的支持 它们档案记录了墨西哥当地玉米品种遭到转基因玉米的污染,主要是孟山都引入的抗草甘膦转基因品种以及杜邦先锋与德国拜耳作物科学推销的抗除草剂品种。









  The collection of the growing body of scientific research on the introgression of transgenes into Mexico’s native corn genome has been a principal goal and activity of the national campaign, Sin Maíz, No Hay Paíz [Without Corn, There Is No Country].


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  • 两日热点
  • 一周热点
  • 一月热点
  • 心情
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  5. 菲律宾冲撞中国海警船,中国会打吗?
  6. 否定了错误,并不代表问题不存在了
  7. 近20年中国社会分层剧变的特征与趋势: 一位清华教授的直言不讳
  8. 司马南|对照着中华人民共和国宪法,大家给评评理吧!
  9. 张志坤|“先富”起来的那些人将向何处去
  10. 就算明着不要脸,你又能怎么办呢?
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  2. 送完一万亿,再送一万亿?
  3. 湖北石锋:奇了怪了,贪污腐败、贫富差距、分配不公竟成了好事!
  4. 紫虬:从通钢、联想到华为,平等的颠覆与柳暗花明
  5. 李昌平:县乡村最大的问题是:官越来越多,员越来越少!
  6. 朝鲜领导落泪
  7. 读卫茂华文章:“联想柳传志事件”大讨论没有结果,不能划句号
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  10. 司马南|会飞的蚂蚁终于被剪了翅膀
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  2. 郭建波:《文革论》第一卷《文革溯源》(中册)论无产阶级专政下继续革命的理论和文化大革命
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  4. 吴铭|这件事,我理解不了
  5. 今天,我们遭遇致命一击!
  6. 尹国明:胡锡进先生,我知道这次你很急
  7. 不搞清官贪官,搞文化大革命
  8. 三大神药谎言被全面揭穿!“吸血鬼”病毒出现!面对发烧我们怎么办?
  9. 祁建平:拿出理论勇气来一次拨乱反正
  10. 说“胡汉三回来了”,为什么有人却急眼了?
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  6. 送完一万亿,再送一万亿?